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Everything posted by qvpower

  1. I agree. I dont think anyone is saying the ann ct is a bad car, just not the ct that I would want if I had to choose just one ct... which is really reflecting on the desirability of this variant and hence the poll... Because lets face it, not everyone is going to have multiple countach in their collection... I know when i was looking for a ct, I didnt pick the ann because it wasnt the car that adorned my walls... I wasnt willing to settle for anything less... And that being said, if the ann was your poster child, then maybe it'd be another story...
  2. As any racer will tell you... each person's driving style is different and based on the fact that Sandro was a rally driver, I can see where he contributed to the driftability on a ct. However, drifting a ct is not necessarily an ideal thing on a ct unless the ann ct has power steering which allows for faster steering adjustments to correct and facilitate the drift. I am not aware ann ct has power steering... which I think in the hands of most drivers is actually not a good thing.... I remember the ann ct for sale at Dallas .... dont remember if it was a andretti ann ct or not, but it lost control and crashed...
  3. yep especially if he ballboned it while testing out the car somewhere on the ballboni hwy...lol
  4. What?! the cancer thing? you ok man? You should have told me and I would drive your car for free....
  5. lol.. used porn italian mag = historical significance! Thats going to make the car worth like at least 50k more...lol
  6. OMG....lol. that was the episode! I was watching that too!!! I kept watching the show to look for the cts.....
  7. Were you watch his show last night? lol.. I saw it too a black and a white ct...
  8. lol... evans found an italian porn magazine with big hair women under your passenger seat carpet, is that yours? lol.
  9. Yes I did and I dont believe any of my input to the matter was defensive but simply to highlight the differences that show the car for what it is. There are no cases nor is this a court hearing...lol. Pertaining to numbers of ct, your statement of more being made only supported the fact that the ann ct was the only ann variant in history of Lamborghini built in the largest number with least exclusivity... not reflecting popularity of the car but rather reflecting the time when everyone was flipping exotic cars... Highest price before the crash on ann ct was around 400k which was absurd... Again, for sale publications at that time can support this. Then look to later publications and you will see prices coming down on the ann... why? Because they simply made too many of them..... And yes we can see you dont favor one against another.. and of course you are entitled to your opinion... its a free forum and everyone can speak their mind. As to ann ct being most modern, I would similarly agree to disagree with you because the CT shape was always modern in itself. Adding a big rear bumper and all the additional vents imho only detracts from the original clean shape that made it so avantegarde.... As to the hoopla over differences.... tell that to the lp400S low body crowd....lol. Most people cant wont know the difference between a low body lp400s over other non ann ct variants.... yet countach enthusiast know... and pay the difference... And of course, since we are on a lambo forum, why not have useful info for everyone to share? Besides, the ann ct differences to the normal ct are clearly more pronounced and noteworthy..... Its not like we need a tape measurement to figure out a low body to a normal body ct... And as to poll title... it is what it is.... the title is self explanatory.... ownership numbers dont equate to desirability.... pertaining to weight, Im pretty sure anyone can figure out how much poundage a typical motorized seat and motor assembly for windows will do.. 60lbs-80lbs typical of a motorized seat x2 vs 25lb non motorized x 2 and you can figure out how much weight is added.... A qv without them certainly will be lighter... just simple add and subtract common sense... As to the bumper, it is a piece that visually creates an unnecessary girth to the angular shape of the rear.... Its visually heavy and unnecessary addition to an otherwise clean design... A countach with 100-200lbs less weight is a ct with 100-200lbs less weight.... Ive worked with professional drifters to know just a little bit about their suspension set up.... As to suspension, narrowing the track on a car only reduces stability, hence ann ct are driftable.... which in the hands of CAPABLE drivers.... maybe a plus... but a CT was never intended for drifting.... nor was the steering light enough to allow for good drifting...since drifting requires quick steering inputs... Similarly the same can be said on the seats... I believe it was Paul Frere who contributed to adding support to the seats of the ann ct... but he didnt ask for power seats....lol. Hope this answers your statements....cheers.
  10. I think the title and poll is pretty self explanatory... unless ct owners are illiterate... And being that we are on a forum populated by lamborghini afficionados, WE know the difference, as will anyone doing their research... As to popularity of the ct variants, all we have to do is to see which variant has the most posters... its the variants that were non ann that were predominant... those were the ones that were on my wall growing up, not the ann.... The reality is that the ann ct is a transitional model to the diablo and hence the most radical changes in body work to reflect that transition... Those changes being done by Pagani and not Gandini... Because from the lp400s all the way up til the qv, little has changed visually nor was it deemed necessary. Also, pay close attention to the rear of the ann where if you take off the bumper, the rear fender has a crease which is NOT reflecting of any of the ct. Another reality is that the ann was the heaviest car of the bunch. power seats with like 2 inches of travel, power windows with 2 inches of opening, a hefty bumper all make it the heaviest. The rear suspension arms were shortened... great for drifting... but why would anyone drift on a ct? The lack of powersteering makes countersteering a drifting ct probably only for the muscle bound individual and not for the faint of heart... Was it the most comfortable, probably.... but the countach never was to be comfortable... All those so called creature comforts were somehow contradictory to character of the car... which is heavy gear change, clutch, steering, and hard to see out of.... To add a powerseat and windows is somewhat not true to the character of the ct... The ann ct was built in the greatest numbers not because it was the most popular but because it was near the peak of the supercar frenzy where virtually everyone wanted to buy supercars to flip for profit.., the factory simply churned them out to support that frenzy. I havent seen any lamborghini anniversary models with production number in the 1000 plus range except for the annn ct... If anyone still has a copy of early 90s dupont registry, one can see the amount of ann for sale at crazy prices... why? because those that got the cars for 300k thinking it was the last variant simply got hosed... While I believe that all ct are great, the fact remains that given a choice, would I pick the ann ct over other variants of the ct? probably not... And when i was in the process of searching for my ct, there were a LOT of ann that were available... and there still are to this day...
  11. Yep. I believe those are rubber moldings glued or tacked on. As to the bumper, if you have the big wheels then the bumper can stay, as it will keep the proportions. But with the factory wheels, that big bumper needs to go.... The naca duct in black is a must because that thing is like another signature countach look, dont know why they painted in body color, which I think fattens up the center line a lot which gives the ann a fatter broad side....
  12. that nasa in black does really restore some of the signature ct design element back into the ann...
  13. stirs up the side skirt or no skirt dilemna for u again doesnt it
  14. Love the rear of that car. no comparison to an ann ct with bumper like this...
  15. here is another one from japan...yellow but man that bumper from that angle is huge! also notice the nasa side intake is painted black to look more like the older variants...
  16. thats actually pretty interesting to put have an italian hotrod...
  17. I havent the slightest idea since it should have some significance to him... But then again, he did sell his bugatti EB110 ss as well. I guess he really doesnt dwell on the past or keep his relics as topics for his parties... He doesnt need to use his cars as topics of conversation or as items of historical significance... he is already the story maker and already part of F1 history...
  18. I didn't know they wore panties?... Lol. Seriously, as I stated before, quality acceptable to you and sound acceptable to you along with agreeable price is all you need to know... A sticker or a plaque showing the brand becomes irrelevant. I put a ms straight race exhaust on based on a few considerations, the quality of the exhaust and sound. Did I ever heard of ms racing then? Not really....and this was like 5-6 years ago.
  19. I think that's a bit different comparison. What I'd look for is the finish on the overall exhaust rather than focus on name. Sloppy welds even on areas where not viewable doesnt mean it should be acceptable. I'm not sure if I was the buyer I would accept anything less than perfect workmanship.
  20. I think if they sound pretty much the same, then it boils down to finish and pricing... if you compare some prices between the copies and the ansa ss, along with fit, then you have an answer to which one to go for.
  21. the lack of bumper looks good on the sv im even thinking to take it off....
  22. Would be interesting to hear the exhaust in action.
  23. I would imagine the tech on ansa is older compared to qs or other manufacturers out there... Unless you fall into the period correct crowd that thinks a name means how much more the car is worth
  24. I didn't see stainless version advertised on their site... How much?
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