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Multi-Lambo Owner
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Posts posted by LamboJoe

  1. Damn! I'm surprised the car split in half. That looks like a fairly residential or business area so speed limit can't be that high I would think. Glad the driver wasn't injured!


    it's a residential area chipster speed limit 30 which he must have been doing 70.

  2. Did ur mechanic have a Lambo computer and concluded this using the computer with a transmission error code?


    Often, egear failure are due to other issues. How is you battery voltage? Egear fluid level? These are the simple things to check first.


    Does the egear prime when door is opened?


    Battery in 3 weeks old, fluid is good, e-gear pump is good, when you open the door it does not prime when the door open's.

  3. The potentiometer are for egear to keep track of where the shift shafts are so it knows where each gear is at. One is for forward and backward and one is for side to side.


    Same a replacing a clutch the engine/gear box must be removed.


    The labor time is a bit high for the job.


    he will be lucky if he gets $80 an hour after I'm done with him.

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