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Stuxnet was a joint effort between the US and Israel


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JMO, but we need to find and lock up some of these leakers on the government payroll. I'm sick to death of seeing the details of our covert national security operations spread all over the NYT. Maybe we could lock up a few of the esteemed journalists along with them.

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JMO, but we need to find and lock up some of these leakers on the government payroll. I'm sick to death of seeing the details of our covert national security operations spread all over the NYT. Maybe we could lock up a few of the esteemed journalists along with them.

Agree, unlucky for us in america leaks are impossible to stop.


The world should get very interesting as cyber-wars become larger in their scope and everything else continues getting connected to the internet.

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Maybe we could lock up a few of the esteemed journalists along with them.

Yeah and while were at it lets abolish the first amendment, what the hell just get rid of the whole bill of rights and take everyone's guns

that should solve the problem. Not only can we stop them from speaking out, but we'll make sure they can't shoot back either, that

should fix'em.

" I think I feel a Jeff Cooper quote coming on."

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Anyone that knew about Stuxnet already knew unofficially who was involved.

True...and many so called "leaks" have been proven over time to be mis information on purpose..

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JMO, but we need to find and lock up some of these leakers on the government payroll. I'm sick to death of seeing the details of our covert national security operations spread all over the NYT.



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Maybe we could lock up a few of the esteemed journalists along with them.


Yeah and while were at it lets abolish the first amendment, what the hell just get rid of the whole bill of rights and take everyone's guns

that should solve the problem. Not only can we stop them from speaking out, but we'll make sure they can't shoot back either, that

should fix'em.

" I think I feel a Jeff Cooper quote coming on."


The Bill of Rights is very important, but it has never been absolute, nor should it be. Do you really think the first amendment should permit a newspaper to publish the details of the D-Day invasion before it occurred without consequence? Or that the second amendment should permit habitual and violent felons to own guns? It can be a tough balancing act when classified information arguably reveals an abuse of government power, and the media has to weigh its responsibility to inform the public of potential abuses against the damage that may be caused to national security by the disclosure. But those situations are actually quite rare, and the case for revealing the info is usually weakened by the fact that the Congressional leaders of both parties and the relevant members of the intelligence committees of both parties are kept informed of important covert activities as a check on what the executive branch is doing (of course some of them lie about being informed about things so they can make political hay out of it, like that lying sack of shit Pelosi has done about the enhanced interrogation program, but I digress). The vast majority of the time the press is simply revealing classified info because they can, or for some other motive, and there is no illegality or abuse of power involved. That is the case with this info on stuxnet, and has been the case with many other articles on our efforts to stop terrorists and rogue regimes (e.g., the Swift program dealing with terrorist's financial transactions). So in short, f*** the NYT; it's not about keeping the public informed with them. It's about two other things--making themselves look important, and harming Republicans and helping Democrats. There is little doubt IMO that this latest salvo was intended to make Obama look "tough" as we head into the election.

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The Bill of Rights is very important, but it has never been absolute, nor should it be. Do you really think the first amendment should permit a newspaper to publish the details of the D-Day invasion before it occurred without consequence? Or that the second amendment should permit habitual and violent felons to own guns? It can be a tough balancing act when classified information arguably reveals an abuse of government power, and the media has to weigh its responsibility to inform the public of potential abuses against the damage that may be caused to national security by the disclosure. But those situations are actually quite rare, and the case for revealing the info is usually weakened by the fact that the Congressional leaders of both parties and the relevant members of the intelligence committees of both parties are kept informed of important covert activities as a check on what the executive branch is doing (of course some of them lie about being informed about things so they can make political hay out of it, like that lying sack of shit Pelosi has done about the enhanced interrogation program, but I digress). The vast majority of the time the press is simply revealing classified info because they can, or for some other motive, and there is no illegality or abuse of power involved. That is the case with this info on stuxnet, and has been the case with many other articles on our efforts to stop terrorists and rogue regimes (e.g., the Swift program dealing with terrorist's financial transactions). So in short, f*** the NYT; it's not about keeping the public informed with them. It's about two other things--making themselves look important, and harming Republicans and helping Democrats. There is little doubt IMO that this latest salvo was intended to make Obama look "tough" as we head into the election.

I was being sarcastic of course trying to get a laugh, don't get me wrong I think the people who reveal major classified info should

be put up against a wall and shot. I just don't want to see anything that restricts freedom of the press it's one of the most important things for keeping the government honest. I too find the timing of this troubling seeing that it has kind of been a open secret among

hackers and I've heard from other sources that stuxnet was an intelligence operation well before this.

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