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Everything posted by jhbchess

  1. He can go find all the amazon URLs for infringing products and report them on this page: https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement And if they copied his user manuals etc he can try flagging them for copyright infringement as well. It’s a whackamole game.
  2. I have sued some Chinese companies in US courts. The money part of the judgment is not usually collectible. But getting an injunction that bars their product from being sold, seizing domain names, etc has some value. If they are entirely located overseas and engaged in shady stuff they often do not appear. Expect the suit to still take 9-12 months.
  3. It would be nice to be the guy making all the picks and shovels needed for mining. Or maybe running a giant australian solar data center and leasing the space and electricity to miners. Seems like computer GPU is better for eth and some alt coins, while ASICs is primarily for bitcoin? As someone else put it: ASIC: Advantages Compact form factor. Gigantic hash power right out the box. Ese to use. No need for other components only PSU to run it. Disadvantages Very Noisy fans Hard to buy you need to preorder Hard to sell You can mine Lightcoin and Bitcoin. GPU: Advantages Can mine several coins at once. You can tune the video cards to consume less electricity. Supports many coins. Easy to buy. Easy to sell. Disadvantages Complicated to configure mining rig to start mining. To start mining you need a case,cpu,ssd, ram, motherboard, and psu. Another explanation here - https://www.trymining.com/pages/asic-vs-gpu
  4. What's the BEST way to cook a steak at home? For me, I reverse sear. Set over to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and insert a meat thermometer. Pull the steaks at 125 degrees and let rest for 10 minutes wrapped in foil. Then drop them into a sizzling hot cast iron skillet with a dash of olive oil in it. Sear for 1 minute per side. Sevre immediately.
  5. I’m going to Vegas tomorrow for the end of the consumer electronics show and some meetings. I plan to invest in an alt coin called “chips” that you mine with a pair of dice.
  6. I've bought in a little here and a little there over time, and today my OCD kicked in and I had to round off to even numbers of coins instead of fractional ownership. Next I'll clean my office...
  7. They assert that the fiat deposits are kept in custodial bank accounts. They also claim that 98% of digital currency is in offline storage so a cyber breach couldn’t wipe them / you out.
  8. Binance closed to new users it seems. https://www.binance.com/m-register.html
  9. So I tried to type this into the FB app and first found that there is also a page named cryptoville... https://www.facebook.com/CryptoVille/
  10. Make the picks, axes and tools for mining and let everybody else do the work.
  11. most home projectors can't generate that much brightness for a 200" screen. you need like 16 foot lamberts of brightness if your room is completely dark. if you have any ambient light then you may need more like 40 ftl. (Projector Lumens ÷ Screen Area) x Screen Gain = ftL edit - here's a calculator page that can help calculate recommended screen size, viewing distance/angle, and the projector lumens and foot lambert stuff. https://www.projectorscreen.com/projector-screen-calculators
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2018...e/#1aefeec03eed
  13. So it’s been a year, has the Tag Tourbillion stood the test of time?
  14. Interesting video interview with Ripple CEO on what their intent is with xrp https://www.cnbc.com/video/2017/12/27/rippl...rm-banking.html
  15. XRP going bonkers http://markets.businessinsider.com/news/st...7-12-1012307798
  16. The Nano S was pretty easy to set up. I tried a test transfer of BTC from a digital wallet to the nano and it's still "pending" - so I'm at the mercy of the processing speed of the digital wallet. Transfer started at 11:18 and finished at 11:46. The rub is that the transfer fee cost about $20 on $1500 of BTC. So, now I have to decide between keeping it in a digital wallet or digital vault for free vs transferring back and forth to a hardware device. My initial sense is that for a long hold on 1 BTC or more I'd keep it on the Nano S. But for fractional shares that I may be actively trading into other currency I'll probably keep it digital to avoid the fees. I don't like feeling as if the casino is charging me for cashing in my chips.
  17. I got two Nano S delivered yesterday bought from the ledger website. Had to pay shipping from France but was still cheaper than what I could find on amazon. Will set it today - hopefully I can use it on both Mac and PC.
  18. That’s cool. Someone should buy that in Houston so I can look at it at cars and coffee.
  19. A friend of mine said that b/c Coinbase is most popular it seems to drive larger bid/ask spreads so you end up paying more. Here is some decent comparative analysis from coin central, but I like hearing the first hand stuff from Roman et al. https://coincentral.com/coinbase-vs-kraken/ https://coincentral.com/coinbase-vs-bittrex/ https://coincentral.com/coinbase-vs-gemini/ I followed Roman's outline, did some purchases on Coinbase and I'm just sitting and waiting for it all to clear. I signed up on a couple of other places just because there seems to be some verification lag and Coinbase doesn't have a breadth of currencies I may dabble in later,
  20. https://boobychristmas.com/ A late advent calendar.
  21. What the hell is Bitcoin? https://www.facebook.com/BatDadOfficial/vid...63192900390866/
  22. Kraken can do xrp. Gemini (the winklevoss twins’ site) might. I’m waiting for verification.
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