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More THE DIRTY idiots...

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Some of the comments about that photo are annoying. And I quote, "If he was a real baller he could afford a truck to haul his bike". Hey dumbass, maybe he loves his lambo and wants to take it on vacation where he plans to go for a bike ride.

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Some of the comments about that photo are annoying. And I quote, "If he was a real baller he could afford a truck to haul his bike". Hey dumbass, maybe he loves his lambo and wants to take it on vacation where he plans to go for a bike ride.

Yeah, what those dumbasses don't realize is that "Real Ballers" don't consider their Lambo anything much more than a nice car thats fun to drive, hence easily have no problem throwing a bike on the back and going for a ride. Stupid haters...


I actually think its cool, hauling it on the back. Wasnt there one with a guy towing something and another with a surfboard???

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The most hilarious part is the poster saying "what a loser" about the Gallardo owner...


...meanwhile you absolutely know beyond any doubt the guy who took the pic was driving some sub-$20k piece of shit. :icon_mrgreen:


Enjoy thedirty, especially when they stalk d-listers like that Gretchen hottie from Real Housewives of OC...great stuff.

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The best comment on the pic...




He has an expensive bike attached to his expensive car. He doesn't give a f*ck if the car gets scratched because he's rich. How does that make this guy a loser? I have a 07 RR with a bike rack and an 06 911.. So we're all losers?? Maybe he just doesn't want to drive a Ford truck like YOU to haul his bike around??


AP Reply:

July 9th, 2009 at 12:32 pm


let me guess. you're a 45 newly divorced loser? sounds about right. and by the way. I JUST BOUGHT A ROCKET SHIP. HOW'S MY EXHAUST TASTE? lie down and die, retard.





I thought the rocket ship comment was pretty funny.

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