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Posts posted by importtuner

  1. Love how the dumb bitch tried to turn the conversation negative and he slapped the shit outta her....

    I don't trust a single thing that guy is saying. He and others are telling Trump and the base exactly what they want to hear. The Assad opposition are all jihadis. They need U.S. firepower to destroy Assad in order to expand their caliphate. These jihadis are slick and have not only faked attacks in the past, but have shamelessly used children. Look at this child. She's reading a fcuking script!



    The 7 year old even has her own twitter.


  2. If you show me pictures of Jews and Christians holding severed heads, then we can say the same thing about them. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim. And regardless of being peaceful or not, their ideology doesnt mesh with modern society.

    Let me refine this further, just in case someone is offended...

    100% of Jihadis are Muslim. Maybe its time for them to GTFO, if they choose to live in a parallel society within ours, and for the west to stop immigrating them. There is only one candidate that says and will do what needs to be done.

  3. So... I read an interesting article a while back that the photos of European women with "welcome" signs seems to support...


    This is a bit freudian and maybe a touch tinfoil, but here goes... Take a look at the women in that photo...


    First of all, ok... What motivated them? I mean immigration policy? wheres the jerkoff smiley? Seriously... At first blush, who cares? I would think most people are completely apathetic on the subject. Import them... Don't import them... Who gives a shit? (and maybe once it starts causing problems, like terrorism and rape, you turn against it).


    You're telling me these young, attractive women, who in absolutely no way would support sending TROOPS to Syria to end the fighting, are so big hearted that they have to go to... where? An airport? And hold up a sign? (in english??? weird?) that says "refugees welcome"?


    Look at their faces. If you're a MAN, you KNOW THAT LOOK... Those are "fcuk me" eyes. They're not welcoming these immigrants to their country... They're welcoming them to their bodies. They could just as easily be holding up a Justin Bieber sign at the front row of a concert- and theyd send the same message- "take me backstage."


    "What? Roman youve lost it!!! Why would they do that???"


    Because European men have become so feminized that theyre no longer sexually attractive to women. Sure... They'll do when there's no other choice to continue the species... But these women are subconsciously importing testosterone. 10 million years of evolution have programmed women to want MEN. Strong, dominant, masculine men. And two world wars fought on the continent, that wiped out entire generations of young men, and left their sons to be raised by mothers and grandparents who learned that all things masculine are bad, and who passed those lessons on to their sons and grandsons, has caused a shortage of masculinity in Europe.


    Sure... European women THINK they WANT metrosexual shemen... But they cant fight their DNA. Unfortunately, the men they're importing think they should be stoned to death for being out in public dressed the way they are, or at the very least, gang raped...


    Stockholm syndrome could also explain it. You are 100% correct that western men have been effemenized by generations of liberal man hating by the feminazis, but that brainwashing hasn't affected Muhammadan men who isolate themselves from women and greater society, and project an aggressiveness and manliness that women are naturally attracted to. There is a reason why the rise of western converts to the cult happen to be women. They fall in love with these apes.

  4. Wow that is incredibly racist thing to say. I know many Muslims that are smart, hard working and highly educated. To blame terrorism on Muslim as a region or race isn't right.


    What if I said the same thing about Jews or Christians? I am sure it would be a message of hate and not allowed. I don't think we should blast Muslims but seek to understand and have Muslims denounce acts of terror in public. This would be more constructive I would think.


    You CHOOSE to become a Muslim. You can CHOOSE not to be one. Its not a race and never will be. Stop conflating the two. Muslims denouncing crap doesn't do anything about the radicals among them wanting to take innocent life. What Muslims need to do is either put the radicals among them in check or reform the religion. Since this is not happening and all we hear is lip service, we nonmuslims have no choice but to take action ourselves. "Islamophobia" is a result of Muslim inaction and Muslim feelings become secondary when innocents are being murdered every day.


    Jews and Christians get crapped on all the time and certainly no one is accused of being a racist for trashing Christians. When Christians push bad ideas, there is a pushback, but when the same is done to Muslims we unfortunately see naive responses like yours. Jews, however, have the unique identity of also being an ethnicity and the crybabies among them pull the anti-semite card at whim, resulting in a privilege that no one from any other group has. Point is that no religion is above criticism, especially if its beliefs incites hatred and violence against non-believers, which exactly describes Islam. No one with a working brain can conclude that Islam is a religion of peace. Its not and never has been. This religion has physically threatened non-adherents since the beginning. It either needs to be reformed or destroyed. Since reformation is not happening and apologists like you never offer solutions and are usually in hte way, lives will continue to be lost. This cannot be the new norm and needs to end asap.

  5. Merkel should be publicly hung for her traitorous ways. If the left hates themselves so much, they should just end themselves, and not let a whole country erase itself due to the guilt trip. Wherever these ungrateful Muslim cockroaches are allowed, they grow in numbers, strain the economy, commit crime, and don't integrate? Did not Europe learn its lesson from 1400 years of Muslim savagery against her? These people simply cannot co-exist and every place they're allowed to grow, they turn to shit. Look what happened to Lebanon, once known as the Paris of the Middle East. Europe is going to learn the hard way.

  6. Yup, pretty much. Radicalization within the religion of Islam is spreading and there's no end in sight.

    Islam has always been radical and the most dangerous person in the Muslim community is the imam. By far, the most dangerous and they are much smarter and conniving than they look. When he is given all authority to interpret texts and discourages the flock to do the same, he has full control over their minds in addition to influencing law in the muslim world. In the west, its not the imam, but rather the nonreligious leftard that incessantly apologizes for islam and comes to its defense whenever its criticized.

  7. Secular doesnt mean religion free. Its a Muslim country, the same way America is a Christian country... The government are secular. The people are religious... And yeah, the Muslim call to prayer is louder than church bells...


    I don't even remember the last time i heard church bells, but if i had to live through a call to prayer 5 times a day, I'd probably strap on a vest myself.

  8. Clearly, slaughtering, raping, pillaging, enslaving, limiting the rights of people, and subjugating them to lower classes of society are evil. If a religion pushes that towards people because they are not part of the tribe or belief system, that religion is absolutely evil. Muhammad did all of the above. He was absolutely evil. Islam is evil. Its time people admit it, confront it, and finally destroy it. Its a moral imperative for the survival of western civilization.

  9. The world is better off with America in a position of strength, something that erkel in the whitehouse doesn't believe in. Islam has and always will be a supremacist, imperialistic religion with the desire of world conquest. Their god promises it in the book they believe to be his verbatim words and Muslims have a track record of it. There is no time to pussyfoot around Islam. Its only strength they respond to and its only strength that shall be given to them. If any Muslim tries to bring that caliphate crap to the west, there will be a bullet to his head and to every bleeding heart lefty that apologizes for and defends this cult. A cult is exactly what this is. An ultimatum needs to be made to the Muslim community; either you're with us or you're not. No middle ground. No compromise. The world is sick of hearing about Islam's "contribution to peace" every fcuking day and if Muslims think that's too "islamophobic" to bring up, they can fcuk off and live in a country of their own.

  10. Islam has always been radical. For 1400 years Muslims have enslaved africans and europeans, RAPED and traded non-muslim women, murdered and pillaged those unbelievers who decided to resist, and extorted nonmuslims out of wealth and goods so their life and property would be spared. Their savagery spread across the middle east, north africa, spain, asia minor, india, and china. Learn about who this man Muhammad was FROM PRIMARY SOURCES and everything will be as clear as what the sun shines on.

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