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Posts posted by Falken


    I'm pretty sure Roy has a set as i've seen pics of his murci playing in the snow.


    Reviews? traction in snow and ice?

    I ask because the same set that fits on a Murci or diablo should fit on my Viper. I wanna let my snake out to play this winter (write my name in the snow lol).


    Anyone have a set that your not putting to good use? I'd be interested in taking them off your hands...pm me :)




    (If this should be in another section punt it there)

  2. Ventador is still growing on me...i felt the same about the murci when it showed up in 2002.


    The SV is the murci at full boil...and its fantastic.



    My only two gripes with the ventador...the mirrors just look like big gallardo mirrors to me and i don't know why they couldn't have done something more unique style wise for them. And i think the wheels look like the wheels on a toyota Venza (anyone else think so?). But i'm sure that given time new sexier wheels will come and body/mirrors will receive slight revisions and i will like it even more than i do now.

  3. Meh...supercars have never been about lap times to me. (although bragging rights are fun)


    if you buy a supercar for the lap time (or the track) i think you've got the wrong idea entirely. if you want lap times...buy a dedicated track car. no frills, one seat, full cage, track car...i assure you for half the money you'll be WAY faster around a track!


    Supercars IMO are about status first, beauty and speed tied for second, cruising comfortably with your girl third and practicality can be damned. anyone in a pagani zonda F or a slr 722 or a lp640 who could give a damn how fast a nissan GTR is...well i think they are just thinking about the game all wrong.

  4. At a business cross roads. getting tired of my current businesses (two small biz)...probably will sell them in the next year or two. I've been thinking a lot about what i want to do next.


    I'm curious about the business of exotic/luxury cars. I've always considered it to be a hobby business...usually owned by someone who made their real money in another field, but because they have an affinty for exotic cars thus they have an exotic dealership. I've always thought of it as the kind of business owned by someone who didnt need it to make money. is this pretty accurate? or am i mistaken?


    i'm not at the point financially where i can sink resources into a business to break even.


    small to large...is there real money in exotics?


    (I see Cats Exotics expanding their showroom...does that mean yes? or does roy do very well in another field that supports the addiction?)

    (for example http://www.londonmotorcars.com/index.php this is a small luxury dealership with a 15 car inventory in Vancouver...is there really money in this kind of operation...or is it a play thing for someone who made their real $$$ elsewhere?)

  5. I think Lambo should do a four door sedan....and...a suv :) (yes i know kill me)


    but they should all be badass! the Estoque with 600hp would make it the most powerful production sedan on the planet...and freakin sick.

    and a SUV with the same 600hp...maybe a detuned Ventador engine (like the LM002 had a countach engine)...and with some decent off road cred like the LM002. real ground clearance, real tires, locking diffs......i've always though if a Gallardo and a hummer H3 had a love child it would make me smile from ear to ear.


    Lambo should always aim to make a profit...or at least break even...but they dont need to become a volume driven company. Lambo is a play thing/test bed for Audi. They should focus on make batshit crazy vehicles that people "want"...and the engines and tech will trickle down into vehicles people need (audi's RS, S, Q & A's).

  6. everyone involved with the LFA must whince when they see vids like this. LFA does sound awesome though :) 150hp more and we'd all probably be drooling.


    Not sure why everyone is so bonkers over a stock 10sec 12GTR...werent C6Z06's running the odd 10sec 1/4 years ago? (without launch control or AWD) Like the C6Z the GTR is a hella of a car "for the money"...maybe its a hell of a car at any price. i look at them in traffic...but it just doesnt have that "thing" that makes me wanna plunk down cash.


    I just think people, legal, hard working, voting age citizens should get to do what they want with there money. if i wanna work hard and chuck my money into a wood chipper cause i like the sound it makes...why the hell not. same IMO goes for gambling. i hope the big poker sites beat this somehow. (i do think they should pay taxes like any other company operating in the US though)

  8. When i see Ring times for the 2011 breed to super/hyper cars...even when i see the ring times for crazy one offs like 599XX's and Zonda R's...i'm always impressed with the 2008 Viper ACR's 7:22. Nothing fancy...just bludgened it...and most people at the time seemed to think there was still a couple seconds left to shave. (shrugs) (not being a viper fan boy...just havent seen many street cars match it that dont cost a million plus)

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