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Posts posted by RedGTS

  1. Jonah (Barron), said his car is making 1500+rwhp at 30psi of boost, and he was going to the TM. Not sure what color it is though. Should be about the same power as Peaks car.


    That car is black, but whether that's it and if so how much boost he's running, how far he has his foot in it, etc. is impossible to know at this point. Don't they have 2 more days of runs after today? If so I suspect there may be a lot of experimenting going on. As Gary said there is a lot more to this event than just showing up and flooring it, and I'm not sure anyone would be really disappointed if he didn't go faster than 220-225.

  2. Red,

    My comment wasn't meant to be taken as fact. It's simply my opinion based on my experience in two different cars at this venue. Maybe the G is totally different, but in both the Viper and Ford GT, it seems to take about 1000whp to hit about 220mph in the mile. I would be surprised if the Gallardo was way off that mark, but we don't really know since this is the first real showing. I assumed that 25psi would produce pretty big power numbers, and I am guessing at those levels, the TTG's should have more in them on a nice clean run, and once all of the bugs are worked out. I know how hard it can be to get the perfect run at the mile. A lot of folks think you just show up and blast it, but a hell of a lot more goes into it than you would guess. That's why I have a ton or respect for any of the guys that go out and try to run a big number, friend or not.


    Understood. Obviously there's a good bit of speculation involved, but hopefully we'll get some more facts soon.

  3. Either they weren't running that boost level, the system is really inefficient, or they weren't in it the whole way. I'm not sure of the G's CD, but it should only take about 1000whp to hit 220mph, and one of their TTGs should be able to make that number at a much lower boost level. If UR is planning on running their big power numbers down the strip, they should have what it takes to challenge the record.



    Sitting behind a keyboard anxiously waiting for results.


    I'm no standing mile expert, but I'm not sure you can extrapolate hp to top speed that simply. CD, weight, and gearing all matter, and is that calculation based on theoretical top speed period or theoretical top speed in a standing mile?

  4. One thing though. Other Porsches I've looked at that have the paddles have the up/down on either side, vs. the more traditional down on the left, up on the right. Is it the same way? Pulling either paddle upshifts and forward downshifts?


    From what I've read you can actually get either. The regular "PDK" wheel with the buttons that operate as you describe, or an optional steering wheel with paddles that operate like our E-gear systems. First manufacturer I've heard of doing that. Maybe they're going to use that as a way to figure out which is more popular and then phase the other one out. I've driven a Cayman PDK and the buttons work ok, but it definitely takes some getting used to after being used to a left/right oriented system.

  5. Thats impressive. I wasnt expecting them to crack 225mph as when they ran in Miami, they had a 50mph head start when they turned into the Mile+ length runway and they hit 238.6. If I had to guess, they are slowly upping the boost run by run.


    That's what I would think as well. AFAIK none of the guys running the UGR cars have ever done a mile event before, so I would't think they'd go balls out from the get go. 220-225 in the standing mile in anything is nothing to sneeze at, and it's really cool knowing a Lambo can do that.

  6. Yeah, my guess also, since that seems to be the only thing missing from the N. American version, but nobody seem to know for sure. There are 6 pins per connector, which seems like about 3-4 too many. Hoping that someone knows for sure.


    Surprised that there are no Lambo Technicians on this forum that would know for sure. Should be simple stuff for them....you would think.


    Swif is one and he knows his stuff, so it must not be something that comes up that often.

  7. I thought the early jerkiness was largely remedied by the later clutches and software updates? My car shifts pretty darn smoothly, but it does have the latest clutch and program, and I've never driven an '04-'05 with the "first edition" stuff. This sounds like an interesting possibility, but I'd definitely like to hear from someone who has tried it (and especially someone with a newer car or older but updated car--I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to improve on the original '04 programming if there are still any out there).

  8. I'm with State Farm, they won't let me insure the TT system though, so if someone rear ends me or whatever I'm out 60k.


    Not necessarily. If it's their fault, and they have insurance or assets/income, you should be able to collect from them. That can be a big "if" sometimes though.

  9. No offense Mike, those are horrible. That exact wheel is one of my least favorites. The stock wheel is 100X hotter. In Atlanta, they started painting Hermera wheels all black gloss but making the smaller spoke of the two the car color. It looks awesome and that wheel is very similar. I don't have a picture but it could look really cool and is an inexpensive option. I am not a UR fan, but the black matte HRE's that they have on their green car are awesome too. Ronny has something similar for sale, hook his up!


    That would be these:


    They would look killer on a green car IMO. I sold them on ebay over the weekend but haven't heard a word from the "buyer" (who had no feedback). If you're interested let me know and I'll make you a deal on them; I'd rather move them than relist.

  10. Anyone could suggest a good anti fog brand? I get lots of rain repellant products here like the Rain X but never seen any fog repellant lol. Could anyone chime in and give some ideas?


    Do they play paintball in Malaysia? :) Seriously, paintball players use it on their goggles to keep them from fogging, and WalMart and other places have it. If you don't have paintballers or WalMarts I'd try an optometrist or store that sells glasses, as I bet they may have it too.

  11. I hit 27k miles this weekend during the Crescent Classic rally. Had very intermittent warning come on. I will have my mechanic replace pads and rotors with Audi RS6 components. If anyone is interested I can do a photo series to confirm for once and for all that the RS6 components actually work on an early Gallardo.


    Please let me know as the cost savings are significant.

    (The complete front and rear job with parts and labor will be a $1000 less than just the front components excluding labor with Lamborghini parts)




    Definitely update us with what you find out. Pics would be great too. Thanks!

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