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Posts posted by jakt123

  1. I passed on extended warranty on my SL. My logic is that short of a catastrophic engine failure I just don't see warranty being worth it. Not sure what car you are looking at, but at least the Gallardo is very solid mechanically, the only expensive somewhat normal issue I know of with them is e-gear pump failure, but the repair for that is probably less than 2 years of extended warranty.

    I'm looking at a 2008 murcielago

  2. Lambo NP is one of the best dealerships I've ever dealt with.

    Thats what I had heard and hence I called.



    if you were selling your car privately and a guy called asking to test drive it I'm sure you wouldn't be jumping at the chance to throw him the keys.


    But there is a slight nuance. I did not say " I am coming down to drive this car" I asked what the policy was for test drives, and the response " no test drives without offers, we don't want to add more miles "[ the cars have over 6K miles at least] , hence my question on this thread. Since I would have to show up to drive anyways, they can always refuse if they don't think you are a serious buyer wasting their time and more importantly stupid enough to waste your own.



    If your serious then whats the big deal about discussing some numbers anyway? Once you have a Lambo they invite you to all the new model intro's to try them, but with no prior credibility I see their point

    Fair enough but for cars that are not brand new and not worth millions of dollars, IMHO probably not the best sales pitch.









  3. What's the dealer? If it's in SoCal they obviously have enough of the cars on the floor, and are insured for this shit. I like the Auto Gallery guys. O'gara is full of cockbags. Symbolic always seems to be low on new car inventory so I can see them not offering test drives on new cars unless serious.

    Just to clarify it was over the phone @lambonb. One of the cars in question had over 16K miles so its *not* a new car.

  4. I can see why they would have a policy. I don't see what the problem would be with sitting down and negotiating the deal and then making the numbers contingent on your approval of the car with the test drive. It would certainly keep the tire kickers and folks looking for a ride in an exotic out of the mix. That said, it may alienate someone who isn't sure if they want a Lambo or a Ferrari, although I would imagine that they do the same thing at their Ferrari store they own down the street.


    I would think by now they might have figured out who is a tire kicker or looking for a ride in an exotic and who isn't. Plus I was on the phone so its not that I was jumping in the car trying to drive anyway.

    Having said that may be an in person conversation might lead to different results. My Mercedes dealer tries to get me to test drive every new S65 / S63 coupe at the dealership even when I have told him Im looking for a Lambo / Ferrari hoping I will change my mind.



  5. Hey JAKT123...I have a client that called me the other day to sell his 2004 Pearl yellow Murcie. I have service records and a few outside photos, but the owner will be visiting his Florida residence where the Murcie currently sits in about 10 days to get me more photos. I haven't advertised it yet. Email me at [email protected] if you have an interest. Thanks for your time!

    Sent you a message on the board. Thanks


  6. Kevin2772 & I are pretty sure we sat in that car at a private dealer in Houston and they admitted to redoing the whole interior due to engine fire and god knows what else on the outside. I would just be afraid to buy the car for fear of what damage they did miss.


    Thanks for the info.

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