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  1. I see it. Maybe I just didn't scroll far enough. I saw the vendor classified and assumed it would be in that area. Thx.
  2. Is it just me, or can general members not even see the classifieds? From the read above, it sounded like I should be able to see but not post.
  3. Contact forum member Gemlender. He did some earrings for my wife that came out great and priced very fairly.
  4. Wow. Looks like that could have ended in fatality pretty easily, even with a seatbelt.
  5. Did I see it right that they added back full carbon door panels? I thought they were not dot compliant so dropped on the new performante. This car is a home run. All 963 should be sold by now!!
  6. That is exactly what I wanted to see. I much prefer this look. If I was so lucky to afford one of these, I'd demand it that way! Great work as always.
  7. Just based on how the door handles are positioned and latch, I have to believe that it is still requires you to pull out and then up, not the single plane path you get from a factory setup.
  8. Ag02M5


    16k miles. No way in hell your rotors should need replacing unless you have 16k of track miles or damaged them somehow. That even seems early for pads. I'd make sure it is not a bad sensor giving a false positive.
  9. http://www.workwheelsusa.com/product/meister-s1-3p/ I dont know the spec on that car. MURCIVU may know.
  10. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Set-4-Brand-NEW-Ge...s-/382393435013
  11. Work Meister is the best wheel IMO for the car, short of the original SV wheel.
  12. Ok the want would be pretty strong if I could get it like this.
  13. Bumping an old thread of mine. Now looking for the Performante script logo vector to print a new decal. No luck with google...just soso jpg image. Thanks!!!
  14. I like the antiquated F1 LP egear just fine. It doesn't shift the fastest but at least it still feels like something is actually happening. My friend with a Mac 570 thought my LP was faster by the butt dyno and sound. Clearly it is not but it actually stimulates some senses. The 570 is technically impressive but zzzzzzz. Might as well drive it in auto all the time since it feels like an auto and pulling the paddles doesn't actually feel like you did anything at all.
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