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  1. OK Guys thank you so much for allowing me to chat with you. I really enjoy talking to TRUE car guys (and gals). I will be back. Only this time I'll write a macro for that damn "ADD REPLY" button. Headed into the studio. THANKS
  2. I listen to.... The Crusaders, All Things P-Funk, Marylin Manson, Ludacris and alot of the original New Wave
  3. Good question: I never feel finished. Although I've had some success and some failures I always seem to yearn for something else. Not always lucrative.... just new
  4. There were two people who scared the hell out of me when I met them. 1. BB King. I was at the grammies and he was in front of me in a line where winners go to talk to the press. I didnt realize it was him and I was cussing up a storm and teasing ugly MoFo's walking around. BB King was standing the with Dr John and they both turned (as if to say shut the f**k up) I was shocked!! I was like...."I just pissed off BB King and Dr John". I got an autograph and picked my nuts and ego up off the floor and walked away in silence. 2. Muhammad Ali. I was in San Jose, CA in the late 80's and Ali got in the elevator with us. Again, my tough ass went quiet. My friend said "Hey Champ" and Ali says "you callin me a tramp?". He then proceeded to throw a few jabs our way. They were close because of the breeze. I was too scared to ask for an autograph first car was a 1969 Buick Electra 225
  5. Right on man. Those were fun times. Young, Dumb and kinda well off. Dangerous Combo
  6. you are absolutely correct. So I can now blame Ken Griffey JR for my old school Gemballa and he can blame me for his e class with the wide body ABC/Koenig kit on it. LMAO
  7. Joy the last I checked the Carz video was #12 most shared today on Youtube. However, the counter is broke until midnight? What the hell is that about? 310 views is all it shows but I hear its nearing 25,000.
  8. Sniff, Sniff.... you smell that? Is that Car Brandism? dont commit auto hate crime
  9. This car is for sale to anyone stupid.... oops I meant smart enough to step up. I cant believe I still have this thing
  10. I moved it to the new house. My contractor built a cool little set of shelves for the Grammy and the American Music award
  11. let me try it Piece of Sh*t. Hey I got a different result
  12. Yep thats My big bro with my 1991 Diablo. That car was so weird to my insurance agent at the time he question whether or not it was legal
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