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Everything posted by patbarrett

  1. Sorry to hear this, hope your guy is feeling better soon. My little "Princess" is around 8 years old was diagnosed with lymphoma around Christmas and I decided to try to treat it. I feel very lucky that I have got another 5 months with her happy and running around the house, but the process of having a sick dog drives me crazy worrying about her. Hope the vets can figure it out and you get some good news soon!
  2. Went to Vegas for the weekend to see all the hoopla and watch one of the closed circuit feed. Lots of fun, won money, but I don't think all of the hype materialized in Vegas quite the way the hotels, club promoters, or even myself, had dreamed about for years. It was still something to be seen. I'm not the world's biggest boxing fan, but spent a few minutes reading up on the fight online and thought the fight was exactly what most everybody expected... Mayweather would dance around and use his reach to his advantage and Pacquiao's only chance was a KO... in the end Mayweather would win. Yeah, I would have rather seen a more interesting fight, but in a weird way have a new level of respect for Mayweather and his team's ability to figure out how to milk this event for hundreds of millions of dollars and come out, almost literally, without a scratch. I'm 30 and for many of the people I know this was the first fight they ever actually paid attention to. Most of them have never watched boxing, casually seen a MMA fight on at a bar and expected a much different style of fight. Can't imagine its good for boxing that this fight lacked luster and has been criticized so publicly. Makes me wonder if the MMA fights will ever be enough to create the buzz of the mega-weekends that make jet setters and Hollywood A-listers grab their tux and load up the G5 like they have for boxing matches of the past? What sucks the most is the phrase "Mayweather Pacquiao" went from a sports guy's dream to a complete joke in only 36 minutes.
  3. Wikipedia says MSRP of Carrera GT was $448k and DuPont Registry has a few listed for $550k-$900k. Are those realistic prices? I knew those were getting more expensive, but had no idea they jumped like that.
  4. Make sure your utility company doesn't bill you according to a "peak demand charge." A utility company in Arizona just instituted this and it changes the way that solar customers are billed... they charge you an amount that corresponds to the 30-minute interval of your heaviest use during the month. With this billing structure, you could literally generate all of your own power during the day and feed power back into the grid every day of the month and then one night of the month turn on several appliances within a half hour(A/C kicks on, oven, washing machine, water heater, etc.) and still be stuck with a massive bill. One example the opponents of this measure presented was an average family of 4 that cooks Thanksgiving dinner by turning on all their appliances at once and could be stuck with a $900 bill because of the billing method. I am not sure how many other companies bill this way, but it can make it very difficult to justify an install because of the increased cost. For this period last has destroyed solar rooftop installs in their area. Solar installs in this area are down 96% since last year! Moral of the story, the billing mechanism used for solar customers with your utility company makes a big difference in if you can actually save any money.
  5. Very sad. I remember his posts about taking delivery of his first car and how excited he was. Time flies. He certainly took self-promoting to a whole new level and caught a lot of flack for it online. Honestly, Sometimes he deserved this criticism, sometimes he didn't... but thats all part of growing up and maturing in your early 20s and most people aren't brave/crazy enough to put it out there for the whole world to see. In the process, he inspired many young entrepreneurs across the world to pursue their dreams. Its unfortunate that Robert won't be around to see the big things some of those kids do because of his inspiration in the future. RIP
  6. I'm heading up for the weekend. Never been in Vegas for a fight weekend, really excited. Last November, Mayweather was 2 tables over from us at The Bank and Trey Songz/Chris Brown performed. It was quite the spectacle, I can only imagine how crazy it will be on fight night.
  7. What about making sure that people know the difference between capitalism and democracy to weed out the dumbasses?
  8. What jackass saw the concept drawing for this and said "it's perfect, send to production"??!!
  9. The 1-of-1 copper Gallardo Spyder is up for grabs too... always thought that color was a great idea but always underwhelmed in person seeing it next to some of the other great colors on G's.
  10. I don't think Wiggs could round up enough guys to push him into an official unveiling
  11. Looks like he hired Wiggs PR team to squash this one!
  12. yeah... it isn't that funny to beat up on Wiggs when he isn't on here bragging about being a self made entrepreneur or responding to every criticism by calling people "haters"
  13. The same Luxor? http://www.azcentral.com/story/money/busin...ership/7851973/
  14. What is/was higher? The asking price or the guy that wrote this description: http://dupontregistry.com/autos/Search/DRa...?itemid=2188670
  15. I think its just a big coincidence that they brought him back after selling out all of the duck merchandise at Walmart before Christmas!
  16. From what I have seen in Scottsdale, I thought the exact same thing when I saw the chart
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