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Posts posted by gutshot

  1. Sad news. I've been following Phil Rudd's progress over the last year, pretty interesting times he's having as well.

    Agreed... regardless if one is a fan of AC/DC there are very few, if any, bands that come close to what they have meant and delivered to the rock music world over the last 40 yrs or so. There are NO bands that are stepping in to fill that gap.



  2. So you would actually shoot someone because they threatened to harm your car . Do you not think it is a little excessive ? It is just a car after all , can be fixed


    Depends...Who really knows what the intent might be? If you're stomping and bashing on my windows and doors I may suggest that one may be ultimately looking to get at me for physical harm, robbery ,or perhaps even murder. So yes, if that was the threat that person very well could very well find themselves KTFTD right there.


    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


  3. So who does the perp walk on Monday, Manafort, Flynn, Podesta or Hillary? Something tells me the latter two are sleeping just fine, the other two however are more than likely shitting their pants.



    Prolly Manafort ... once we get that small fish out of the way the real heat will be brought to bear on the actual criminals although you and I both know that none of them will ever be held to account such as ..


    Lerner (already exonerated)







    That is exactly how the swamp operates and maintains its status... you or me ? We'd be in the fcuking penitentiary faster than you can spell that shit.

  4. Another prime example of the antifa / anti-capitalist mentality that is becoming more and more prevalent in our society. These fucksticks have become emboldened due to lack of any consequences and in many cases , encouraged by the leftist/prog/ demoncrat establishment.


    If that fucker had tried that here in Georgia, on my car? I would have been justified in shooting him the fcuk to death as I would have been in fear for my life.


    The more there are no consequences for this shit, the more it will happen.



  5. Yes, Sekulow is a fcuking crooked cunt.



    "Independent accountants review the nonprofits annually, Robertson said, and the IRS has found them to be “in full compliance with all applicable tax law.”


    Nice try but you're going to have to do better than that to try and smear Sekulow. Especially with that Washington Compost fake news BS

  6. Fantastic Fairlady Z car Sir!


    My 17 yr old gearhead son says "no way" does that guy have a JDM real deal Fairlady. I told him that I'm pretty sure it's the real deal and it is beautiful either way! Well done and not over done as others have stated. Would love to know more about the history if you care to offer, if not, no worries.


    FWIW, Your car and others like it help to inspire my son to work hard and apply himself to reach greater heights


    Frickin Awesome !!



  7. First off, I respect the business knowledge of many of the members here and I have a few questions for those who can provide insight.


    My dear wife is a self employed contractor who does any and all types of transcription files ( they talk, she types). The majority of her work comes from a small biz owned by two equal partners and one of those partners has decided to retire at the end of this year. Becuase of my wifes stellar work ethic and quality of work delivered they have offered my wife to buy out the retiring partners' share of the buisness. My wife has a meeting with them this coming Tuesday and we are compiling a list of questions for them.


    A few of the particulars.


    1. They have been in business for around 10 yrs and are very well repspected in that very niche field.

    2. I'm guessing they have around 10 to 20 contract workers whom they depend upon.

    3. There is no office as both current partners are home based so overhead is virtually zero.

    4. One of my first questions for them is what was thier average revenue for the last three years?

    5. What is the retiring partners average take?

    6. I'm surprised that the business has not been replaced by AI and voice recognition. I'm told that machines can't replicate emotion from voice files nor can they pick out the nuances like sarcasm, etc..

    7. Age and tolerance wise, my wife just turned 50 and I'm 55.


    I would appreciate any questions my wife should have for them when she sits down with them later this week.





  8. Yes, Russia is a "If you give a mouse a cookie ..." equivalent. Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Putin is EXTREMELY smart and knows exactly what hes looking to accomplish. Make no mistake,Russia is not our friend.


    Which is exactly why we should have nuked them back in 1957 when the window was open. I know, HOW COULD you say that ? Well... we not only could have we should have went and done it. Imagine a world without the communist menace and the tentacles that have far reaching impacts on the world today.

  9. Yup, I'm in energy as well let's put it this way: Compared to the alternatives Coal is a miracle energy source. It's abundant, easy to(relatively speaking) to extract and manipulate, and the amount of energy you get from it is pretty mind blowing. The alternative "green" technologies are the inverse, they are much more complex and difficult to build, manipulate and the energy you get from them is nowhere near what you see with coal. Now I am not a hard core coal and oil guy, like any tech coal has it's issues. But don't believe all the fairy-tale hype the Green tech guys are spinning, half of it is feel-good fluff meant to get you to invest major $$$ while they try to get it figured out on their end.


    What makes coal so great in the short term and long as well is that since we've now figured out how to extract and refine oil shale (most oil is produced from oil sands) we've effectively added a significant amount to our oil reserves. Of all other alternative technologies, nuclear is the one with the most promise because of how efficient it is and how much power it can out but...but no one wants one in their back yard because when something goes wrong, it goes really wrong.


    Why the Paris accord is just fluff is for the following reasons:


    1) The Agreement was non binding by any country which means anyone can opt out of it at any time. There are no legal repercussion, it's all about "the honor system." The only legal aspect is that you have to provide your report once every 5 years.


    2) Each country has to set their own defined "aggressive goals." That can literally mean anything. China can say reducing it's greenhouse emissions by .002% is "aggressive."


    3) This Agreement required the US to pay billions to smaller countries to help them reach the agreement, so of course they want the US in to keep the bankroll open and going because most of these countries can't afford the energy projects they want and they don't want to pay for them.


    4) None of this was about actually climate change. It was about a bad deal and Trump got us out of it plain and simple.


    5) In the US we effectively have this accord in place with the Energy Regulatory Commission, so why do we need to pay to join a world organization that has no teeth or enforcement ability? It's literally lighting money on fire.


    That's the issue with a lot of the left and media...people who don't know how the energy world actually works or what is actually in these deals but they hear it's green an think we need to drop everything and be involved in it. Most of the green tech guys are absolute pirates that have way over promised and under delivered. By no means are the guys in coal saints, but what they did built the modern world and you have to understand that much. You pull the plug on coal and yes, the world will go dark the second that happens.


    You expressed that so well the mods should sticky it.


  10. So I don't know much about the Paris accord but I don't understand pursuing coal. Maybe the two items are not intertwined? I apologize I'm ignorant with this subject. Can someone who knows explain?



    Approximately 65% of USA electricity comes from coal. About 41% worldwide.


    Think about that for minute.


    I work in energy and trust me, if you turned off the coal the world would go DARK in short order. I'm all for alternative energy and actually look for ways to improve efficiency in all sectors. Nothing wrong with keeping the lights on while we continue to develop alternatives.. Nuke, Nat Gas, Propane,Oil,and Solar combined can NOT keep the lights on.

  11. So this is what incompetence looks like?



    1. supreme court nomination

    2. withdrawl from TPP

    3. illegal border crossings - down

    4. construction of border wall starting in summer ---- > (edit) STARTED!

    5. destruction of over-regulation

    6. manufacturers coming back/staying

    7. Dow - up

    8. market - up

    9. debt decreased by 100B

    10. manufacturing - up

    11. jobs - up

    12. Dems/Liberals - exposed

    13. the disaster known as Obamacare crashing - exposed


    Hush yo mouf lest you spoil the libtards delusions of impeachment... LOL ! And DJT is just getting started. It's going to be a long eight years for snowflakes and progs!


  12. btw this thread title is a 2 at best.


    Chris Cornell fell on black days


    Agreed ... not my best work. At least I didn't go with











    The Day I Tried To Live


    My favorite Soundgarden Tune

















































    not too soon!


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