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  1. I'd put money on the hood being left open when it was popping back into nuetral and having to hold the paddle. That is exactly what happens. The rest of it is a very complicated affair. I had various Egear errors, like it dropping into flashing N. They were 90% solved by fitting a new pump. It was always quirky on a long drive though & I have to say I don't miss one bit of the Egear.
  2. No. When I did mine, I did notice it smelt a bit more than normal when moving around at low speed for the first few times, but it shouldn't slip. Did you replace the flywheel too?
  3. More like 5" I imagine. I think with correct shape custom seat you get gain 4" over a stock seat. It'd be some work though!
  4. Thanks man. On the Murcie the backwards gearbox means the tunnel is widest where the widest part of a bucket seat fits. I've offered up 4 different styles & sizes & the only ones that will fit are a skeleton carbon seat which I don't really want. I want Recaro SPG or Pole Position in there, so to get the seat where I need it to be inline with the steering I'm going to have to cut the tunnel trim piece at the very least, and possibly modify the tunnel itself. I'll only do it if it can't be solved by modifying the seat, but driving position is so important to me I'll do whatever it takes. I'm really really fussy with it & the Murcie standard seat position is terrible for someone of my height.
  5. I tried gaining headroom with the standard LP640 seats. I managed to get about 4mm by grinding down the mounts in the chassis & I still can't drive it with a helmet on. I am going to be fitting bucket seats, but this is an extremely custom job that requires multiple chassis & interior parts modifying which most won't be comfortable. It is possible though. If you want to see what a 6'3 tall person looks like driving an LP640 with no seat in it, I move mine at the beginning of this video with no seat. Most people wouldn't realise there's no seat in it.
  6. I rubbed through two of the buttons on mine trying to clean them. Has anyone tried these? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Various-Lamborghini-Murcielago-ID-Refinishing-Product/263165226790?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  7. I hadn't spotted that & I've learned something new! Thanks gmendoza.
  8. I found out! I thought I'd add this here just in case anyone else ever needs the answer.
  9. Weird question, but does anyone know which cylinder is cylinder one on a Murcielago? I know the firing order & I know that bank one is on the right as you look at the car from behind. I'd imagine cylinder one is the furthest cylinder (closest to the transmission) but if anyone's come across any documentation, or has experience to confirm or deny that would be fantastically useful. I want to visually check the position of the missing tooth from the trigger wheel at TDC for an aftermarket ECU setup
  10. Yeah, bonkers money. I've now got a few of the pieces. I guess I was being a little optimistic hoping that a complete used shifter would turn up.
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