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  1. Extremely well put together piece that precisely shows what so many on the forum have said about him. I doubt the world will see another like him. Such a gentleman from a different era with class that is rarely seen today. Thanks for sharing the video.
  2. Why Flat Black? Why Supercharged? Because Race Car!
  3. Not an LP640, but another in Rosso Vik. Probably wrong interior color & ~4 hours away... http://www.signaturemotorsports.net/2005_L...o_151058925.veh I assumed looking at the original car in question that the front bumper had a vinyl wrap(?) for protection, although still an odd choice to extend it up. PPI for sure, but records should easily be available if "Always been servised at a Lambo dealer." In my opinion Rosso Vik doesn't photograph well. I haven't seen a photo of a Rosso Vik that impressed me, but in real life, the candy of it really pops.
  4. Seems to be a few "nicely" priced Diablos showing up on eBay... IF (big IF) they are in decent condition. Maybe this one is priced because of the miles? Google search finds that the car has had contact with CatsExotics (~35k miles)...? and http://www.lp112.com/Lamborghini/Detail.as...9DU07P9RLA12256 soldxpress.com claims it was sold for $148k when it had ~23k miles (can't find a date though, and not an "Anniversary Edition") If Diablo that are decent drivers keep popping up in this range, I may have to sell a kidney to be able to pull the trigger At any rate just over $60k w/
  5. The ad did expire, or at least went away, for awhile. Just recently saw it again (though hadn't looked for awhile on autotrader), with the identical pictures as when it was listed before. Thought it was fishy, not too many Blue Diablos, not too many Diablos on Kinesis wheels, I'll let you speculate on how many with that combination Although, I wish I had thought of RHershey's response. On a slightly different note... lambo128 any further pics you can share of this unique combination car?
  6. Saw this the other day on a Dodge pick-up. Just wanted to thank any here who have served, in any of the armed forces, for their service.
  7. slowkid

    Giving back.

    Truly inspirational. Great find and thanks for sharing. Nice that they focused on the mission, but glad they showed some of the cars in the footage as well. Lost my brother to complications from Hodgkin's leukemia, so very touching.
  8. Scary , glad you noted it before anything more catastrophic happened. Do you have any pics of the wishbone? Other than the "creaking" any other signs that something was wrong? handling, rear-end behavior?
  9. @ 13MM when you read down the page, under the video, click "Next Page >>" or just below that "View All"
  10. Congrats and amazing set up and awesome color. The more White (reg & Balloon) I see, the more impressed I am. So classy and subtle, yet stands out and "pops" so good.
  11. Not sure if a repost or not. If it is, please forgive. If it isn't, enjoy. The April 2012 Automobile Magazine has an article with history and driving impressions of Lamborghini's Super Cars, from Miura to Countach to Diablo to Murcielago and Aventador. Online version is available at http://www.automobilemag.com/reviews/drive...cars/index.html Enjoy.
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