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Everything posted by Pretzel_Guy

  1. I really like the white with a black roof.
  2. I'm a small business owner, nuff said! Lol.
  3. I would hire him in a second......instant classic!
  4. Just keeping things interesting.... I am really looking forward to opening this thread to updated numbers from Wiggs.
  5. So.......that's where that Badass pic in the banner came from. Pics are insane!
  6. Congrats on the new ride! Love the color!!!!
  7. He was one of the new cops that came on later in the seasons I believe.
  8. I've always liked those.... especially that one now. Damn!
  9. ICOBURN'S collection is stunning to say the least, and GREAT pics as always TMASH!!!! and the pic of Baky's Bug.........
  10. Congrats on all of the success, look forward to watching the show. No hate here, PURE MOTIVATION!!!!! Love it! Thanks for sharing...
  11. Sadly, the killer clown pic was the only one I am okay with..... All the others (WTF)!
  12. Like sands through the hourglass.......
  13. Thank You for posting that! Gotta get those on DVD!
  14. You mean people in general take responsibility for their own actions????? That would go against everything the current administration is trying to do...... I agree with you 100% for the record. A lot of this country is such a joke.
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