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P90X or Insanity?


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I'm on my last week of Insanity. I took a before photo and will do an after photo so I can send it in for my insanity Tshirt haha :). I liked it. It wasnt really that hard though. I sweat my ass off no doubt, but it's not like the excersizes killed me.


I got 6 days left so I'll report my results.

Sweet! I read about the tshirt thing too with the before and after. I'm leaning towards Insanity at this point!

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The one thing I will say is Diet makes the biggest difference. Without that under control the rest is minimal esthetic changes.


Regarding the different programs, cross fit is by far the most difficult, and I recommend not even attempting it if you haven't been in the gym regularly (4+ times a week). The reps with pretty heavy weight, Max effort lifts, and general go till you fail and keep doing it 10x over is just asking for joint injuries, more specifically tendon/ligament strain which takes quite some time to heal.


If you survive p90 two times over and can reasonably complete each workout then take a look at cross fit. Or just drop into a cross fit class and watch guys that are clearly in great shape, single digit body fat, and can barely drag their balls out the door after the workout. Its to circuit training what an upper level spin class is for cardio. If you can talk during the class and aren't soaked in sweat, you didn't do it properly.

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For me, diet was not really a big contributing factor. I don't eat fast food or anything but I have some pretty bad habits. I snack on ice cream throughout the day. Chocolate is something that is always close by. I eat out frequently but usually order fish or shellfish (fried and non fried). And I eat a lot different kinds of cake with ice cream.


But I'm sure if I cleaned up my diet I'd see an improvement.


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The one thing I will say is Diet makes the biggest difference. Without that under control the rest is minimal esthetic changes.


Regarding the different programs, cross fit is by far the most difficult, and I recommend not even attempting it if you haven't been in the gym regularly (4+ times a week). The reps with pretty heavy weight, Max effort lifts, and general go till you fail and keep doing it 10x over is just asking for joint injuries, more specifically tendon/ligament strain which takes quite some time to heal.


If you survive p90 two times over and can reasonably complete each workout then take a look at cross fit. Or just drop into a cross fit class and watch guys that are clearly in great shape, single digit body fat, and can barely drag their balls out the door after the workout. Its to circuit training what an upper level spin class is for cardio. If you can talk during the class and aren't soaked in sweat, you didn't do it properly.


A good crossfit gym can scale workouts to any level of fitness. Most that I've seen have beginner classes too, so you wouldn't be jumping into that extreme level of intensity. The key to starting out is finding a good coach who can make sure you're working at the right level of intensity.

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A good crossfit gym can scale workouts to any level of fitness. Most that I've seen have beginner classes too, so you wouldn't be jumping into that extreme level of intensity. The key to starting out is finding a good coach who can make sure you're working at the right level of intensity.




I think the minimum should be just to be in good workout shape, preferably where you're going to the typical gym 3 times a week and aren't sore when you're done.


Then you gradually ease into it. A lot of crossfit workouts are too hard for newer guys to do "Rx" (prescribed), particularly the weight portion. There's also stuff that requires learning like handstand holds/pushups, rope climbs, double unders, muscle ups -- but there's always the appropriate substitute.


Having done CF for about a year now, I can safely say your cardio level/ability to get better is probably most key. If you're pretty good at this, you will do fine. No matter how strong you are, these workouts will tire you out for sure.

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Alright all you fat lazy Lambo owners and dreamers, any of you attempted either programs? Did you finish? Did you quit? Did you earn results? You loose your flat tire around your waist? After all the time, energy, and time wasted, which program would you recommend me to wast my money on?



I just finished my last day of Insanity. Here is the before and after pic.




I forgot to weigh myself before, so I can only compare visible differences for weight loss. I'm guessing I lost around 5 lbs or so. While I don't see a big difference, I do feel ALOT better. Especially in my legs. I tore both my ACLs and all the jumping exercises seem to have helped build strength. I just started to get back into basketball and can tell I'm faster and stronger. Yesterday I played 5 games of full court and didn't feel tired.


The Good: It doesn't take a lot of time. Each day, you'll only spend between 45 minutes to 59 minutes. Nothing is more than 1 hour, which is perfect for me. The first 15 minutes is warming up and stretching. Nothing in the program is going to kill you. They are all done in 3 minute bursts with a 30 second rest in between. At no point did I feel like I hurting. I also sweat a lot. The program also builds you up progressively. So you start with all the easy stuff and move to the harder stuff later. I also noticed that I burned some fat. I definitely gained both strength and endurance.


The Bad: I was expecting results like the commercial, but only lost around 5 lbs. The guide explains that you should diet, but I skimmed over that section. I may be naive, but the commercial never mentioned dieting as being part of the program. I do believe if I had payed more attention to my diet I could have gained more muscle.


Overall: I recommend this to anyone that is too busy to workout. I've been recommending it to my friends.



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I just finished my last day of Insanity. Here is the before and after pic.




I forgot to weigh myself before, so I can only compare visible differences for weight loss. I'm guessing I lost around 5 lbs or so. While I don't see a big difference, I do feel ALOT better. Especially in my legs. I tore both my ACLs and all the jumping exercises seem to have helped build strength. I just started to get back into basketball and can tell I'm faster and stronger. Yesterday I played 5 games of full court and didn't feel tired.


The Good: It doesn't take a lot of time. Each day, you'll only spend between 45 minutes to 59 minutes. Nothing is more than 1 hour, which is perfect for me. The first 15 minutes is warming up and stretching. Nothing in the program is going to kill you. They are all done in 3 minute bursts with a 30 second rest in between. At no point did I feel like I hurting. I also sweat a lot. The program also builds you up progressively. So you start with all the easy stuff and move to the harder stuff later. I also noticed that I burned some fat. I definitely gained both strength and endurance.


The Bad: I was expecting results like the commercial, but only lost around 5 lbs. The guide explains that you should diet, but I skimmed over that section. I may be naive, but the commercial never mentioned dieting as being part of the program. I do believe if I had payed more attention to my diet I could have gained more muscle.


Overall: I recommend this to anyone that is too busy to workout. I've been recommending it to my friends.


So bascially your hair gets fluffier in 60 days?

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So bascially your hair gets fluffier in 60 days?



Asian Wolverine will cut your heart out.

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