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Everything posted by amp3188

  1. I hate it when my wiener doesn't fit into the garage.
  2. They are all in their early twenties, which means they are stupid anyways, but this is a scary stupid that is beyond what they teach in college. The sad thing is that they didn't really get into much more action than one night when a stray round struck their humvee and when one guy shot a rabid dog. I know a lot of their frustration comes from this. These guys all went into the army thinking they would have gotten into some action and trained for it. They waited for a year over there and nothing really happened. Which was a good thing, but they just came home and are like hungry dogs. The biggest tease for them was that they were acting as back up for some SF teams when they hit some high profile targets. So they were an arms lenght away from the action but could only listen to the SF teams radio chatter as they cleared houses and the explosions that came from that. The closest they have gotten to firefights has been at home so far, and one of the guys from their unit actually disappeared about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't like this guy went AWOL or anything either because NO one has heard from him including his family. Apparently he got into some crazy shit they wouldn't elaborate on and they think he is dead. I'm not trying to discredit what they did over there or how they are dealing with themselves because it is still an extremely stressful environment and an active war zone. I think it will be really hard trying to do anything for my buddy becasue these guys did go to war with him, but with the way that they treat him and each other I wouldn't want them next to me in a trench. I just can't see a positive reaction coming out of him if I try to tell him that these guys are aiding in creating a pretty dangerous lifestyle for him. I hope he listens though because this observation is coming from a good Irish boy who is used to fist fights at weddings and other family gatherings and is not impressed by much when it comes to drunks fighting. I'll try some of the forums and some vetrans that I know. I have a feeling that the vetrans I know and work with would lift up their pant legs to show fake legs and call them pussys. That might be what they need though.
  3. But we haven't seen the full options list. I'm guessing they've probably thought of something that at least works in theory.
  4. So, my brother and I just got done breaking up a fight with one of our really good friends who is in the Army. He had come back home from base and was staying at his Dad's house and brought two guys that are in his unit with him. I had heard stories and had some feelings that they have been drinking about a case a piece and getting into brawls with each other nightly, but I hadn't actually witnessed it until tonight. What was most astonishing was the lack of care on all parties involved given that it was at his Dad's house, and that the fight started over the placement of cups for beer pong. This wasn't just a couple of drunk buddies pushing each other and slapping each other around, it was closed fist to the face with full blows that are going to require stitches. Sure, I can almost understand that happening every once in a while and I'm used to it from my older cousins and extended family (who are lost causes) but this guy has only gotten into this lifestyle since he has been back from Iraq. Not only this but after being around the other guys in his unit he has started making horse shit unusual decisions that have put him in situations which has required him to pull his gun out to protect himself. If it was a normal situation I would give some sort of corny father to son style high school speach about who he is hanging out with and what choices he is making, but he's kinda stuck in the Army for 2 1/2 - 3 years and is schedualed for another deployment to Afghanistan with these same guys in a year. I just briefly voiced my concerns to his father in a text (he is not in a talking mood right now) but I'm not quite sure what his thoughts are on the situation because he doesn't always open up on the subject, or at least he hasn't with me. Would anyone have any ideas for this situation? I'm not sure what Army policy is on unit transfers, or if he would do it, but I think we need him to come out with his drinking problem and issues with his "buddies" first. All feedback is appreciated, Thank you.
  5. S600 Pullman Guard I'd really like to see the full options list on this thing.
  6. Clint from the Jimmy Fallon video now has the award for the worst blunder in history.
  7. Megan Fox will be on the Today show tomorrow morning.
  8. On the Red Carpet in Germany
  9. If its a none life threatening situation the ambulance will (should) drive like any other normal car on the road. Thats been my experience with working in them for school. If it requires running code then they will (should) use full lights and sirens, and use BOTH and not just one or the other. A little patient discomfort and noise is not going to do any harm should the situation require running hot. The main issue here is a microscopic penis. The officer(s) were totaly out of line and the big dude should have laid his ass out, and I have no doubt that the EMT would have won that battle. Not to mention the dukes of hazard passing of the ambulance on the wrong side of the road at speed. If he wanted to get a little infor or find out what was going on he has a fcuking radio that he can at least get a hold of dispatch with if he can't get a hold of that ambulance. If I was that family I would be finding a lawyer and go new home shopping all in the same day. What a fcuk up excuse for a law enforcement officer.
  10. I think the thread should be a sticky...
  11. Enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen And ya... there are a lot of ladies out there that would hit that.
  12. amp3188


    Anyone from LP interested in a little gathering before the Red Bull GP? I have an idea on a couple of places.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_pl349 I was Mt. Biking and went down in a patch of thistle/poison ivy last week and got covered, including my face..., but that is 100x worse.
  14. Every time I visit this thread my computer screen comes close to bursting into flames because she's so hot.
  15. If your talking about the 5D, it is. A Nikon D40 is around 400 bucks.
  16. You've got some nice glass with that body. Congrats on the new toy, the photos look great. I shoot Nikons, but I'm one of those handful of people that still hangs onto film. I only shoot a D40 for digital and its like the Camry of digital cameras. I'll eventually buck up for a full frame digital, but for that price I could convert my basement into my own personal darkroom instead of having to use a campus's darkroom... hehe.
  17. physco = terrible case of dyslexia
  18. We have been studying body modification in my folklore class this week and have had a couple group presentations on the subject, and tats in particular. One group had a celeberty tattoo quiz where they put up a couple of close ups of a celeberty's tattoos on a power point and had the class guess. They posted a close up of the "Brian" tattoo where she was pulling her 4 inch tall shorts down while unzipped. It was on the screen for approx. 0.0137 seconds before I yelled out, "Megan Fox!" Every head in the room turned and looked over at me like I was a physco.
  19. BAHAHAHAHA Loved it. Brawn GP FTW!
  20. lamb's avatar makes me go, "DAMN!"
  21. Not the most impressive photo of a rally crash, but it was still a bad day for someone. http://www.flickr.com/photos/taz/315001879...57594405451296/ And then he's off! http://www.flickr.com/photos/taz/315002006...57594405451296/
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