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Posts posted by fmari

  1. So many choices right now. I need help in getting some light switches automated. We just purchased a house built in 2003. 5600 sq ft with lots of 3 and 4 way switches. I know 3 and 4 way switching is a deal breaker for some of these wifi light switches. Can anyone share some advise or experiences? Thanks a bunch!!

  2. I would look into the Ryobi garage door opener. Pretty cool opener with ports to add attachments. Add a overhead compressor, laser parking aid, drop down extension chord, bluetooth speaker. Problem is that now they are hard to get. Home depot pulled them off the shelves. I guess something with patent infrigment with Chamberlan.

  3. " I'd LOVE to have me a government job where I punch a clock, am paid on a scale based on ass-in-seat time... gees that sure does sound nice. (jk)"


    That says a lot about you. Ifr you want more money you have to earn it. Get a 2nd job, become more valuable to your boss. Stand out from the crowd. Invest and make your own profits. Save money and start a business.



    "You (the royal you, you- meaning those who have) are killing incentive by taking huge paychecks and paying out "industry standard"... which is nothing more than again, a coc k fight where this guy is more hungry and is willing to do it for less. It is THIS that kills the incentive of everyone else. "


    We (business owners) deserve what paycheck we decide to pay ourselves. I worked and saved for many years to have enough funds to start my own business. I jumped ship and risked it all, my job and my savings just to start a buisness. I worked 15 hour days 7 days a week for years. Didn't even collet a paycheck until 3rd year in business. This story is common, I am no different than many of my peers. Now you are saying that we should pay higher than normal wages to give you an incentive? What ever happened to earning a higher salery? Life is not fair, never will be. Learn to be an Alfa male and take control of your life. Don't get me wrong you can be an Alfa and work for someone. Make yourself standout from the other workers. Climb the ladder.

  4. 36 hour fast isnt as bad as it sounds.

    Stop eating at 8pm. once you wake up and do some stuff 12 hours have already passed. By the end of the day you have 24 hours finished. Keep yourself occupied and go to bed early if you have to. once you wake up struggle for a few hours and boom, 36 hours has passed. Eat but dont go crazy, or you will be in the bathroom for a while.

  5. I used to practice IF. My eating window was noon to 7pm. Worked good. Did cure my shaking and headache situation if I was low on blood sugar. Even though I dont IF anymore I still dont get the shakes. While practicing IF I used to do 36 hour fasts. Just drink water or black coffee, no calories. No as hard to do as you may think. I describe it as almost spiritual. You have energy and can focus but you are as calm as ever! I miss those 36 hour fasts. I may start them again once or twice a month.

  6. Years of body building is starting to take its toll on my left elbow. Nothing I can't live with if I had too but I do feel a constant tightness and pain. Wondering about stem Cell treatment. Any thoughts or experiences you guys can share. I am male 41 yrs old.

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