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Buyer Beware: DMC.TUNING.Germany

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*for all images, the link under each photo is a larger version linked- the image wouldn't fit otherwise*

*Do let me know if I'm breaking some rule in my post or something, I'd gladly adhere to whatever guidelines are set up*

Hello LamboPower,


It's unfortunate my first post ever is one on a negative note, however, I'm going to take a wild assumption many of you are a fan of the DMC Molto Veloce...


I was a third party associate of DMC.Tuning.Germany for a little less than a year and boy are is it an interesting company.


As a disclaimer, the motive behind this post is because of the extremely unprofessional manner in which DMC.Tuning.Germany operates and treats third parties as well as customers. They owe a small amount of money to my photographer and I for multiple photo shoots that we did for them. In the grand scheme of things, the manner which they treat third parties shouldn't necessarily affect…. you per se; unfortunately, the reality is, it does. Here's why.


Before I begin with how DMC.Tuning.Germany affects you I'd like to elaborate a bit on how my personal experience with them has been. I am the agent for a small handful of photographers one of which is Marcel Lech Photography (MLP). MLP has done 5 shoots for DMC.Tuning.Germany, mostly photos and a couple videos, ranging from Toro kit Gallardo in Vancouver, Molto Veloce Aventador in Miami, 430 Conversion kit in Vancouver, McLaren Velocita in Vancouver, Molto Veloce with Bugatti Vitesse in Vancouver, and video for Molto Veloce SV in Hong Kong.


Marcel Lech Photography agreed to shoot a majority of these cars free of charge, as we are driven as a group of enthusiast rather than a corporation, under the strict condition that no alterations would be done to the photos and that they were not for commercial use (they can share it on Facebook but not make posters or catalogues ...etc). In the case that there are alterations or commercial use, there would be fees. In essence, our original intentions healthily promotes not only DMC.Tuning.Germany but MLP as well as some of these kits have never previously been photographed professionally. Sadly, literally not one single one of our shoots was left untampered.


Every time we shot a car that was remotely DMC.Tuning.Germany related, DMC.Tuning.Germany would steal the picture or video, put massive watermarks on it, and post it on their L4P, Facebook, Instagram, Youku, Weibo, Vimeo and other social media platforms. Sure, you could say "well so what? you put it online, right click save as bro". Do keep in mind this is supposedly a professional company. If I took wonderful pictures of my iPhone, does that mean Steve Job from his grave owns my photo? No, not in the slightest. DMC.Tuning.Germany went as far as posting up stretched out, butchered, and hideously watermarked photos, that belonged to us, on their corporate website without our consent for their online catalogue. They have since taken it down since we are pursuing legal actions. Here’s a screen shot of what it use to look like.





They also printed thousands of copies of altered photos in their catalogues to be distributed around the world also without our consent. These McLaren Velocita photos in the catalogue were from the last shoot we ever did with them, we explicitly through phone calls and emails said if these photos were to ever be used commercially we would have to be paid, they agreed to these terms upon using the photos. Even our watermark is removed.





Enough about us, let's talk more about DMC.Tuning.Germany.


For anybody with a pair of eyes, the spoiler on the official McLaren Velocita release was crappily photoshopped in by someone in DMC.Tuning.Germany in almost all the photos. There's a reason why it had to be photoshopped in. It was literally a piece of shit. DMC.Tuning.Germany sold the kit to an unsuspecting customer in Vancouver. The kit arrived. The shop tried to install everything. The shop had to cut in to the OEM McLaren bumper to install the the front lip. Everything went on except for the rear spoiler. Why? SURPRISE! This was actually a prototype unbeknownst to anybody. It wasn't possible to install or use as it kept hitting the car when the spoiler deployed; you had to deploy the spoiler to install it. German engineering my ass. If this was your McLaren would you have paid 25k+? Don't even get me started on how the whole kit was misaligned. There were huge gaps everywhere on the thing. It looks great in photos or from a far, but I wouldn't want to the kit even if it was free. It is garbage. The car currently still drives around locally without a DMC.Tuning.Germany spoiler as they have yet to send a replacement- the car was shot back in February... It's mid May now. DMC.Tuning.Germany also refuses to refund the customer and pay for damages to OEM parts. The spoiler wasn't just "kind of off" it was a whole two inches too low. Installers had to put cloth in the area of contact to prevent denting and scratches. How does a company mess a whole two inches up? What are they doing in their “GERMAN R&D HEAD QUARTER IN DUSSELDORF” ? How does a professional company sell a prototype kit without mentioning it once?


Here's an onset photo from the shoot- notice how there's no spoiler.








MLP went down to Miami back in November last year with DMC.Tuning.Germany, I'm sure a lot of you saw our photos or videos of the grey Molto Veloce Aventador cruising next to palm trees.




Wanna hear a joke? DMC.Tuning.Germany.


Similar to the McLaren Velocita kit, there were issues with the installation. there were awkward gaps in the front bumper and the spoiler ran an error code- just like the white one from Los Angeles and every other DMC Molto Veloce Aventador. In order for the German engineered wing to not rip off, the dynamic actuator had to be disengaged. This caused a check engine light error code to constantly pop up. Yet again, ask yourselves, would you want to pay 25k+ for a kit that has misalignment issues and an error code that can never go away? I certainly wouldn't. Sure it looks passable from afar, but so does a girl terribly bad acne. Its in the details that kits like Masonry and Hamann costs so much, sadly there was no detail in execution to these DMC.Tuning.Germany kits.


Here's a video screen shot of the check engine light



Here's the link to the video


I've reached out the Greg Schoner the CEO of DMC.Tuning.Germany multiple times and more recently, heavily in regards to the McLaren Velocita photos through phone as well as email. Heads up to anyone that has problems with the company, he "shares" the company email with his accountant, Thorston. Greg Schoner replies under Thorston's name to lose the heat when things go bad with the company. In fact he did this right now right before this post when I reached out to him. Greg Schoner on the phone claimed he had no knowledge that he was, without authorization using our photos, altering our photos, and printing our photos in his company brochures. He also claimed " a lot of things go by me without my knowledge". What was the most insulting part of it all was when asked what he plans on doing about our situation he replied with "It's the weekend here, bai bai" and hangs up followed by frantic emails from "Thorston". Does anyone here know the definition of Chief Executive Officer? Greg Schoner certainly doesn't.


Greg Schoner takes no responsibility for anything illegal or negative that his company does and always deflects it hoping it goes away. Greg’s mentality is that whenever there’s a DMC.Tuning.Germany car in any media be it video or photo, he is entitled to them even if he sold the kit and in no way has ownership of the car. He has no sense of what the meaning copyright infringement means. From my standpoint DMC.Tuning.Germany has the mentality of “We’re helping you, the photographer, spread your beautiful photos to the masses even though we butchered it for commercial use, took off your watermark, shoved our big logo on it, and not given you any type of credit- but you should still thank us. No one would’ve seen your photos if it wasn’t for us. Seriously, you’re welcome.” Trust me, we’re not the only photography group that DMC.Tuning.Germany has done this too. There are individuals or groups of photographer from Europe, Singapore, Vancouver (other than us), Los Angeles... just to name a few.


Still think DMC is legitimate? Take a look at their website. When you read “about” them theres a slide show depicting their “GERMAN R&D HEAD QUARTER IN DUSSELDORF”.



If you do a reverse google image search of the building, a number of odd things come up.





1. This is in no way DMC.Tuning.Germany’s “GERMAN R&D HEAD QUARTER IN DUSSELDORF” building but instead a cellphone related company called Tectrum/Mimoon. Here’s a google streetview link of the exact building tectrum - Google Maps

2. This building isn’t even in Dusseldorf. It’s actually 28 km away in a town called Duisburg. If you’re curious on how to get there here’s a google directions to the building in the photo from the actual given “GERMANY (R&D + Manufacturing)” address listed under their “contacts” Heerdter Lohweg 226A, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany to Tectrum - Google Maps


Well what’s the place that’s actually given under “GERMANY (R&D + Manufacturing)” in their contacts?



It’s actually some ghetto looking place with graffiti on the walls. Quote them their “GERMANY (R&D + Manufacturing)” is at “40549 Düsseldorf, Germany”




Here’s the direct link on Google maps if you don’t believe me. Heerdter Lohweg 226a D-40549 Duesseldorf - Google Maps





With the evidence that I’ve presented, and I certainly hope you’re convinced that DMC.Tuning.Germany lacks absolute integrity as a company and as a CEO. The burning question is where are these parts made then? Well from my point of view, judging from the shoddy-ness of the actual parts, and the fact that their “manufacturing plant" is actually making cellphone related stuff aka non-existent, in my opinion, chances are it’s where your shirt is made. Is your shirt made in Germany?


If anyone bothers checking, most of the pictures under the “CARBON FIBRE” tab. The slideshow consists of pictures from the machining company’s brochures... like the people that make the machine, not "workers" in “DMC’S GERMAN R&D HEAD QUARTER IN DUSSELDORF” using it. Carbon Fiber : Production from the Mold to the Autoclave Vacuum


Whether or not you care that the DMC.Tuning.Germany sells misaligning kits, prototypes without customer's knowledge, refuses refunds, does not follow through with replacing broken parts, sends out broken parts knowing full well they’re broken, and the fact that their manufacturing plant is in fairyland is your call. I’ll agree the kits do look nice, but with everything else in mind I certainly wouldn’t endorse them at all. Would you really want to buy something from a guy that posts this on their company Facebook page? Last time I checked, the only mediocrely publicly acceptable personalities to flip the bird are rappers... and even then at best it’s mediocrely acceptable.





Here are some other pictures that might be interesting to you

Their links are dead since we filed copy right infringement.




puddy being used on the corners of the DMC.TUNING.Germany F430 Scuderia Conversion




To anyone that has questions and especially the admins in regards to story, feel free to post below I have no issues clarifying anything. I simply want what rightfully belongs to me and my photographer.

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This is a car forum. If you as a photographer have an issue with a client ripping you off perhaps a better way to handle it would be a lawyer.

The products that DMC make have been around for a while, ( I for one have never used them), and people continue to purchase them.

Your presentation of facts is, at best, child like. It's not helping your cause

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Lately, this forum has been innundated with posts like yours. We are not the complaints department nor the airing ground for personal issues with other individuals or companies. Lawyer up and go after the party that did you wrong.


I am tired of these posts .

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