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    Long Island
  1. He sat in jail for 8 days because he couldn't make bail. Charges were dropped against him months later because of his outstanding cooperation against the codefendants. How could anyone have traded him anything legally when both the lamborghinis were owned by Manhattan Leasing?
  2. No, you guys went to the PD at which time Ryan was mirandized then formally interviewed by the detective. Then what you claim to "know" completely contradicts the confession that he gave the police.
  3. Think twice about spinning these yarns buddy, there are recordings and transcripts of what really went down...
  4. It's called Karma. That's cause he changes ebay accounts constantly. He was called Formula racing among other things when I dealt with him... http://feedback.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBa...tab=AllFeedback That was one of many accounts he was using back then when I dealt with him, feedback speaks for itself.
  5. I had a similar problem with this guy about 6 years ago but under a different ebay account, he had several. I'm in central florida and he's in west florida, it took him nearly two months to send me my order, trivial $200 order but the guy had a shit attitude.
  6. I've had an issue with someone online and am trying to identify them. Is there anyway to pinpoint a name or a location based on the IP address and the time the person was emailing/posting? Thanks in advance for your help. Test
  7. Fighting over food no less! Were those meatballs worth it shank?
  8. This all started because he left his cars with a felon who was running an exotic car rental business who among other things were renting the cars to pimps, drug dealers, degenerates, etc. The principal of the rental business is about to start serving a lengthy federal sentence next month, looks like he's been setting people up around town in order to shave time off his sentence.
  9. Tell me about how subleasing your car isn't illegal again?
  10. The I "subleased" my cars to an exotic car rental company and got my ass in hot water rock.
  11. No, you're not. They have a rather flippant attitude when it comes to returns. It's a lot easier to buy from a dealer.
  12. Car was for sale for ever at $89k with no takers with Roy (maybe even in the $70's at one point), now you're talking $150? Good luck with that!
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