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  1. what do you think about these rims on a yellow c6 POS? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/18-17-Corve...bayphotohosting p.s. how much do yellow brake pads cost?
  2. http://image53.webshots.com/453/6/16/53/23...50RQshWN_fs.jpg http://www.hoveymotorcars.com/newzimmer.html i have a busted one and i was wondering how much they are? are they rare like the deusenburgs? is it worth fixing up?
  3. u did but i turned 18...ok so if you not gonna answer dont respond
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/flipper202/1559689693/ im guessing aorund 70 grand...if im right thats awsome why wouldnt everyone buy one they dont look bad...how fast?
  5. I do go to school, and i try hard in it too...i do good but not perfect (heck i have summer assignments and i havent started on it yet!) you see im thinking baout selling my Beamer which is worse for a teen but i want to sacrifice so ill live an eay life later, like you guys.
  6. I have a used 325i at age 17 and i am constatly handing my pay checks every month to my parents to pay for the car....I also have a 94 maxima. should i sell my BMW and save all the moeny i get from work (not save give to my parents to help pay their payments) and drive a cheap car now so when i take over the family business and change the business i can have a really nice car i think that if i keep the beamer i will have a cheaper car in 7 years than i would if i sell it
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