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NCAA Div1 kicks off thursday night... Boise state versus ol' Miss in Atlanta.



Lets hear those pre season picks....

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Wow... Best opening week in a long time. Close games between big non conference opponents...


UCLA, picked by a lot to win the whole thing. I think that's a long shot... The PAC 10 looks to be, top to bottom, the best conference.... I don't see any team running that table, especially the way UCLA struggle with UVA.



Florida state. Will not win the national championship if the playoff seeding works... They are not the best team in the country.... ACC looks bad...



The SEC... AM looks good... I was kinda shocked how close some of the other games were early...









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Alabama did not look to be in top form...watching FSU and OK state was tough because the fricken tv crew was ready to give the game to FSU from the opening snap and they seemed to be shocked that OK State was giving them an actual game. I was surprised that Ohio state struggled against navy, I actually thought Ohio state was going to be good this year...they will win a bunch of games against crappy opponents but damn they struggled! PAC 12 is looking good so far...can't wait to see how Stanford will do. My only prediction at this point is that the shitty SEC teams and fanboys will cry their way into two of the 4 spots despite cream puff schedules, and that's a shame because the only decent looking SEC team this week was a former big 12 team! :icon_mrgreen:

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Well UK had a big win this week!



I'm gonna celebrate because we are usually only good for a couple a season..... we are in the SEC, so it's usually isn't pretty (for us)....





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UGA is my pick to win. If the defense can keep getting better and make game adjustments to shut down the other teams at the half they will be very tough to beat. Their running game is very good.


FSU and Bama didn't look that good but then again WVU and OK State normally have a pretty good team so hard to tell at this point. I think Clemson and FSU play soon and so does Alabama and UF. Will know more then.

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Louisville had a nice "welcome to the ACC"... Their defense looks really sharp....

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Louisville had a nice "welcome to the ACC"... Their defense looks really sharp....


Their defense looked great. They have our old DC. Grantham.

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