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Juice it

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Posts posted by Juice it

  1. They never stopped existing, in fact they're bigger now than ever.



    I meant in that place they created in Oregon. Seemed like things were going well for them until they were messed with and got desperate and brought in the homeless and targeted officials out to get them. If there were only 50 or so people in the town and they bought most of the property you would think they could have just paid off the few holdouts left.

  2. fcuk, I stayed home all weekend watching this. I remember being mesmerized by this story back in the 80's as it was happening. Sheela was GANGSTER!


    Some more footage...







    Watched this over the weekend, crazy! I wonder how long they would have lasted if they were left alone. They may have been nuts but they cranked out the work in that place.

  3. I know many of you just want this thread to die or be deleted but I thought I'd pass this along. I spend a lot of time in the Cayman's. I also have a second home here and over the last 30+ years have a lot of local Caymanian friends. I'm currently down here for part of the winter and many of the locals are fcuking furious over the shithole comment. So what I'm imparting to you is if you're a Trump supporter keep it to yourself you'll get better service here. Take it for what you will.



    Why would we want the thread deleted? Most would vote for him again tomorrow.

    Keep what you yourself? Do you you think people actually go around telling others they come from a shithole?

  4. How about if he clarified and said we just want the best people from these shithole countries as well as the best from any country or we don't need them at all. You think any of these Ivy League admissions wants the best and brightest or the first 5oo shitheads that apply? Why is it ok for them to have a process to better their institution but to better the USA is racist/homophobic/ xenophobic and whatever else. How can repubs counter all the new voters when there are only an uber full of them that are smart and would vote republican vs buss loads of new dem voters.

  5. I got my wife a power pressure cooker XL instapot from bed bath and beyond and it def gets her cooking more. They must be doing a massive internet marketing plan for these things because until she asked for it I had never heard of them and now I see people mentioning them all the time. She made pork chops in the thing last night, don't think she has ever made them in 15 years of marriage so I guess there are some benefits to the thing.

  6. And what exactly is the solution? The biggest wall could been around mexico and all muslims could have been deported out of the country but this tragedy would not have been avoided. Sure, guns don’t kill people and the primary issue is mental health but thats not a very realistic way to look at things. Try as you may you will not overcome mental health issues anytime soon. We’ve only begun scratching the surface on mental health. What do you do in the meantime?


    There is no solution. Crazy people will always be able to harm people one way or another.

  7. Most people do not go to the build every day like it sounds like you do and they don't see all this stuff but it always goes on. At least you were able to catch most things. Personally I would drop the things like blowing the nose on the wall and stick to the real issues that are most important to you. In the big scheme contractors leaving trash and a little overspray are no big deals, the pavers and drainage and wrong windows and issues like that are what I would focus on.

  8. Another epic presser today, Double Down is now fact checker in chief and didn't want to misstate the truth. LOL. Walked back yesterday's hostage video. Fcuking disgusting.



    I don't know what you are watching, he called out the white nationalist 50 times by now. He also called out the scumbag Alt left and the press and libs go crazy. The mom of the woman that was killed accepted what Trump had to say. Both sides have poor excuses for humans but only the right can be called out without the snowflakes getting their collective panties in a bunch.

  9. I thought the whole point to immigration was to learn the language, embrace our culture and want to be an AMERICAN not still a member of whatever community you came from while using the resources of your new host country. The drain on public schools. hospitals, insurance and the extra crime that the laughable lib studies try to show sanctuary cities are safer than non which is a joke. If all immigration stopped tomorrow I don't thing we would me missing a beat. We should try a moratoriam on it for a few years and we can go over the data collected, criminal, graduation rates, gang violence etc. your stories of someone coming here with nothing and now they are driving an exotic with a nice business are one in a million. There are more gang violence, class disruption etc to wipe out anything good.

  10. No no.. lol.. no. I never said evenly. I never even said "fair".



    I'm merely talking wages keeping up with inflation. Nothing more. That is not unreasonable. What we have now is owners wages destroying the inflation rate since the 90's... this is why we're having the discussion we're having. All goes back to someone's lunch getting stolen...


    Maybe the lower skilled drones that get 15 per hr to start are taking from the people you describe. Once upon a time entry level jobs were just that, now they are supposed to support a family. Can't have it both ways. I still say someone contributing to wealth building will get rewarded by owner or another company will take that person.

  11. Nobody generating wealth for me based on my property taxes.


    Anyone generating wealth for a company should be paid accordingly and if he isn't he is free to go elsewhere however you seem to feel like the wealth should be spread across all the workers, that's not how the world works. The owner may have been eating cheese sandwiches for 20 years before making it, jealous workers never seem to consider what it took the owner to get where he is.

  12. Let me ask this:


    With all of these proposed/speculated tax cuts that benefit the wealthy, any US business owners plan on increasing pay for your people?


    You don't have to answer..



    Tax cuts are not some windfall of free money, it is just the govt "allowing" you to keep more of your own money. I am sure many will hire more people but raises should be based on merit, not your income. If your property taxes get lowered do you give that to charity?

  13. First thing you've written I agree with. Journalism and reporting is supposed to be the facts and the person reporting just a vessel to allow us to hear it. Somewhere along the way these journalist and reporters thought that we should start carrying what they think about it as well.



    Journalism is dead. I can't think of anyone that really hides their own beliefs like they used to. Its pretty sad when you need to fact check any juicy stories and then fact check the fact checkers. That is why most people watch personalities that confirm their own views. Many of us junkies go across the spectrum to see what the other side is doing but most casual news watchers stick with channels that spew their own thoughts and parrot the talking points to their facebook friends.

  14. Well, as far as Muslims go, they most certainly do speak English, especially in the city in that video. The only ones who don't are typically elderly. The youth absolutely do. Do they often function in their own language when among one another? Sure, but so do Chinese/Cantonese, or Indians, or Mexicans. Even Europeans revert to their native language if they happen to find themselves in a group. A Chinese grocery and restaurant isn't much different than an Arabic or Mexican one. Chinatown is awfully Chinese, but no one has a problem with them.


    Wheels, have you ever lived in or traveled to non-English speaking countries? You may be surprised to find out that American expats are often the least likely to learn a foreign, local language. There are far more French and Germans that speak English fluently than there are Americans that speak French and German. There are far more Thai and Chinese who speak English than Americans who speak Thai or Mandarin.


    It is a double standard to say people aren't assimilating well and don't want to use English so much when in fact Americans almost never have to or make little attempt to learn the local language since the locals already bridged the gap for them. Americans today are lucky that their native language just happens to be the "global" language that everyone else has to learn, and that American culture is so widely consumed abroad.



    So where are all these Americans going where they want American laws and values in their new adopted land?

  15. Also, we are not talking about just policy issues, it is personal insulting type of hate spewed all day. They don't even give much coverage at all to his actual policy or anything that gets done. It clearly is having the opposite effect as intended though because most outside of the coasts see right through it and support the office even if they don't agree with some of the petty shit he says. The more these moronic celebs spew their garbage the more people start to side with him. Interesting times.

  16. I'm not gonna lie- I think this is a really odd, inverted view. Maybe its geographical location related? But- I think Obama had (and continues to have) far more hate-based ridicule than this guy. THIS guy= makes his own bed. The reactions of the people are directly related to his nonsensical, childish and many times incoherent tweets. It's funny- I think you all know I liked Obama for many reasons- but I was more than willing to see what happened with this guy. Not a week into it, heck, maybe it was three days into it and I couldn't believe that people could follow this guy.


    Does anyone remember that time the Dixie Chicks had something to say about 'Dubyuh'? They were cast out of society for their words. The world has changed. I have heard the whole BTTF II Biff world parallel with what we have now. I just happened to feel like crap this morning and stayed home with the girls. They watched BTTF II while I rested on the couch. It's SPOT on.



    Are you serious? You must not follow any mainstream news sources if you think Obama was treated even remotely like Trump has been. The liberal media fawned over Obama and still does for the most part. Trump is an ass but he is a constant source of ridicule and hate all day long on most every outlet.


  17. People need oversight.

    There is no doubt that the my money cetrainly wasn´t used to it´s fullest potential. Any system has short comings at any rate.


    I am self made an I still don´t have a problem with giving a sustainable amount of my earnings to other people who are not.


    Fortis I´ve been reading your posts here for years now and it´s always pretty much the same thing. Self made people this, selfe made people that...

    You have to understand that people come in different shapes and views. Just because someone is self made doesn´t mean that he or she has to have the same views as you do. It also doesnt´mean that he or she is a "good" person, not even that he or she is especially intelligent(have met way richer people than me who were plain dumb) or even proficient at the thing they are doing.

    Do you know what it means though?

    That he or she was at the right place at the right time. Nothing more, nothing less.


    Every decision you have ever made was made by a brain and a body that wer formed by you genes, you mothers genes, you father genes, your environment, your nutrition, your social life, your hormonhousehold.

    Do you see were I´m geting at here?

    Google determinism and take your time to let it sink in. Look at the literature in regards to free will and decision making.

    You might than understand why I have no problem giving some of my income away for the greater good.

    If you can´t understand that than I´m sorry that you are so very close minded to your own beliefs and morals.


    Giving away also makes rational and logical sense.

    In every society, the top earners are a very small percentage of the total population.

    If you don´t take care of those beneath you they will levergae the only weapon that they have, and that is their overwhelming number in contrasts to the rich.

    Ever heard of the french revolution?

    I guess you understand where I am trying to get at.


    Again, capitalism is a model that we needed, just as feudalism was before.

    However it´s running it´s course and we will soon be in need of a new system thanks to massive technological advancements.


    Btw, let´s have a look at some of the worlds self made billionaires:








    Big difference between giving to whoever or whatever group you feel like supporting vs government taking your money and blowing it on supporting causes you do not believe in and its a huge slap in the face to have taxes raised while we drop ship pallets of cash to Iran and pay for freeloading immigrants that despise us. People are free to give as much of their own funds away as they see fit, most people do not appreciate someone else giving away their funds. The whole "you didn't build it" argument is a tired one and clearly not working at the moment.

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