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  1. i actually dont really know the exact imcome and i could be completely wrong....i do remeber him talking baout somehting like 70,000 last year but how could our income go so high in a year...i guess if income is low he might have usd his business account maybe? because he owns a business and its doing well
  2. dude i know ima get a lot of shit at this forum but im so curious on why its fair, hey your name is hovik your armenian like me
  3. Okay last week my dad bought an 06 gallardo and i am so happy because im 18 years old and im a senior at my high school and its been my dream to "own" a lambo so young well since its been three days since hes had it weve had so much fun and we drove a lot today i tell him to let me take it out and drive around and he just snaps at me he says are you kidding me, you think i would put this much responibility into your hands? i said omg whats so wrong i know how to drive i just want to show my friends in my head i pictured driving in front of school and everyone seeing me drive and that was such a good feeling and he said theres no way its out of the question one day when we are in an open empty area and im with you then MAYBE i said theres no point i just want to drive where people are this sucks i was so excited about it and i wanted to be known around for this 18 year old guy who drives a lambo...i would do so much girls and this was an opportunity of a life time wouldnt you want this is you were my age? come on funny thing is that we arent rich that much we live in a somewhat big house but not to big to own a lambo...i dont even understand how he could have afforded it we make like 70,000 a year...how did he do it? dont you have to be rich to buy one? is this fair in your opinion? and dont forget its a lambo come on...and why the hell did he get 06 i dont get
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