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Posts posted by Lasombra52

  1. Those are on her site. Maybe she released them?


    Highly doubt it. She just had a kid and these pictures are the furthest thing from her mind. Just weird that they would show up. Those are all really old pics also.

  2. Actually right now is by far the best time to go to Disney World Parks. September is historically the worst attendance numbers (Meaning less lines) than any other month..... If you can deal with the heat. All of the kids are back to school, and the hotels are typically only around 35% capacity this time of year. So if you really wanna see Disney, do it the second week AFTER Labor Day each year.


    Me personally... been there done that, don't really wanna go back. But you can see and ride every single ride at Magic Kingdom in September, versus 3 hour waits for damn near everything in June and December. Also the Orlando area might be too far of a drive from Fort Myers.


    Just my $0.02 worth.

  3. We went to Fort Myers / Naples a few years back with my then 7 and 4 yr old daughters. Loved the beach. I would HIGHLY recommend the Naples Zoo if he likes animals. It is a pretty good zoo. Crazy layout also. Don't miss the boat ride through the primate area, if you do go. Just a thought.


  4. Can't cruise with an imaginary Acadia. Just saying. And no I'm not a liar and don't teach my kids that kind of thing. I get it now about the writing reviews of "his" cars. I understand now what all the fuss is about. I do come here to read about owners rides, and if I were to see this detailed review of a car, then come to find out that person never owned one or driven one, then I would be pretty pissed.


    Thanks Porter for the warning, but I walked into this one on my own.

  5. Fine, you want pictures. Here is a pic of my GTR:



    And just for Fortis, here is my SV:



    Couldn't get a current pic of my Acadia, so I took a pic of my buddies Yukon.



    And I'll have to get a pic of the Porsche later.


    What do you have to say now?


    LOL, leave the kid alone. What does it matter if he claims to own them or not? If he does, then that is impressive. If not, it's not like he is hurting anyone with saying that he owns it. I for one do not own any exotics yet. That's my goal and I'm working towards it one day, just not in the books right now.

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