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Posts posted by Pretzel_Guy

  1. Nahhh thats over rated bro, TRUST ME.


    Will be ditching the ole ball and chains any day now...Than off to spend my free time like Danny boy!


    Atleast thats what I have been saying for the last 2 years...




    2 years.....so that's working out pretty good huh? lol




    I need to hit you up next time I am in Vegas, from what I've seen or read, you guys do it up big! I can't say I have had a trip out there like that......could be a life changer.....

  2. His flash does not impress me. I'm more impressed how he wears the same pants every day. Even black tie events he has those damn camo pants on. LOL. Those pants need their own IG page.



    Doesn't impress me either buddy....but I do think some of his antics are comical. As far as the Seal stuff goes, if he's ever around a group of the them I hope he has LOTS of security, because it won't be pretty....




    Maybe I should start flying in my buddys chopper and taking pics with some chick over my shoulder to put on social media.




    Nah, fcuk that, I hear divorces are expensive......



    Besides, I want to be like RB and VBUG when I grow up.....Low profile riding around in "one" of my Lambos or Veyron....




    Is putting it off one more day! The wife and I both had it done on the same day about 10ish months ago. I couldn't even read my alarm clock without glasses or contacts, and as far as driving goes... NO FN WAY!


    After being prepped with Xanax and sent to a dark room to "relax", I went in sat down, was lowered back in the chair....looked up and saw a big red fuzz like haze. They kinda scary part is when they peel your lens back everything goes dark, the laser did it's magic for about 25 seconds, they pull the flap back over and DAMN!!!!! the big red fuzz is now a perfect red dot and I can see PERFECT!!!! Next, the other eye (repeat steps above).....


    My vision is now 20/20 & 20/15. I would do it again in a second! I believe the total cost for both of us was only $6,500 (they give a discount for paying in full). It's honestly worth whatever they charge in your area, like I mentioned before, I would do it again in a second, pay double, whatever.....not having to wear glasses or contacts again....is PRICELESS!!!!!



    Feel free to ask me any questions, or shoot me a PM.




    DO IT!

  4. For someone who claims to have won $500 million playing poker. Why does he wear the same one pair of tan camo pants every day? LOL. And he only seems to own 3 tshirts. One is the white one that says "Painman" on it.



    C'mon now....you know he's got like 10K of each of those shirts......





    and apparently A LOT of credit at Aria....

  5. not that bad ass at all. B)

    this is bad ass !!

    this was this past weekend at the Texas Mile. one of my good friends, Tim. Home built Motec 3.6 turbo. built his own motor, wired programed and tuned the very first motec on a 996 turbo, and did his own aero stuff... pretty amazing.

    227 not under full boost, missed a shift, and fought a 30mph head wind. .. he still won the texas mile (2nd time). we'll be at the pocono event in two weeks.



    I'd say that qualifies as bad ass!!!!

  6. I understand where you are coming from. We all deal with those things in business.


    This quote has helped me, and I have found it to be very true, I hope it helps you as well.


    "Remember.....before something great happens, everything falls apart"


    Stay Strong, Stay Focused, Stay Positive......it will take you where you want to go.

  7. WTF!!!!!


    You all haven't driven it yet? What are you waiting on....


    I had some reps bring me one down to try out for the day, it was the coolest thing ever. They brought it to the house and said "have fun"!!!!



    Probably one of the best days of my life.....



    Wait.......Shit........That was a dream......thought I was VBUG & RB there for a minute.....



    Anyway, back to reality.


    I (me) don't own any exotics :(




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