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Posts posted by DenGordon7

  1. What kind of car did you say you own?


    Mike, it seems we disagree. You have your convictions and I have mine. You have your values and I have mine. It was my mistake to assume that others share the same beliefs as I do. There is no need to try and make this personal. Since I am 22 and a college student, I drive a crappy ford, but it gets me to where I need to go. When I have the money, I'll buy something faster and nicer, for now this will do.

  2. I don't know if it's the rap culture of the elitist attitude and wealth that is associated with this car but I've always wanted to see what the buzz was all about. There aren't many here in MN, but I'm sure there are people here who've experienced them.




    Value for the money?

  3. She will let me spend my money on one of my passions eh? Holy shit sign me up.


    Remember, I am as far from wanting to get married as I can be at 22, but it makes ZERO sense why some guys think they have to always ask permissions and have their wives allow things.. and have to always answer to silly whims and demands just so she is happy? What if you are not happy without a Lambo? Will she run out and get you one? And I've seen marriages (usually with non-US raised) women where there is actually a fair balance..but from what I hear..whoo hee I won't be married for a very long time..

  4. I will trade you my mp3 player, a lighter, one time use FUJIFILM, chapstick, Hanae Mori empty bottle of cologne, KLM worldperks card, a $25 parking ticket (unpaid), a 6" lightstick, 2 AAA batteries, 48 cents, one ear plug (used), and a local bookstore memebership card.


    Reasonable? Depends. Awesome? Definitely.

  5. tBut I did figure out real fast that Im nothing special and no better than anyone else cause I have a Lambo, it doesnt define me or my life and its just a car. For me, the only thing of monatery value that I like are cars, so it doesn kinda suck the think how can I go up from here after getting my two dream cars so fast and so young, but it is better than working my entire life just to get them and figure out its not what will make me happy and was just a waste of my time.


    Dan, I love how you put it. That's the thing I admire about well centred people - they know that no one specific thing defines them. Nobody should ever try to id themsevles based on one thing. That's why I am afraid of what will happen if I ever go to parties in LA - as soon as I hear the girl say "What do you drive" as an introductory statement, I'll probably start laughing my ass off and tell her I got a bus pass. I like that quote from Fight club - "you are not your job, you are not your car, you are not your fcuking khakis.." excellent quote - if you are well centered you don't define yourself as a specific category. Glad you understand that as well Dan!

  6. Dude how do you feel when you watch Lebron James on TV.. the guy is a year younger than me and is tearing it up.


    I honestly don't even know if I would want to have that much money at my age now - I mean, where do you go from here? Right now I have dreams that keep me in check..but if I got it all at 22, what the hell is the next step?

  7. Drivers aren't buyers and buyers aren't drivers.... it's THE oldest rule in exotic car sales,


    Hey guys, all of you who drive cars, apparently we have never bought them. And all of you who bought them, you never drive them! Oh, the power of deducing.

  8. Well I sure don't want you to offend anyone, but since it seems you know way more about this topic than most if you could do a little write up and post it somewhere with a warning, I am sure there would be plenty of people who'd appreciate it.

  9. So what really went on? I am fascinated by shit like this.


    the most bizzare thing I've heard about was when someone put a kilo of blow (in a bag) inside a dog to sneak through. Another one that happened was someone finding a thrown out couch. Looked inside and found a LOT of coke inside.

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