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Everything posted by WheelsRCool

  1. I think he was very self-righteous, that he had that, "All businesses and businessmen are evil" type of mindset. However, nonetheless, I agree that I don't think prostitution should be illegal. If it's two consenting adults, it's no one else's business. If a woman (or man) wants to use their body for business, that's their business. However, it is hypocritical that he shut down some other prostitution operations and also was so self-righteous and yet was doing the very things he claimed he was against. Also, you can't be the GOVERNOR of NEW YORK STATE, one of the biggest states in the Union, while being MARRIED. If he was single, well that'd maybe be different. In other news, I have plans to start a sex toys company in the future. I have the name of it and the company motto thought out already too
  2. Are you being sarcastic? (about it being a B.S. law). I don't know if he should be charged with anything, as I haven't really thought if prostitution should be legal, but he is a public official, this is still a disgrace IMO.
  3. I have always felt he was an A-HOLE, too self-righteous seeming. The poor wife though, she has to stand next to him and take all this crap! He has lots of enemies on Wall Street now too, they aren't going to be any help now. Sucks for his family too. What is the world coming to though? That guy from "Dinner Impossible" on The Food Network resigned too because he lied on his resume (said he cooked for the Queen or something). So is he going to just resign or is he going to jail or what? I can't believe what his Harvard Law Professor just said: He said that if this had been caught in any other country, it wouldn't even be news (!?!).
  4. As long as I am tired, I will conk out easily. My natural clock though always graviates towards me staying up till like 10 AM in the morning and sleeping until 6 PM. I don't know WHY this is though, it never feels the same when I go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 6 AM, but reversed it's great. It will be great when I go to Las Vegas and can apply that sleeping strategy
  5. There's a pic of Peter2 somewhere around here, never seen abolfaz (though I hear he's Iranian ).
  6. Well yeah, I am intending to take architecture classes though, not to become an architect per se, but because I love architecture so much. If I can't draw well enough in time though, I will hire an architect Speaking of, since you are an architect, what exactly does an architect DO? Are you guys experts at designing/drawing buildings, or is there more to it then that...?
  7. Oh yeah, and how the hell do we go from a thread showing some fine vaginas to this!?
  8. Anyone remember that story about the guy who took an overdose of Viagra I think it was and then had a heart attack, so his corpse was lying there with an erection IMO, what is the point of being married if you are going to have sex with other women? If you want to have sex with other women, DON'T GET MARRIED, it defies the point of the marriage. We men unfortunately are biologically programmed where we want a main woman who is loyal to us and ours solely, but we also want to have occasional side-dishes But if you marry, be loyal, otherwise don't marry, and screw around. As for gayness, IMO if you can manage an erection to have sex with a guy, you are at least partially gay or bi-sexual and just are in denial. I have trouble watching porn as it is because seeing the naked guys in the film is a turn-off.
  9. This is a good lesson, when I get an architect, the contract is going to specifically state, "Ultimately, I am the designer and you are the drawer, you can suggest design ideas, but I am the law " I might actually just be the designer and drawer though, and then just hire the architect to build the thing.
  10. Man, I'd have fired him if he refused to complete the design because he didn't like an idea I had, I mean it's not a partnership, you hire the architect to design the building the way you want, they don't like it, tough.
  11. Allan also has photos of his home in the "Cribs" thread.
  12. Fortis, so you like the modernist, contemporary, minimalist, Art-Deco-type architecture it seems. Not my style personally, but still very nice This thread actually raises two questions for me: 1) Fortis, regarding the architect of your first home, WTF would they try to dictate to you how to create the home? You hire them, they make it how you want. If an architect ever tries that with me, I'll fire their ass!! 2) WHAT exactly does an architect do anyhow? I know it has to be more than just drawing the building, I mean a skilled artist could do that couldn't they? What makes the architect different exactly? What special skills do they employ?
  13. She was a bit shaken, but otherwise fine, luckily people had been driving right behind her and witnessed the whole thing.
  14. This actually happened to my sister, albeit without the crashing into another car. A bee flew in the window, she swatted and meanwhile lost control, drove through a fence, entered a field, bounced over something, and slammed into a tree. It ALMOST happened to me too, but luckily I managed to keep the vehicle under control.
  15. If Bluemax was to get a light punishment for this, IMO all it would encourage is for lots more street racing to occur. People would reason, "Hey man, yeah, you get some community service and a hefty fine if you accidentally kill someone, but otherwise, the penalty isn't that bad." That would encourage a lot more racing. But reasoning, "You race and kill someone and you go to anal-rape prison for multiple years," will stop it. I can understand maybe a lighter punishment for really young folk who just do a STOOPID act, such as an eighteen year-old, but Bluemax is 42.
  16. Romandad, just wondering, but you mention about the speedy trial, but why would anyone want a speedy trial? Wouldn't they want a longer trial to make sure their side does everything correctly? (or does this also allow the opposing lawyers to prepare their argument much more thoroughly as well...?).
  17. Yeah, my life was changed when I decided to buy the issue of "Modified Luxury and Exotics" that had the three Lambos on the cover, and I read it, and it mentioned LamboPower, so I came here, and well this website changed my life in many ways.
  18. Wow, Bluemax in that picture looks like he wants to cry. I feel sorry for him, but at the same time, justice must be done, stupid actions have consequences.
  19. I had no idea Allan's positraction/skidmarks post was a joke either, some of us just aren't well-versed in pop culture references
  20. Hey speaking of, in that Duke University rape case, before it came out that they were innocent, were those guys sent to prison...? Or were they just jailed?
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