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About DetroitDetomaso

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    FORMER 308 OWNER!!!!!

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    Las Vegas

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  1. I have a 92 Diablo and I'm looking for fuel pumps. After a little research, I’ve come up with with these part numbers. Lamborghini part number 002024398 at $585 or Possible cross reference part number 0580464048 at $85 Has anyone used the possible cross reference pumps? Any info is appreciated. Thank you
  2. Thank you. Elvis bought this 55 for his mom. It's the only pink Cadillac he ever owned.
  3. Thank you. Pink is a stock color for Cadillac in the 50's. Why? I have no idea. This is what I can tell you. Owning a pink Caddy in Las Vegas is some of the most fun I've ever had in my life.
  4. I still have it Gary! Thank you for the heads up on Kar Kulture magazine. I'll check it out! Thank you everyone else for the kind words. Here's a few more pics along with my new 49 that's on its way to Vegas. I bought it unseen. It will be here Sunday. I never shot any photos of the girls but this girl posted some photos on my forum. See more here http://www.kingdaddycaddy.com/index.php?th...s-vegas-18.390/
  5. This year I brought my 59 Cadillac to the Viva show here in Las Vegas. Over three days my car was shot with over a hundred pin ups. It was a great time and they were all very respectful UNTIL ONE! This 3-bill-boner-assassin took it upon herself to drop her Titanic-Hindenburg ass on the hood of my car. My car is bagged and it was dropped at the time. This means there’s almost no suspension at all. I noticed my fins were bouncing up and down so my brain went WTF! I looked over and just about puked. My wife saw me in full shock! She ran over and asked Ginormica politely to get the fcuk off the car. She explained feel free to shoot with the car but siting your entire weight in the middle of the hood isn't acceptable. After the talk she still proceeded to roll her body all over my car. My buddy’s thought this was the funniest thing they’ve ever seen until she lifted her dress to expose the tightest garter belt you’ve ever seen. It was more like a tourniquet and everything went silent. When she was done molesting my poor car and burning the scariest images of horror in my brain she headed strait for the cookie truck directly behind us. Three things: 1. Everything I said is absolutely true. 2. Of course I don’t hate fat people and wouldn’t mind her shooting with the car at all but the disrespect and sense of entitlement was unbelievable. 3. If you see her coming MAN THE HARPOON!
  6. At my old house about ten years ago. Now it sits on the floor. Soon to be over the bar.
  7. I hate snow! That's why I moved from Detroit to Las Vegas. Great pics though.
  8. Maybe it was the clown? http://jalopnik.com/nooooooo-first-porsche...in-g-1640157724
  9. The Tamaro! 4 door Taurus converted to a Chevy Camaro. I had to post this someplace. I can't stop laughing!
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