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Posts posted by 13MM

  1. Thanks to Judges and Lawyers with frivolous lawsuits. Doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals must pay extremely high insurance too. It's not IF they will get sued it's WHEN. Every time I see those TV adds I think. "Lawyers, lowering Americans standard of living, one case at a time. " Same goes for Auto insurance, Workman's Comp, etc.. I will stop my rant,


  2. Sorry not a specialist , Although I have been afflicted for the past 3 years. Went to eye doc about 12 times, got an eye shot , didn't help. Operation option

    didn't really guaranty improvement. And will promote cataracts. Seems to be slowly getting better , which doc says can happen. Worst part it's my dominant eye.

    Now using the other. Sucks but not a lifestyle changer. Good luck

  3. That video being circulated is weird. Perfect camera tracking. Like there is actually something stuck on the lens. Image never wavers in frame. Also the only digital motion is the time. No other instrument readings are changing. Such as distance, tracking or motion . Like camera is actually motionless. Only fog or clouds are moving. Notice how all conspiracy theorist are retired so and so's ? I say bogus.

    Aliens are actually humans from our future. They cannot be caught because they come back the day before and were not actually here.

  4. Trump can juggle more then one thing at a time. Build Hotels , Golf courses, Hi rise buildings, shopping malls, restaurants, ect. all at the same time. Unlike most politicians. Who can't chew gum and walk at the same time. He's working on all of the promises he made in his campaign. These tweets are just a detraction for the media. Maybe, even his recreation. This guy is high energy. Notice how he says something that seems outrageous. Then weeks later. After the media twists and turns. Nine time out of ten turns out to be true? Remember you can keep your Doctor.


  5. Congrats ! Kids are the single best thing in life. Had my kids when I was young. Regret not spending enough time with them, while building my business. Now a grandfather of 5.

    The advise I give my children. Be patient. Babies are like ( don't be offended ) retarded people that are slowly getting better. Old people are

    slowly getting retarded. So please be patient. Remember everything, all concepts, tasks, and experiences. That may seem so simple to you.

    Are new and completely abstract to children. Give them a little time, you will be amazed how fast they learn the things that were/are difficult for you.

    Most of all, enjoy their childhood. It will be over before you know it.





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