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Peter K

Multi-Lambo Owner
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Everything posted by Peter K

  1. I actually like it. I would raise it slightly.
  2. It's ok to shrug your shoulders at imperfections. They are old cars that get driven.
  3. Great ceasar's spacers Batman! That maybe down right dangerous. You can kiss the wheel bearing goodbye in a matter of miles.
  4. Me too. Looking forward to referencing it if I even need to do that same work on mine. BTW, love that green. Would consider it if I ever repaint.
  5. Rezdoc----Louie....told me YEARS ago he was the guy who trained techicians back in the day. Hence why he was the original guy who sold copies of the factory blueprints that we see on ebay ocassionally.
  6. Alberto, you are my hero! Thank for keeping it
  7. VERY nice in black. Currently on ebay, no Lambos old than 1994. It's looking like the less and less we see them, the more and more they'll go up.
  8. Paul, Mike is a good guy and has a lot of knowledge of the cars. He also has some good contacts, lot of help for fellow owners.....I have to get in touch with him as he has supposedly a very good place that specializes in the Marelli distributors rebuilding at a reasonable price.
  9. Jasper is/was on these forums. He closed up shop.
  10. Derek, you are one lucky mofo. Have him send all the pictures he has or have copies made. Very important for your archives.
  11. From what I remember, Evans has it BUT won't sell it....only install it. So an owner would have to ship the car to him. That may have gone on the silver car, if he shipped it there.
  12. I had Hagerty. $2100 per year for all 3 of my cars. Agreed values: Urraco 35k Jarama 35k Countach 300k Keep in mind these values we agreed to was done 2yrs ago. Renewal: Hagerty about doubled in price to $3980 for same coverage and values. Currently working with Heacock: $2200 ($2000 if I join LCA, which I recently did) for all 3 cars. THEIR values: Urraco 57k (!) Jarama 85k Countach: they have it for 300k, I wanted 600k, we agreed to 400k and will review soon for 500k. Higher values for less money per year. is what is making me move to Heacock. PS, I just find it amazing that they raised the values on the Urraco and Jarama on their own. Urraco at almost 60k, that's cool. No matter what company you are with, I just want to say if you have to put in a claim, be VERY careful of your wording on what happened, where you were going and where you were coming from.
  13. As I said years ago, a Countach is a Countach.....they're all good Countaches...so grab them while you can. I think anyone who would rather "discuss" whether a car is worth the money or not because of whatever reason......is just killing time. They will all sell and they will all sell fast. So, anyone who wants to buy one, don't chit chat about it. Make decision and act on it quickly. I have a feeling the car I posted this thread about is gone. But will confirm.
  14. As far as the carbed car, all I have is it's an 84 or 85 car, has around 31k on it and has been owned for 15 years by its current owner. Carbs done by the people that did my Jarama.....not just a rebuild. New tires, and lots of odds and ends done. Has a wing. But not sure it's on the car. Owner not sure how much to ask for it. I am not sure what to suggest for a price. I do not think it will be under 200k unless it is real rough....which is NOT the impression I get. I actually think it may be in pretty nice condition (then it would be north of 200k) If I get pictures of either of them, I will post for sure. I do not think these are internet/computer people.
  15. There is a guy with an 88 1/2 black(suppose to be a repaint) with cream, silver wheels, new clutch. Guy wants 167,000.00. PM me for his info. I found out about this car through Chad but since Chad is limited on what he can post, I am in the process of getting the owner, himself, information to pass on to help you guys out. I'll post info in the for sale section as I get it. I have zero stake in this. Also, keep an eye out for a carbed car possibly coming up for sale soon. I have no details yet.
  16. That's very strange. behind a plate is baffling. But considering all that extra wiring.....could have been an electronics store showcar with strobes and bright light.
  17. I say stick to your guns on the price or go higher. Nothing less. Someone WILL buy it, it is just a matter of time. People are sucking up the carbed cars.
  18. I think most of us owners toy with the idea od selling once in a while. Plus, recent prices make you think.
  19. http://www.autoscout24.de/Details.aspx?id=...&asrc=st|sr
  20. Bad quality photshop work in those pictures.
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