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Everything posted by Placid

  1. Not in regards to this event in particular, but... It's funny how quick Trump supporters switch stance. First supporting his words and viewpoints on an issue, and then when he suddenly does the complete opposite of what he said, you support that as well! Think for yourself you sheeple, make up your own goddamn mind. Had Hillary ordered this attack she would have been an old hag right?
  2. 1.2 lbs overweight? No problem, push on the towel
  3. No shootings confirmed, however 4 people confirmed dead and the driver apprehended. Shocking twist: He's a fan of ISIS.
  4. Filming a TV vertically? WTF is wrong with people!
  5. Definitely, but I don't see him as an especially large lightweight. People are built differently, but based on physical appearance he should be an "easy" LW.
  6. fcuking sucks, and definitely puts him out of contention for a long while. Making weight at this level is more important than beating the guy in front of you. And I just saw the Bisping/GSP presser, damn Bisping is so disrespectful and act like he's Gods gift to MMA. I know he tries to hype the fight with trashtalk.... And it works! I now can't wait to GSP teaching him a lesson. I just hope GSP is at the competitive level proclaimed.
  7. Interesting for sure, but doesn't make a whole lot of sense other than financially. Legendary if GSP pulls if off though.
  8. So it's OK that your PRESIDENT, the presumably most powerful man in the world, is constantly telling lies to the masses, because you are sick of the left-wing politicians? Have you no criticism of this kind of behavior? How is it OK that "the leader of the free world" tell lies designed to make him or his policies look better? He said he had the "biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan", which is not correct no matter how you bend it. Either this disturbed sick man actually believed this to be true, or he said it to make himself look good. Neither options looks very good, so if you don't react to this you are blind.
  9. I very much agree with this statement. I'm fine with him not having a filter, and saying things like they are. The problem with Trump however, is the obvious lack of also being correct when he says stuff. And the biggest issue here is that most of his followers seem to swallow his lies without any hesitation.
  10. Well, do you watch his speeches? In the Melbourne rally he said: "We gotta keep our country safe. Look at what happened last night in Sweden". Obviously referring to some kind of terror attack or incident related to immigrants. Except nothing happened in Sweden "last night". Absolutely nothing. This guy is so full of shit it should be a warning sign even to people who agree with his politics. And it's funny how he claims media is spreading "fake news". He's perfectly good at doing that himself, fear mongering and false information all the time.
  11. He doesn't give a crap about being correct either, he says/tweets so much that is contradicting, false, rumors or just plain incorrect that it's frighting. But people sheeple don't seem to mind... as long as he's building a wall and repealing Obamacare he can lie as much as he want
  12. That's not exclusive to the UK. What goes on in the US affects most of the world for better or worse, so it's no mystery most countries are paying attention.
  13. We won't on the first part, that's what I mean. Or at least I really hope we won't. If we do, we're fucked.
  14. I was thinking of them as two separate topics 1. We will eventually find out if climate change is "real", be it caused by pollution, volcanoes or cows (unless we somehow stop it). 2. We will in maximum 8 years find out if Trump was a good choice.
  15. Let's not go there While it would be interesting, I see it quickly becoming too political, personal and nasty... And I don't see anything good coming out of it, or discussing politics and religion for that matter, on a car forum. On the topics of climate change and Trump as POTUS we will get our answers eventually anyway
  16. Well, denying climate change is caused by humans is like denying a cow has to die for your steak If his policy on how to fix stuff is different, fine
  17. A plugin is needed to support this, but I think the current forum version is too old for this plugin. And I'm not sure this is even supported in forum posts, only on a dedicated part of the forum. https://invisionpower.com/files/file/7524-videobox/
  18. Took me like 4 repeats to even notice
  19. It's her useless coach convincing her that she can strike. Same thing has happened to grapplers like Koscheck and Hendricks. TBH it doesn't look like RR has gone a single sparring round, just punching pads and thinking she's good.
  20. She should have switched coaches forever ago. Her standup game has always looked awkward like she has no clue what to do. Luckily for her it took WMMA a few years to get catch up, so she dominated on grappling and just her name. She's hopefully done and on suicide watch.
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