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Everything posted by Assman

  1. He already got a job. http://dailysnark.com/breaking-cleveland-b...rth-14-million/
  2. Nah. It's a pendulum swing. Obama was far left and now we've swung far right (not fully left or fully right for either but far). It will be interesting to see who the Dems come up with to challenge Tangerine palatine.
  3. I think Wayne posts here from time to time.
  4. Now that's the crappy republicans, who suck as bad maybe worse than the democrats as far as getting anything useful done have failed at fixing Obamacare, can they actually fix taxes? I need relief from the heavy Obama taxes I have been paying most of my professional adult working life. Please republicans get SOMETHING done.
  5. Fly your ass out here to do it. And visit my house while you're out here.
  6. I think the whole point it that in many of the cases these teens don't come from homes with good parents. I'm all for curbing teen pregnancy. We don't need useless people creating more useless people. They'll all end up on the government test. This is short sited of them to do.
  7. I thought about this a lot. It's not your job, it's not your responsibility, but it is necessary. People want to survive and if you don't give them enough they'll take. The whole idea is to give enough that it insures your security. Why don't people save more because advertising is very good. Very good at creating the want. They make the desire for material possessions so strong that any average person can not resist. On top of this while they're living their shitty lives they discover easy escapism through alcohol and drugs. This is all fed to them by people much smarter than them. As far as saving your paycheck. Obviously if you're just earning enough to cover your needs and a little more saving much of your paycheck is difficult and doesn't amount to much.
  8. Crazy, or the matte black SV that the guy was defrauding people and is now in jail.
  9. Is there a dealership in Paris, the internet is giving confusing results. Thanks.
  10. celebrities don't matter. They're paid talking and singing dolls.
  11. Yes but this is the new America. The snowflakes have moved further left after getting their asses handed to them. They are broken. Kind of how the republicans were until they found a hero in Trump. Really all this is stupid stuff and I just want my taxes lowered and many stupid obama laws reversed.
  12. People dogged Obama, they dogged Bush, they dogged Clinton. It's how things go.
  13. Meh, disrespecting the president is free speech. All this stupid shit comes up and everyone says it's bad. Next week everyone forgets and it's back to business as usual. Snowflakes can hash it out but can't take the rebuttal.
  14. With the depreciation it's the absolute best bang for buck car out there.
  15. The brilliance of Obummercare is that it covers everyone but is paid for by a few. It's also going bankrupt. It already fucks over a lot of people. Here's the rub the Dems promise the world but there are finite resources out there. The republicans problem is they recognize the recourses but then stick their personal agendas in as quid pro quo.
  16. You probably know more than me but I think a bolt on tt kit would cost about the same? I'm thinking ~30k for either?
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