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Posts posted by Motivated



    Senile! But thats how it goes...

    70 year old rockers, in support hose...

    Maybe, Its not too late...

    To put in my dentures, and eat a dried date....


    Bed sores, not healing...

    Back's in constant pain...

    Im going off the rails on the old age train....

    :lol2: :lol2:

  2. Poor little spiders have such a bad wrap.


    Unless they are a Red back, Funnel web or white tail (main dangerous one's in OZ) I'm happy to have them hang around.


    Jumping spiders are pretty cool animals, very curious, I find them fascinating.


    Spiders mean no harm so I treat them accordingly.


    Agreed, maybe we're just used to it over here, I got bitten by a white tail a couple of months ago because one decided my shoe would make a nice house for it. I didn't know it at first just felt a pinch on the top of my foot, because I was so busy with work at the time I didn't take much notice of it but about a week later I noticed a circle of dying skin that was slowly getting bigger each day, had to take some strong anti-biotics for a while it got rid of it but from time to time I can still see an outline of the circle.

  3. They don't jump out to me as logos for an app developer. If you were to use the octopus, you could have the icons of your apps on the end of the tentacles rather than eyes, then at least you convey you're an app developer. As Lirim318 said I also thought of the M with a cross looked like a medical reference.

  4. That is a horrible tragedy. How did his helmet come off like that? Perhaps improperly fitted? Or perhaps a freak accident?


    Very terrible and tragic. RIP.


    It looked like the strap was still done up but had snapped off the inside of the helmet when Rossi hit him. Mustve been hit so hard it snapped, that alone would have caused severe head and spine trauma.

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