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Everything posted by lee

  1. How about trump basically wanting to start a cold war again with all the nuclear capabilities talk? How about his ambassador to israel wanting a one state solution? It´s interesting because renown physicist Brian Cox was recently asked about what the reasons might be on why we haven´t found intelligent alien life. And his answer was along the lines that maybe it just simply is not possible for any life to keep the polictical, educational etc. level rising at even speed with our capabilities to destroy our selfes and to spread information to all classes(fit or unfit to handle them). Looking at this thread, there are alot of die-hard, almost tribal supporters on both sides(especially looking at some posts that could be straight out of breitbart) when in fact we should be critically analyzing alle sides and then drawing a conclusion. That does not bode well for the future of mankind.
  2. Oh yeah, ronda is done.
  3. Doubt that´s ever going to happen. I say Woodley vs McGregor is more likely. Conor wins becomes an even bigger star and ppv draw, he loses nothing happens and he can go on to fight khabib for the belt in a russia card for huge ppv numbers. Meanwhile stop beeing stingy and pay Ferguson for the Khabib fight. Though that would put the russia card in danger(with khabib possibly losing) and that´s why Dana want´s the Khabib Aldo fight(imho easy win for khabib).
  4. You know that even the israeli court deemed the settlements as illegal right?
  5. Mhm, let´s see who Trump wants as his Treasury secretary?? An ex Soros Banker, lol http://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-plans-to...tary-1480459950 Looking at his picks so far, I guess it is clear to even the deepest of conservatives and anti establishments that they merely selected a different face and a different name(a more incompetent and divisive one might I add) to continue the same game.
  6. Agree loambornima. I don´t get what´s so bad about the US that you would have to sell yourself as the one to make america great again. People in the US and in much of the industralized world are much better off than they have been just a decade ago, so where is all this hate and fear coming from? Trump has somehow managed to make the disenfranchised feel even worse and instill their hearts with even more fear. And he has done the same to a lesser extent with parts of the middle class. Is Hillary corrupt? fcuk yeah she is. And you bet that pretty much every president that came before her was corrupt. And you can bet that Trump isn´t a saint either. It´s part of the game sadly. What matters is how fit someone is to rule. Hillary is certainly not the best choice but definitely better than an erratic, megalomaniac, prepubertal child.
  7. Exactly. I think he will be way worse of with a loss than Clinton but we shall see. Holy Shit wheels, couldn´t agree more! Thing is, with Trump no one knows what people are really going to get(he is an erratic child). People atleast know Hillary and how to control her(money and polls).
  8. I can only say one thing, if trump doesn´t win, he is done for, in every sense of the word. He truly has burned the bridges with pretty much everyone nationaly and internationaly. The establishment will end his existence. This is life or death for him now.
  9. What exactly have we tried? And comparing a 1000+ year old religion to an ideology that was at best a few decades old at the time of it´s demise wonßt help. You won´t be able to fight a religion. Unless you are professor Xavier from the X-Men. Than put on cerebro and go on a hunt. Unless that happens, fighting it with weapons is a lost cause. Based on geographie, tribalism and no education. I have christian friends from rural balkan that tell me about those same things happening there. So what´s your explanation? Of course religion feeds it, but to make it the sole perpetrator is simply wrong. Exactly! I am one of those and couldn´t be bothered less because I simply do not see myself as reliogious let alone a real muslim. WOW! I didn´t know! It´s not about the radical ones. They are a lost cause and the only thing we can do is to protect us from them. It´s about not further radicalizing the moderates. Yes, stop bombing those countries and stop funding the saudis. Start educating by economic incentives. It will take decades and many lifes will be lost in the process. But the other option will never lead to a solution but to perpetual war. Yes, the saudis are a huge problem. They play a big part in radicalazing the muslim world. The US should have stopped supporting them and actually should have gotten rid of them a long time ago. Now that would have been intervention I would a have understood. Instead, the US helps them stay in power and furher radicalizing the muslim world Exactly what I said a few pages ago!
  10. I don´t have the information that the offcials had. My approach is more general and broad: Bombing people will create more problems than it solves. If you really want to change regimes, societies, cultures you can only do it economically. Show them why it is in their own self interest to be part of your agenda. Fear and violence are only temporary solutions. Humans generally don´t bow to fear for the rest of their lives. They form resistance in one way or another(terrorism, suicide bombing and so on) So in my mind, I have to assume that the officials were either ignorant or had other ulterior motives(profit, cultural/religious oppression). I guess it is/was a combination of both. However when joe shmuck(as we all are in here, so no offense meant to anybody) talks about bombing this and nuking that I can´t leave it uncommented because it is a destructive way of thinking. Desructive to mankind as a whole.
  11. It has caused ALOT of the radicalization in the islamic world you are seeing today. Let me return your question then. So you are saying the those interventions have caused NO Problems what´s so ever? The US using alqiada against the russians has caused no problems? Destabilizing local governments has caused no problems? Enlighten me, I have nothing against learning something new, but it certainly has left that part of the world in a much worse state. Don´t get me wrong, I am not strictly against interventions, but It could have been done so much better.
  12. Sounds all good, but you realise that all this hate just creates more hate(yeah, sounds silly doesn´t it)? You do realise that the reason why islam has been so radicalized in the past decades(and no, before it was WAY less) is BECAUSE of all the intervention of the west and not despite? Have you ever been to any of the middle eastern countries before alle the wars began(starting with the golf war). I haven´t but I have family members and friends who have. You know what they are saying? That it was basically like the west is today. Very little religious extremism(of course there were still countries like Saudi Arabie). People partying, woman in miniscurts and what do they look like now? The same issue with turkey. The EU should have made them a member a long time ago to quell what little islamic tendencies were existant back then and draw them to the west by showing them the benefits of being a part of the western world. Instead they took "the high road" and said fcuk you! That went great... You can be as powerful of a nation as you want, if you do not understand basic human needs and how humans are drawn to your cause and not repelled by your views you´re going to fail. Just as the west did for all this years. We need to learn that the fcuk you approach just isn´t an intelligent option as ist doesn´t work in the long run. It´s actually quite easy. Rome did this centuries ago, why are we so ignorant about it?
  13. Man, my father cancelled his trip to turkey last minute. Thank god! Erdogan needs to go, however a coup is probably not the right way. Especially now that it failed, he will consolidate his power and draw in even more of the uneducated masses to his cause by telling them that it was western powers trying to destablizing turkey.
  14. lee


    Exactly! Whenever you have people in power they will inevitably and understandably protect their interest and they will most likely go overboard with it. Thats why election are for everyone, to create balance. No worries, I´m always relaxed, whatever happen in the world, happens with or without my contribution, so no need to get caught up in anything too much So how do you define what´s smart then? High IQ? High GRIT? High EQ? Lots of experience at a certain field? There´s also alot of people who contribute enormously but are not very smart, because they never needed to be. Seen it time and time again. And even if you can weed out the "smart" ones from the "not so smart" ones. How do you account for intent and agenda? It just doesn´t work that way fortis. I wish it would be that easy, but it isn´t.
  15. lee


    I made some extreme examples to get my point across. So none of you think it would be a problem if only the ich and powerful could vote? lol A quick search in google shows you also the other things they are donating for however, nice cherry picking, well done
  16. lee


    I explained my self once here, just a quick summary: Me and my family came to europe as immigrants with ZERO in our pockets. Now we have a successful busniess and are doing pretty well(I wouldn´t say wealthy quite yet, but soon... ) build with nothing but long houres of hard work. So much in regards to loser attitude. BUT, if you don´t belive that there is a whole class of super wealthy people(I will be one of them one day no doubt) who are trying to keep the poor down and uneducated to move forward their own agende of geting rich even quicker than you simply don´t understand human behaviour. You always want to atleast keep what you have and build upon it. Human nature. Just look at all the super pac money in US politics. You think all of it is distributed fairly and equally within the different political agendas? You think the koch brother donate money to change legislation to create a safer work place for their workers? Better education for the children of their wokers? Or do they donate/buy politicians to get tax breaks and subsidies? What´s more likely, tell me? Don´t make the assumption that because you are that way, everyone else is that way. The world is full of selfish, bitter, miserable assholes without a brain who never have enough of anything. Just a quick example: My son one day won´t have the same education as I had. I didn´t have the means for privat schools, he will. Also education is heavily bought at a political level and at the media level.
  17. lee


    Thats what you call an oligarchy and essentially already is happening around the world. Bilionaires are buying politicians which in return keep the people dumb, uneducated and in constant fear of something so that they get reelected. Sooner or later they have no other choice but tor vote for stupid shit(Trump, Brexit and so on) to break the cycle. Education is the key.
  18. lee


    Don´t worry, I´ll take care of my fellow austrians
  19. lee


    I thought so too for a long time but have come to see it in a different light recently. The truth is, it is in some cases the only way to win and in the end, that´s all that matters. As the saying goes: The end justifies the means The only question is who can impose his will on the other, by any means possible. That´s the way of the world, not playing that game, would be dumb, incompetent and a loseres attitude. Of course you can´t allow yourself to be emotionaly investet too much in anything, as the possibility of losing is always there. As you said, play the cards to your best abilities in your personal life, but don´t quit politics before even starting to really go for it.
  20. lee


    So you call it fair and square when most of the promises have already been exposed as lies? Talk about pushing you agenda, oh the irony...
  21. So what? The states also gave all of that up by uniting to form the United States of America, right? Why did they choose to do so? Because they knew they would have it better in the end. Their personal lifes would be enhanced by that decision. They knew that. Thousands of years ago tribes gave them up atleast partly by forming cities, than cities gave them up by forming states, states formed countries and so on... It will happen, hopefully. Cause there are only two ways for the human race. Further uniting, or killing each other off. Most of you guys really don´t seem to want the human race to succeed but only care for your own short term benefits. It´s a shame. Yeah, historically, people always tend to make the right decisions, oh wait.... Thank god for you fortis, or else I would really feel pretty lonely in this thread
  22. Honestly, energy levels can be heightened drastically with strength and cardio training. No matter the age. People who feel old most of the time just don´t do shit for their body anymore because of work or other life factors.
  23. Exactly! In a few hundred years, there will be almost no differnt countries left as most countries that exist now will have come together to form unions(see Europe, US). Most topics we are talking about now will be gone and the kids of the future will probably laugh at us in history lesson.
  24. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/f...quality-of-life Did you say something? And btw, I have no problem with opening my doors to those in need. If oyu have than you better hope that you are nevr going to be in such a situation. Puting yourself in someone elses shoes often works wonders. Try it.
  25. You are making rather speific examples. I can´t refute them but could make the same in the other direction, so it is rather pointless. In regards to trump and his supperters. It is basically the fcuk you and everybody else who is not willing to do what I am willing to do approach. And I partly agree. We came to europe as immigrants with absolutely nothing. Worked are asses off and now have a rather successful business. But at the same time that business has thought that the "head through the wall" and "fcuk you all" approch does not work in real life. You will have to acknowledge that not everyone is the same and has had the same possibilites as you, therefore not everyone can be what you are. Throwing those people under the buss will crush society in the long run. How many deals have you successfully negotiated by telling the your opposite to take or eat shit? And I´m not taking this point of view because I am trying to be social. It is on the contrary because of self interest and a perpetually poitively growing society. Hitler came to power by doing the same. Telling fairy tales to a society that was crushed by poverty because of a lost war and was basically ready to goble up whatever gave them new hope. He spoke to the lowest instincts of the people. Thats always the easiest way. But in the long run also the way to certain failure. Use your heads guys!
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