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Posts posted by Fergy33WF

  1. Bought myself an M235i and love it to death! Ignore the crappy dealer fake chrome plate holder wearing off. haha... It has gotten nothing but rave reviews from every magazine/blog/video out there. X-drive available this year as well if you need a DD.






    Definitely worth a quick test drive at the very least.

  2. One thing to consider, this is a banked turn with different size rear wheels. I haven't personally driven one, but my understanding is you steer these things with the throttle and they don't turn worth a damn otherwise.


    Just saying, there are a few plausible situations other than he mowed this kid down maliciously or even accidentally while still being a Dick.


    From the video it doesn't even look like Stewart really hit him to cause the spin.


    I hope.they do have some gopro footage or quality TV coverage. If he did this intentionally he needs to be charged and banned from racing.

    This is exactly it... You can't just turn yourself out of the way. He got on the throttle and tried to cut to the inside of the track, which unfortunately shot the back-end out exactly like they are designed to do. The other two cars were able to "dodge" him simply because he wasn't nearly as close in the first place. I'd also say from a visibility standpoint that he may not have even seen him until the last second. That may have contributed to the late and jerky reaction.

  3. That Doug Demuro loves Doug Demuro more than Kanye loves Kanye. He thinks he is some sort of celebrity/jalopnik god because he drives a 360 modena and he relates every single post he makes to his ferrari. Humble-bragger to the extreme.

  4. Won't be buying anything Colt for awhile:

    They would eat some huge expenses and terminate jobs for a large portion of the 750 employees who likely wouldn't be able to move their families out of state on a whim. He is just making a good business decision and protecting his current employees. I wouldn't boycott a company for that. Seems a bit unreasonable.

  5. I understand that it´s not illegal to follow someone, however, i don´t think it´s that easy. Put your self in his shoes. You´re 17(yes he might have been a badass gang member or an insecure little boy, all speculation, let´s leave this out) and are being followed by a grown up. I´d be scared shitless. In this situation it´s either fight or flight. So you´re running but can´t shake him off. What now? He might be a psychopath you really wanne let him now where you live? the next thing you can do is talk to him but then again you probably feel the adrenalin rushing out of fear already. What would you do?

    I can understand that he was trying to beat the guy unconscious just to erase the threat(from a rational standpoint the only thing to do).

    Now I´m not saying either one of them is guilty and the other one isn´t, just don´t understand how people can be so aggressively on one side( and I mean both sides, I can understand zimmermann to some extent too) without trying to put themselves in the shoes they´re judging.

    It´s just a shitty situation and not so black and white(ironic?) as some would want this to be.

    Would zimmermann not have gun he´d probably be in hospital and martin would still be alive, imho, a much better outcome than both having they´re lives ruined.

    Martin lost Zimmerman for 4 minutes. Martin came back to confront him. Out the door goes your little situation.

  6. I was questioning all the jesus talk. More power to you if thats the way you truly feel. Im not going to say anyone is wrong in their thinking.


    I thought about this after the Red Bull Stratos jump that was also live. These things what would happen if something negative happens? They are surely on a delay, but if they cut away you know what happens. Seems like a big risk for the networks too.

    What would happen is their ratings go through the roof.

  7. I was reading at a different website a comment on this where someone said that S.B. 374, which outlaws all semiautomatic guns with detachable magazines, probably won't pass because it goes against what S.B. 47 does (the bullet button ban). The commenter said that if the California legislature was confident that S.B. 374 would pass, they'd have withdrawn S.B. 47, so they probably just want to offer up both so the Jerry Brown can "choose" S.B. 47 and thus look more "moderate" on gun control.


    Requiring $50 whenever to purchase ammunition is crazy though!

    Funny thing is that will kill small ammo sales and now everyone will buy by the thousands assuming it is per purchase and not scaled with price.

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