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Everything posted by Malebomb

  1. porter: Edit: Do not EVER post feces or anything related to it ever again on this website. You are suspended for 1 week. Edit: Upon review of your account Malebomb and previous warnings pertaining to inappropriate material you're done here.
  2. Didn't see his other post, guess it was the alcohol?
  3. Sure I do!!! Was expecting something like this
  4. WOW!! Got pics of this $60.00 hooker? Would love to see it!
  5. LOL!!! How many of those jackets did ya order?
  6. Hey I eat off the dollar menu!! Love the double cheeseburger from McDonalds!
  7. All he needs on there now is the famous "Lamarossa" Last pic has "DJ Lamarossa" in the middle. 30k Millionaire comes to mind! :icon_oak:
  8. It was not really graphic, but a good example of how violent these dogs can be. I put a heads up in the post to warn people that it was a little violent so you did not need to click it if you did not want to watch it. It made me say "damn!!!" so I thought I would post it.
  9. This PISSES me off!!! Pit Bull attacks guide dog, kinda violent. Anyone here else think this is a worthless breed that needs to be eradicated? :angry2: :angry2:
  10. I think the 30k figure is just a number. It is basically calling out people who live WAY beyond their means, just to impress people.
  11. True just look at the threads on here that are the most visited. Not rocket science....
  12. Is this just a Dallas thing or does your city have them? It's not what you make it's what you fake! 30k Millionaires
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