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Everything posted by LaHostrup

  1. www.ThethetheFerrari.com It's out!
  2. That's quicker than a Veyron! Nice!
  3. Getting that collection startet already!! Good for you! Love the car.
  4. ¨ It is VERY exciting But I will cry no tears, I don't really care THAT much about cars Looking very much forward to the battles between the supercars, gonna be spectacular
  5. This looks like it could be very close to what the real thing will look like
  6. So they are all bought at the same time? What are the two missing cars? This isn't Treynor's cars is it?
  7. My Parents want me to stop eating glue but it's SO tough to quit...
  8. John, if you seriously are doing this, going after your dads cars... It needs it's own thread. It have potential to be epic!! All the best of luck on the 350GT.. Looking forward to hearing more about it
  9. Your dad owned pretty much every Lambo produced up intil the Countach..!! How fcuking awesome can you be!? He sure was a cool cat! And no shame in crying over the loss of a loved one John.. We all do that!
  10. Yes yes yes, I know .. Dark Knight Rises kicks this cars ass!!!!!!
  11. That looks like it's gonna be awesome! Not at all disappointed with those 2 teaser shots so far
  12. Yeah, lets see the Whole garage ... Well if Aram wants to show it
  13. I remember playing a game with What I remember as a White Lamborghini Countach. The view was Directly top down and it was a City setting with Cops and it could powerslide. I Think there was guns ón it Too. Cool game !! Wonder What it was Called.. Think it was ón Amiga 500
  14. Then GET ONE !! I am assuming here, and correct me if I am wrong.. But you seem like a guy with the income to actually buy one (Based on your cars) and if it excites you... why not? IMO it ranks in the top 3 of the coolest and best looking cars ever build and desirebility??? Through the roof!
  15. Yeah, please don't do that!! Leave it as it as.. It's a thing of pure beauty.
  16. That thing is gonna be fcuking awesome Allan! Damn I want one too
  17. Well that's the thing. I didn't ever really find out what he did for a living or anything else about him. Just what he himself wrote on here about his cars and "warehouse". What is Gambit? The reason I thought he was legit was actually because everyone on here seemed to think so too. He wasn't outed and met with people irl.
  18. Wow, really thought CBGallardo was legit. I did wonder how such a young man could get to earning so much money in such a short time.. Normally you work your way up, yeu he seemed to have started all the way at the top. Who owned all the cars then?? GTR's and Lambo's.. ?
  19. It's actually very exciting.. Cant stop watching
  20. Was thinking the same thing. Jas recently purchased one also Congrats Aram, must be a exciting times car-wise for you. Best of luck with your new toy What do you have in your garage these days? Besides this new awesome car and the SLR
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