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  1. Hey Leo. Been missing you. I'm not on this forum much but wanted to reach out to you! Hope all is well! Rob
  2. Well said SpyderBite! I cannot believe $500 regardless if I am wealthy or not. There is principle involved. This is no different than what companies charge for skid plates. Two pieces of plastic...$400. Shameful!
  3. $495 (even $395) is ridiculous for two pieces of plastic. No way could it be cost of "engineering." Jewelers can make exquisite, complicated rings from scratch in less than a day which includes waxing, creating molds, pouring, finishing, etc. I would love to have a set but anything over $100 is absurd!
  4. ag02m5 (Ryan) converted my unit to NAV. Awesome job, super quick return back to me and very reasonable price. I highly recommend him!
  5. I am in Phoenix and looking for a great deal on a set of Apollo or Callisto wheels. Tires would be great as well! Please e-mail me if you have anything you'd like to get rid of! rob4092 at cox .net Thanks!!!!
  6. I certainly have never heard of this. Performance seems pretty linear until just before they fail.
  7. I wish my 360 was worth $100k! $80k is more realistic but still on the high side.
  8. Thanks goodness they don't require front plates in AZ! Good luck guys!
  9. Problem is if it is low on Freon, you must have a leak. Putting more Freon most likely will just leak out again!
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