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Robster Craws

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  1. I was posting skanks long before I ever brought up business a decade ago I don’t have a Facebook page but I’m super glad I’m upsetting you so much reposting links. Triggered much? Your presumptive generalizations are amusing, and frankly I’m flattered you’ve gotten such a hard on to make such a personal post. I’ll keep posting. You keep getting mad Another Canadian getting twisted about politics in the US. Seems to be a theme
  2. Crooked cunts https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washington...bbb9_story.html
  3. Nothing suspicious to see here folks! move along http://abcnews.go.com/US/las-vegas-shooter...ory?id=50709285
  4. The masses are asses. When violence in all areas are going down, police accountability increasing and response to huge scale disasters happening quicker and more effiencently then ever before, but you have people convinced every thing is getting worse, and police brutality and gun deaths are increasing, I agree wirh KMB, Were not ready for that level of connectivity and communication
  5. What in the hell is going on? This blood line produces a FBIs most wanted criminal, a mass murderer and a pedohpile
  6. This is week keeps giving and giving, almost exactly to the one year mark of Trump defeating Clinton. Beautiful http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/10/25...maker-says.html
  7. So the Clinton campaign funded a fake dossier that the Obama administration then USED to get a FISA warrant to wiretap the Trump campaign? None of which would ever be public knowledge had Trump not been elected... I can’t wait until we learn how and when the Obama administration was working with the DNC/Clinton to engage in wiretapping and spying on a political opponent.
  8. BORDER + IMMIGRATION >Construction of border wall prototypes has begun in San Diego, California http://archive.is/Tncjf >House Republicans are working on legislation that would provide $10 billion in funding for the border wall http://archive.is/1pLkr >The House has passed a $1.2 trillion funding package for 2018 - includes a $1.6 billion down payment to start building the wall - onto the Senate http://archive.is/Dy1R7 >Trump has updated his travel ban, includes these 8 countries - Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Somalia - NO EXPIRATION DATE http://archive.is/LBATj >Extreme vetting in progress http://archive.is/d4bgo >Unshackling ICE - told that they can take action against ALL illegal immigrants - increasing presence in sanctuary cities http://archive.is/ccuk2 >Withholding federal funds from sanctuary cities - must allow ICE access to jails + notify them when illegal immigrants are about to be released (currently on hold by a (((federal judge))), will get BTFO by the Supreme Court) http://archive.is/FoDiY >Miami has removed its "sanctuary" status http://archive.is/QePeJ >The House has passed a bill that prevents sanctuary cities from receiving funds from the Department of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development http://archive.is/bNPtE >Blocking the Police Assistance Program from sanctuary cities http://archive.is/qR347 >DACA has been officially rescinded - 6 month grace period for Congress to act - no new DACA will be issued effective immediate - currently issued DACA expires in their regular 2 years - DACA that would expire in the next six months will expire in six months and one day instead http://archive.is/Y9LLx >Stephen Miller is working to permanently kill any future DACA legislation http://archive.is/UeVlm >Trump has unveiled a new strict 70-point immigration enforcement plan - ties DREAMers to the wall http://archive.is/U5doo >Rescinded DAPA http://archive.is/1fUlp >Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported criminals - passed the House and onto Senate http://archive.is/JtDd6 >No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to sanctuary cities if they don't comply with federal immigration law - passed the House and onto Senate http://archive.is/EzVpI >Massive overhaul of the immigration system proposed - move from family reunification to skill-based - cut legal immigration by half by 2027 - 1965 Immigration Act BTFO http://archive.is/5gCwG >Ended the "catch and release" immigration policy http://archive.is/NS2FC >Deportation orders up 31% nationwide under Trump http://archive.is/RmNIy >Deportations in LA are up 60% alone http://archive.is/zu59S >The House has voted to make membership in a criminal street gang, like MS-13, a deportable offence http://archive.is/pvl8M >The Trump administration is drafting a plan to speed up deportations of teenage Central American illegal immigrants who crossed the border unaccompanied by adults http://archive.is/gtOCA >Illegal border crossings down nearly 70% since Trump took office (HISTORIC LOW according to ICE) http://archive.is/63kUA >Illegal immigration arrests up 40% nationwide http://archive.is/63kUA >The Trump administration is planning an increase in federal immigration jails across the country for the thousands of additional illegal immigrants its agents are arresting http://archive.is/2DTPV >YUGE ICE raids - 650 arrested between July 23 and 26 - most committed no crime other than being illegal http://archive.is/EfqSg >ICE has conducted another MASSIVE raid on sanctuary cities - 498 illegal immigrants arrested http://archive.is/LGxKK >ICE threatens “at-large arrests” after California passes sanctuary state law - increased targeting of workplaces, schools, neighbourhoods, etc. http://archive.is/zDgxk >Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants http://archive.is/UFv9E >Number of refugees taken in is down 50% http://archive.is/Cq4r8 >Trump plans to set cap for refugee admissions at 45,000 next year (less than 17,500 from the Middle East) - lowest number in decades http://archive.is/mbG81 >August had the fewest monthly refugee arrivals in 15 years http://archive.is/TyRvd >Christian refugees admitted now outnumber Muslim refugees admitted http://archive.is/HcU6Q >Trump’s DHS is ending Temporary Protected Status for Sudanese refugees http://archive.is/sz80O >Homeland Security will now monitor social media accounts of those applying for citizenship http://archive.is/oFtNe >Shortage of illegal labour has caused construction worker wages to increase by 30% in Texas http://archive.is/znIXZ >Canceled Obama Era special immigration program for foreign entrepreneurs http://archive.is/kvoyO >Creating an office for the victims of illegal immigrant crimes http://archive.is/vpoYx *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** JOBS >1,000,000+ jobs created so far under Trump http://archive.is/msEKh >US job openings have hit an ALL TIME high - 6 million+ http://archive.is/Urhfb >The unemployment rate has dropped to 4.2%, the lowest it’s been in nearly 17 years http://archive.is/Ahu2S >The labour force participation rate is up to 63.1%, the highest it’s been under Trump http://archive.is/4KYyH >The number of employed Americans is at an ALL TIME high - 154,345,000 http://archive.is/4KYyH >The number of unemployed Americans is at a 10 year low - 6,801,000 http://archive.is/4KYyH >The black unemployment rate is at 7.0% - tied record for ALL TIME low - lowest since 2000 https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000006 >Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories http://archive.is/lfKsR >Unemployment claims fall to lowest level in 43 years http://archive.is/LaYft >Food stamp usage has fallen every month of Trump’s presidency - 1.3 million less people on food stamps since beginning of term - putting people back to work http://archive.is/WImgg >President Trump’s administration has decided to restore work requirements for welfare under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program - welfare leeches BTFO http://archive.is/A19qT >Huge amount of jobs being created in key industries - manufacturing, mining, construction, education, business services, etc. https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/ceshighlights.pdf >13,000 jobs being created in WI because of Foxconn plant - largest job announcement in WI history http://archive.is/NN30y >Foxconn announces that a SECOND plant is coming - Michigan http://archive.is/ePQWX >Slashing job-killing regulations left and right http://archive.is/AQU0f >Getting rid of regulations that restrict coal miners - create more mining jobs - opened new coal mine http://archive.is/2XiJJ >Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal mine http://archive.is/fK2LD >Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol http://archive.is/5ROux >1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia http://archive.is/dIkH3 >Prevented jobs from going to Mexico and other countries - Toyota + Mazda opening new plants in USA http://archive.is/6UsKu >Executive Order Expanding Apprenticeships in America http://archive.is/KHQrz *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ECONOMY >DOW passes 23,000 for the first time in history http://archive.is/obomP >Nasdaq (6,603) and S&P 500 (2,555) all closed at record highs on Wednesday http://archive.is/2yiYz >Since Trump’s election, the DOW is up 24.23%, the S&P 500 is up 19.28%, and the NASDAQ is up 26.80% http://archive.is/9tlDe >US second quarter GDP growth has been revised to 3.1% - fastest growth in more than two years http://archive.is/nXXeb >The US Census Bureau has announced that the American median income is increasing for the first time sine 2007 - stagnant wages BTFO http://archive.is/3IWMd >According to the Federal Reserve, household wealth in America has reached a record high of $1.7 trillion - due to rising property values and financial gains http://archive.is/V7AC0 >Senate approves budget, kick-starting GOP tax reform effort http://archive.is/6XGme >Presidential Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens http://archive.is/X2Tif >Pulled out of TPP http://archive.is/8jHzK >Pulled out of the Paris Accord - save billions in taxpayer money and trillions in GDP, put American industries first by creating and maintaining millions of industrial jobs http://archive.is/3Pcr3 >Going through with building the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - expanding energy infrastructure and creating 1000s of jobs http://archive.is/1L6ys >Buy American, Hire American executive order - restrict guest worker visas and require more agencies to buy more goods and services from American companies and workers http://archive.is/SPmkc >Trump has signed a $15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey - includes a short-term suspension of the debt ceiling and money to keep the government running for the next 3 months http://archive.is/2djqr >Signed an executive order that requires all federal agencies to create task forces to look at and determine which regulations hurt the economy - cut red tape http://archive.is/EmzX7 >Signed an arms deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia http://archive.is/dIkH3 >Reworking NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals - might pull out http://archive.is/2Ewiq >Pulling funds from to the UN (http://archive.is/dO4lH) - looking to pull billions more (http://archive.is/DD01I) >Trump has signed an Executive Order that gives the Treasury Department new authority to target companies and institutions doing business with North Korea http://archive.is/jagYE >America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign aid to Egypt http://archive.is/ZmhZC >New memorandum to protect American IPs from China - potentially save billions in dollars and millions in jobs - piracy and counterfeiting BTFO http://archive.is/c1Bta >Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion) http://archive.is/kIOXE >Resuming trading natural gas and beef with China http://archive.is/9CEPP >Trading coal and rice to China http://archive.is/nVbVb >Negotiated new sugar deal with Mexico http://archive.is/sPLUi >US pork exports going back to Argentina for the first time since 1992 http://archive.is/P43dU >Trading energy with new countries in Europe (Poland, Lithuania) - end their reliance on Russian energy http://archive.is/9L9mH, http://archive.is/fpEyU >American manufacturing expanded in August at fastest pace in six years http://archive.is/ieUwD >Trade deficit falling faster than expected http://archive.is/DoROR >Exports at a 2.5-year high http://archive.is/Ulytn >Oil exports at all time high http://archive.is/cp9ks >Coal exports up 60% http://archive.is/4ONbf >Gas prices at a 12-year low http://archive.is/Xdq12 >In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years http://archive.is/KcZjc >Economic confidence is at a 9-year high http://archive.is/GFkEz >Consumer confidence at a 16-year high http://archive.is/CbXxr >CEO confidence highest since 2014 http://archive.is/87U1E >US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high http://archive.is/3BSTP >Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high http://archive.is/QuuCN >Home builder confidence at 12-year high http://archive.is/bErU1 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** GOVERNMENT >Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court http://archive.is/nZs6G >Trump has signed 53 bills into law http://archive.is/HmAUb >Trump has written 46 Executive Orders http://archive.is/8k1By >Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2) http://archive.is/ygnHp >So far, 16 regulations have been cut for every 1 added - 800 Obama regulations cut (saved $200+ billion) http://archive.is/b4sMl >Trump has cut the number of regulations in the Federal Register by 32% in his first 9 months in office - it took Ronald Reagan several years to cut this many pages of regulations http://archive.is/nxp5W >Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies http://archive.is/qLTxX >Cut the White House budget - save taxpayers $22 million http://archive.is/Cnj07 >Signed an executive order to reduce operating costs of the federal government http://archive.is/uOBvJ >11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump - downsizing government http://archive.is/YJDLt >Fixing lobbying laws - 5 year lobbying ban on White House officials http://archive.is/CwYrw >Investigating voter fraud in the 2016 election (Dems BTFO) - moving on to New Hampshire http://archive.is/YskG8 >Senate just confirmed 65 Trump nominees for various positions (August 3rd) http://archive.is/ZUZ6w >Trump is quietly completely transforming the federal judiciary - nominated nearly 60 judges, filling more vacancies than Barack Obama did in his entire first year http://archive.is/xUU3T >The Senate has confirmed Jessie Liu as the US Attorney for the District of Columbia - she is famous for jailing a (((Rothschild))) http://archive.is/xjmV0 >Fired corrupt and incompetent FBI Director James Comey http://archive.is/zXuAQ >Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists http://archive.is/nBiti >Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama http://archive.is/omFAa >Ending many of Obama's useless Executive Orders http://archive.is/rk5Zz >Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors during Audit of Obama HUD http://archive.is/N1jUD >Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness http://archive.is/ekhIR *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** DEFENCE + VA >Barring transgenders from the military - officially implemented http://archive.is/4kStU >Trump has decertified the Iran Deal - Obama BTFO once again http://archive.is/dhpzi >Trump continues to put pressure on North Korea - de-escalate or face destruction http://archive.is/azyan >China has announced it will cooperate with US sanctions on North Korea, will close all North Korean businesses within the next 120 days - severely limits North Korea’s ability to import food, fuel, etc. http://archive.is/aDUBg >More than 1/3 of the territory ISIS has lost since 2014 has occurred during Trump's first 6 months in office http://archive.is/BH2P6 >U.S.-backed forces reclaim ISIS capital of Raqqa http://archive.is/zmXjQ >Mosul liberated (ISIS BTFO) http://archive.is/GCCPd >US-backed forces have taken back more than 50% of Raqqa - ISIS BTFO yet again http://archive.is/Q3eV9 >Phased out Timber Sycamore – CIA’s secret program to arm Anti-Assad rebels (and therefore ISIS) – NEOCONS BTFO http://archive.is/OFbQp >1000+ ISIS soldiers have recently surrendered to Kurdish authorities in Iraq http://archive.is/xfyjs >The Air Force could recall up to 1,000 retired pilots after President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at addressing what the Pentagon has described as an "acute shortage of pilots." http://archive.is/NGPuP >Teaming up with Russia to create a ceasefire in southwest Syria - step in the right direction to end civil war http://archive.is/24ahP >The Senate has passed a $700 billion defence policy bill, backing Trump’s call for a steep increase in military spending http://archive.is/l5S24 >Announcement of a new and improved military strategy in Afghanistan - fixing the mess left by Bush and Obama http://archive.is/sC2JK >Encouraging Middle Eastern countries to team up and exterminate ISIS and terrorism as a whole - teaming up with Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism http://archive.is/haVeS >Reworking NATO so other countries pay their fair share (Germany) - Many countries have already increased their funding (Canada, Romania, etc.) http://archive.is/KwXM5 >Trading missiles to Poland to protect them from Russian aggression (muh Russia BTFO) http://archive.is/0Cfl7 >Increasing funds to and modernizing the VA - better service + easier access + more accountability (VA Accountability Act) - 500+ corrupt employees fired http://archive.is/glNJR - http://archive.is/CsyeS - http://archive.is/fjZfN >Signed the Forever GI Bill - improved college aid for veterans - removal of the 15 year use or lose limit http://archive.is/fMXAS >S. 583 - American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017 - PRIORITIZES HIRING AND TRAINING OF VETERANS https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congres...e-bill/583/text >Law to protect whistleblowers http://archive.is/Czgzp >Afghanistan MOAB took out ISIS tunnels and killed 90+ terrorists http://archive.is/1vJxh >Sanctioned Iran for their missile use http://archive.is/qpxlQ >Sanctioned North Korea for their missile use http://archive.is/kTvd1 >Sanctioned Syria for their chemical attack http://archive.is/ekN5v >Sanctioned Russia for their activity in Ukraine (muh Russia BTFO) http://archive.is/H8MxD *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** CRIME >President Trump has fully pardoned former sheriff Joe Arpaio http://archive.is/Ex8Zs >Seeking the harshest possible punishments for criminals http://archive.is/YE7r0 >Large crime sweeps all over the country (MS-13) http://archive.is/Rmum9 >Creating a Department of Justice task force to fight against violent crimes + cartels http://archive.is/zSrjw >Sending the Feds into Chicago to fix their crime epidemic http://archive.is/iaXAP >Busting pedophile rings all over the country (hundreds arrested) + passing legislation to combat human trafficking http://archive.is/VQesR - http://archive.is/NsNVD >Cocaine seizures at the border have more than doubled under Trump http://archive.is/Hw3d3 >FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow - massive bribery, kickback, extortion, money laundering, and cover up scheme - directly incriminates The Clinton Foundation http://archive.is/724V6 >The Senate Judiciary Committee has begun a corruption probe investigating the Obama administration’s approval of the Uranium One deal - Clintons about to get BTFO http://archive.is/BPqCf >The Senate Judiciary Committee calls on former FBI Informant to testify about Uranium One http://archive.is/Lu5S6 >Trump has lifted restrictions imposed by Obama on the transfer of surplus military-style equipment to the police http://archive.is/EXgzm >Trump DOJ ends Obama-era "Operation Chokepoint" - program that unfairly targeted gun dealers http://archive.is/6lG57 >Justice Department to take on affirmative action in colleges - anti-white discrimination BTFO http://archive.is/UlZBB >It has been revealed that the Department of Homeland Security considers Antifa a domestic terror group http://archive.is/lzD0s >FBI cites black extremist groups as new domestic terrorist threats http://archive.is/5v9jm >Justice Department has demanded 1.3 million IP dresses related to a major “Trump Resistance site” http://archive.is/F62Rj >The House Judiciary Committee is once again requesting that Jeff Sessions appoint a second special counsel to investigate Loretta Lynch, James Comey, and Hillary Clinton http://archive.is/Y1r7F >The FBI has released documents suggesting James Comey planned on exonerating Hillary before FBI investigation was complete http://archive.is/SOudi >FBI re-opens case relating to the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting http://archive.is/7eetm >Wasserman Schultz' ex-IT aide indicted on 4 counts, including bank fraud and conspiracy against the USA http://archive.is/sTo8K >DoJ investigation into intel leaks underway http://archive.is/RXWvR >FBI in Puerto Rico investigating if corrupt local officials are 'withholding' or 'mishandling' crucial supplies http://archive.is/Bvob5 >Trump administration orders FBI probe into Harvey Weinstein http://archive.is/1yr4x >S. 419 - Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2017 https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congres...e-bill/419/text *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HEALTHCARE + WELLBEING >Trump has signed an executive order on healthcare that allows people to purchase healthcare across state lines http://archive.is/6hJ9m >Trump to halt 'massive' ObamaCare subsidies to insurers http://archive.is/UghuP >Trump's EPA gave $100 million to Flint to help with their water crisis http://archive.is/qppvc >Trump Administration Defines Life ‘Beginning at Conception’ http://archive.is/tMRA3 >Signed law giving states the option to withdraw taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood http://archive.is/7Pilk >The House has passed a bill (237-189) that would ban abortion after 20 weeks - Trump supports the bill http://archive.is/Z1ysK >Defunding international groups that promote/perform abortion http://archive.is/23b9Q >The Trump administration is rolling back Obamacare mandates that cover birth control - roasties BTFO http://archive.is/g801O >Signed an executive order to combat drug addiction and the opioid epidemic http://archive.is/ORno1 >Taking action on healthcare fraud (412 arrested) http://archive.is/cIlzx >Largest ever crackdown on opioid-related fraud (120 arrested, including doctors) http://archive.is/FtqiM >The president has signed a disaster proclamation in response to Hurricane Harvey - unleashes the full force of the federal government to help Texas http://archive.is/SJinr *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** EDUCATION >Common core is finished - give power to the States to choose curriculum http://archive.is/o3NIW >Pulling the feds from K-12 education http://archive.is/ZFvPn >Jeff Sessions says that the DoJ will be stepping up enforcement of free speech rights on college campuses http://archive.is/QtHVL >Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Friday rescinded Obama-era guidelines for investigating allegations of sexual assault on campus, replacing them with guidelines she said would help schools “treat all students fairly.” http://archive.is/82z6P >Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced http://archive.is/N5FZA >Getting rid of transgender bathrooms in schools - up to the states http://archive.is/m4NXJ >Signed an executive order to help out historically black colleges and universities http://archive.is/HciMV >Trump has signed a $200 million memo to boost computer science education in schools http://archive.is/xQiGt >Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship and STEM http://archive.is/AclCP *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** MISC. >NCHS is reporting that whites once again make up a majority of births in the US - reversing a decade long decline >4 out of 4 special election wins >The RNC doubled the DNC in fundraising in August - $7.3 million to $3.8 million - the RNC now has $45.8 million cash on hand with $0 debt, while the DNC has $6.8 million on hand with $3.4 million in debt >RNC pulls in $75 million in Trump’s first 6 months - DOUBLE Obama’s first 6 months >Voter registration data shows that blue states are getting redder and red states are getting redder http://archive.is/jMuf1 >Unironically got a Democratic Governor to switch parties - first time in 25 years >The Trump administration will abandon the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing (((global warming))) http://archive.is/RhYW1 >Trump has withdrawn the USA from UNESCO - saves $500 million http://archive.is/mp3z5 >Proposing new policies on creating and repairing infrastructure - speed up, larger budget - will be introduced to Congress soon >Trump blocks Chinese purchase of U.S. company for national security reasons >Increasing the power of the US Cyber Command - more resources to fight cyberspace threats >Increasing funds to NASA - Mars mission by 2033 >Brought back the National Space Council >Senators Lankford ® and Booker (D) have co-sponsored a bill that would strip any taxpayer funding to professional sports teams for building their stadiums >USA and Russia agree to cooperate on building the first lunar station >Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty executive order >New and improved policies towards Cuba (fix American tourism and the human rights of Cubans) >Getting rid of Obama's wasteful environmental policies >Brought home Otto Warmbier and Aya Hijazi, captives from North Korea and Egypt respectively, that Obama ignored >Privatizing air traffic control >The Department of Transportation has gotten rid of many Obama-era regulations regarding truck drivers >H.R. 1238 - Securing our Agriculture and Food Act >Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council http://archive.is/QdSzo
  9. Here’s the official complied blow a “he hasn’t done anything, whiny cuck out of the water list” Economy President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President http://archive.is/lJk4Z Q2 GDP up 3.1% http://archive.is/nXXeb Government spending as percentage of GDP down http://archive.is/2sG4k US trade deficit narrows as exports hit 2-1/2-year high http://archive.is/Ulytn U.S. has record 6 million job openings, 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs http://archive.is/TQrnw USA's small business confidence is spurring a hiring and spending spree https://archive.is/vQAi6 Wages rising faster than prices https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cpi.pdf https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf Consumer confidence strengthens in August, second-highest level since late 2000 http://archive.is/06AVs U.S. Consumer Sentiment Rose in August https://archive.is/JXY9o 63.1%: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High http://archive.is/4KYyH Fewest Jobless Claims Since 1973 http://archive.is/ulfiI Summer Youth Unemployment Falls, Level Since 1969 http://archive.is/t2RHr Black Unemployment, Lowest Level in 17 Years http://archive.is/uf5OQ Manufacturing Expands at Fastest Pace in 13 Years http://archive.is/1kE5U Summer employers hired American, raised wages amid Trump visa squeeze http://archive.is/dZVZc Recovery Is Finally Trickling Down to Least-Educated Workers https://archive.is/7dwNo Median Incomes Climbing for First Time Since 2007 https://archive.is/TyB3d U.S. Job Satisfaction Highest Level Since 2005 http://archive.is/h8D7W Nearly 1.5 Million Fewer Americans on Food Stamps Under Trump http://archive.is/IAxTW Net worth for households and non-profit groups rose by $1.7t q/q, or 1.8%, to $96.2 http://archive.is/pRixH Sales of new U.S. homes rebounded in August http://archive.is/oRwa9 Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 years http://archive.is/pRr0w Surging stock market powers U.S. wealth to $96.2 trillion http://archive.is/EcBpD ********** *********** ********** DHS Workers install final panel in upgrade of border fence http://archive.is/MzAgi Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall http://archive.is/EvfL0 Trump Admin Preparing Texas Wildlife Refuge for First Border Wall Segment http://archive.is/AcC8G Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's border wall http://archive.is/ja3c3 30-foot concrete slab prototypes erected along border http://archive.is/sGSpb Feds taking over Texas National Guard mission along border https://archive.is/l6SOc Border Patrol Morale at Highest Level https://archive.is/VPOqo Crossing The Border Illegally Is Harder Than It’s Been In 50 Years http://archive.is/Uyjh1 Memo reveals ICE officers have free rein https://archive.is/yfFzM US agency raids Indian IT firms https://archive.is/hIL4p Silicon Valley Staffing Firm Charged in H1B Fraud https://archive.is/sTj7G Raids to target teenaged suspected gang members https://archive.is/7aXF6 80% jump in illegal targets https://archive.is/g77SY New crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities https://archive.is/6WZGh ICE chief wants smuggling charges on leaders of sanctuary cities https://archive.is/7rlwN Denver To ICE: Stop Arresting Illegal Immigrants At Courthouse. ICE To Denver: Not A Chance. http://archive.is/IyFdk ICE raids targeting families net 650 arrests http://archive.is/XOJk1 17 Texas sheriffs approved to partner w/ICE https://archive.is/RvlXW ICE crackdown scaring some families back to Mexico https://archive.is/fqhUK Raids turn Oregon city into ghost town https://archive.is/yzW35 Deportation Orders Up 30% https://archive.is/gBdnN Deportations From the Interior up 34% http://archive.is/hQJ3K 'Extreme Vetting' for some green cards http://archive.is/qakPP DACA Renewals Drop 21% http://archive.is/IHvpi ********** ********** ********** DOJ Charges: Sex traffickers took hundreds from Thailand to US http://archive.is/BhsEV Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores http://archive.is/VQesR Jeff Sessions Declares Fight Against Elite Pedophiles A Top Priority http://archive.is/NiDB9 238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators http://archive.is/Gu0Sg US Marshalls Seek Unregistered Sex Offenders, Arrest 12 http://archive.is/HmsMn 84 kids rescued, 120 human traffickers arrested in FBI sting http://archive.is/cS2VE Justice Department announces takedown of AlphaBay, the largest dark web market http://archive.is/b4yvi Jeff Sessions announces new crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities https://archive.is/6WZGh The Department of Justice Stands by Texas's Voter ID Law http://archive.is/pGLvQ The U.S. attorney general is bringing back the harshest sentences for low-level drug offenses http://archive.is/bEu3F Sessions reassures senators: No pot crackdown imminent https://archive.is/BHBC6 Jeff Sessions: 400 medical professionals charged in largest health care fraud takedown http://archive.is/Jc3Ge Big increase in cocaine seizures https://archive.is/XaYos/869bea02b5c9d17208...a64cf8c11d4.jpg Sessions's New Civil-Forfeiture Rules http://archive.is/5C5if Four charged with leaks from Trump administration as attorney general vows crackdown https://archive.is/8AIzT DOJ Halts Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted Firearm Dealers http://archive.is/bDDcZ Sessions says U.S. will intervene in campus free speech cases http://archive.is/UaxaE DOJ files suit against company for not hiring Americans http://archive.is/tWFCS 3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America http://archive.is/CQm9U ********** ********** ********** Interior Day One: Secretary Zinke Signs for Orders to Expand Access to Public Lands https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/day-one-s...ss-public-lands Zinke Signs Secretarial Order To Streamline Process For Federal Onshore Oil And Gas Leasing Permits https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/zinke-sig...and-gas-leasing Secretary Zinke Announces Boost to Wetland, Waterfowl Conservation, Access to Public Lands Through Conservation Grants, Federal Duck Stamp Funds https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary...ss-public-lands Secretary Zinke signs Secretarial Order to Support Sportsmen & Enhance Wildlife Conservation https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary...nhance-wildlife Ryan Zinke plans overhaul because Interior Department employees 'not loyal' http://archive.is/ikehT A Vision for American Energy Dominance ********** ********** ********** ED Campus Rape Policies Get a New Look as the Accused Get DeVos’s Ear http://archive.is/G1Zv7 DeVos' meetings with 'men's rights' groups over campus sex assault spark controversy http://archive.is/l0v1w Betsy DeVos Is Right: Sexual Assault Policy Is Broken http://archive.is/wY3kY DeVos to Replace Obama-Era Sexual Assault Guidelines https://archive.is/FZnX7 Betsy DeVos announces huge overhaul of federal student loan system http://archive.is/mhtCM Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education http://archive.is/0s0IU Executive Order on Enforcing Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office...bitions-federal Education Secretary DeVos says Common Core no longer an issue for schools http://archive.is/FBE2g DeVos rescinds 72 guidance documents outlining rights for disabled students http://archive.is/qsX6s ********** ********** ********** HUD Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD http://archive.is/N1jUD HUD poised to end Obama's illegal Section 8 housing grant scheme https://archive.is/PdTXj ********** *********** ********** OMB Mulvaney: Obama Administration Had ‘Secret List’ of Regulations http://archive.is/gw49C Trump budget chief touts progress in rolling back regulations http://archive.is/y0ghK Mick Mulvaney: Tax reform proposal coming 'very early in the fall' http://archive.is/7ZMkf Mulvaney: Obama Administration Had ‘Secret List’ of Regulations http://archive.is/gw49C Trump Cut Regulations 32% http://archive.is/nxp5W Mick Mulvaney on the Budget, Congressional Scorekeepers and Staying Frugal http://archive.is/YKi1D Research and Development Priorities https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse...017/m-17-30.pdf ********** ********** ********** DOE Rick Perry and the “Texas Approach” to Renewable Energy and Infrastructure http://archive.is/XjtQb Rick Perry’s Plans for US Energy Dominance http://archive.is/zQqjE Trump approves US-Mexico pipeline: ‘That’ll go right under the wall’ http://archive.is/QfMLv Oil starts gushing through controversial Dakota Access Pipeline https://archive.is/N2ACk DOE Announces $6.9 Million for Research on Rare Earth Elements from Coal and Coal Byproducts https://energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-6...coal-byproducts Perry wants DOE to support small modular nuclear reactors http://www.elp.com/articles/2017/06/perry-...r-reactors.html Senate subcommittee approves $38.4B to fund ARPA-E, DOE programs in 2018 http://archive.is/Hd0fW U.S. coal exports soar, in boost to Trump energy agenda, data shows https://archive.is/RcG3d By the way, the U.S. has become the world's dominant energy superpower http://archive.is/V6jZ5 Rick Perry’s “baseload” study released, offers a lifeline to coal, nuclear http://archive.is/1p5U8 Trump Admin Proposes The Biggest Change To Electric Grid In Decades http://archive.is/FWs5C ********** ********** ********** State Tillerson to shutter war crimes focused State Dept. office: report http://archive.is/hVIoM It's a bloodbath at the State Department http://archive.is/nBiti Tillerson Tightens Limits on Filling State Department Jobs http://archive.is/YiKBN Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid, merge State and USAID http://archive.is/mTpEv Rex Tillerson, Mediating Gulf Dispute, Signs Antiterrorism Pact With Qatar http://archive.is/myVs0 Rex Tillerson blasts China for hiring slaves from North Korean government http://archive.is/D7Vn4 Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern Europe against Russia http://archive.is/HG7h8 Tillerson on North Korea: Military action is 'an option' http://archive.is/dhGHi Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security http://archive.is/O26Lz New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From Seven Countries http://archive.is/7JKRT Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half, takes more Christians than Muslims http://archive.is/4HPSi Fewest Monthly Refugee Arrivals in August Since 2002 http://archive.is/TyRvd Trump Administration Announces 'Extreme Vetting' Plans http://archive.is/d4bgo ********** *********** ********** VA Trump Signs Bill to Extend Veterans Choice Program http://archive.is/sYxBD Trump Administration Streamlines Veteran Medical Records http://archive.is/7c8aH White House to launch veterans' complaint hotline http://archive.is/okVdM President Donald J. Trump visits VA and signs executive order 'Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ http://archive.is/X58FI VA fires more than 500 feds under Trump, even before new accountability law https://archive.is/XZqlb Trump signs VA accountability act into law, promises better care for veterans http://archive.is/iEDPe VA expands telehealth access http://archive.is/7zvUf How the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 may drive civil service reform http://archive.is/sga85 Trump signs ‘Forever GI Bill,’ boosting aid to student vets http://archive.is/IDg0u Trump Signs Bill to Streamline VA Disability Claims Appeals Process http://archive.is/A0KYi Trump to announce new refugee admissions cap, stronger vetting rules as ban expires http://archive.is/eQosd ********** ********** ********** Commerce U.S. Banks to Get Greater China Access (GS, MS) http://archive.is/YDmMw Trade agreement clears way for Moody’s, Fitch and S&P to rate onshore bonds http://archive.is/gFk2F China, U.S. reach trade agreement on beef, poultry and natural gas http://archive.is/5kxIF China buys more U.S. coal, sends North Korea http://archive.is/reqXe China opens rice market for US exports for first time ever http://archive.is/R9LSx First U.S. Natural Gas Shipped to Poland http://archive.is/9L9mH Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports http://archive.is/sGxmO U.S. makes final finding rebar exports from Taiwan http://archive.is/0uUAZ United States and Mexico finalize sugar trade deal http://archive.is/XV3PV Trump orders probe of China's intellectual property practices http://archive.is/q6NNR Crude oil shipment from Texas opens new vistas in India-U.S. ties http://archive.is/gPaNm Argentina agrees to allow first U.S. pork imports in 25 years http://archive.is/twmqa ********** ********** ********** DOD Mattis: 'Annihilation Tactics' Being Used Against ISIS http://archive.is/oP9gV ISIS leader 'admits DEFEAT in Iraq and orders militants to flee or kill themselves in suicide attacks' http://archive.is/OvFtY ANALYSIS: ISIS facing knockout punch in Raqqa after losing Mosul http://archive.is/HfNsR Mattis decides to withhold U.S. cash from key Pakistani military fund http://archive.is/6yDkL US, Gulf countries form new group to stem flow of terror financing http://archive.is/Y2JES James Mattis threatens to ‘moderate’ US backing for Nato over budgets http://archive.is/j1V4u NATO weighs new counterterrorism post following Trump's demands http://archive.is/DQvhF U.S. Cyber Command will be elevated to a "Unified Combatant Command" http://archive.is/BerzT ********** ********* ********** SBA SBA Administrator McMahon leading agency by ‘effective and efficient’ example https://federalnewsradio.com/management/201...icient-example/ U.S. Small Business Administration opens assistance center http://archive.is/hAbM4 SBA chief Linda McMahon talks loan process, role in youth jobs during Baltimore visit (Video) http://archive.is/Dt41D ********** ********** ********** DOT Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System http://archive.is/4h1o5 President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform” Push http://archive.is/JgxUu Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure http://archive.is/zMpjW ********** ********** ********** UN Haley Tells Congress US Assuming More Assertive Role at UN http://archive.is/2fbGk Nikki Haley defends Trump's doctrine of diplomatic chaos http://archive.is/tmnYm Haley cheers cuts to UN peacekeeping: 'We're only getting started' http://archive.is/NtGfT UN Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea http://archive.is/ASkQI ********** ********** ********** Treasury Tax reform shocker: the White House actually has a plan http://archive.is/wEkcX Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Just Laid Out a Pathway for Social Security Benefits to Be Cut http://archive.is/FqPau Trump sides with Mnuchin on debt ceiling strategy http://archive.is/HmsIy Treasury to call for rolling back banking regulations http://archive.is/3ZI53 U.S. wants free but fair and balanced trade: Mnuchin http://archive.is/VVoBL ********** ********** ********** HHS Tom Price: CBO's health insurance projections are significantly off http://archive.is/GkWTU HHS analysis finds Cruz amendment lowers premiums, boosts enrollment http://archive.is/s1UMS The Trump administration is using Obamacare marketing dollars to attack Obamacare http://archive.is/gVegx HHS to Rescind Birth Control Mandate in Obamacare https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office...ligious-liberty Trump clears way for ObamaCare 'alternatives' http://archive.is/6hJ9m Trump will end health care cost-sharing subsidies http://archive.is/hZfY3 ********** ********** ********** EPA President Trump's executive order will undo Obama's Clean Power Plan rule http://archive.is/6dOZh EPA's Pruitt moves to roll back over 30 environmental regulations in record time http://archive.is/H4msB Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office...-climate-accord Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule http://archive.is/8SPGh EPA chief says administration to roll back Obama's clean power plan http://archive.is/RhYW1
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