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I'm not a fan of their current designs at all. I know people go ga-ga over the 599, but I found the looks to be boring. The ff is a joke and even the 458 is homely. I'm sure this car will perform as fast as all get out and the fanboys will buy out the entire production allocation though.

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I'm not a fan of their current designs at all. I know people go ga-ga over the 599, but I found the looks to be boring. The ff is a joke and even the 458 is homely. I'm sure this car will perform as fast as all get out and the fanboys will buy out the entire production allocation though.


I generally agree with this. I never thought the appearance of the 599 was anything special (great performer though), the FF is way out there, and the 458 is kind of strange from the front, although I think it's beautiful from the side or the rear. And of course the California is not exactly a drop dead looker either, especially from the rear. Will be interesting to see where they go with the next couple of cars.

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Save the date! February 29th 2012 " An era of new,ugly,bulbous cars arrive".




PS, to the people like slowpoke who somehow think the two cars are related: The 599 was never intended to be a competitor to the flagship Lambo hyper car. That's wasn't its purpose.


By Ferrari's own definition it was inteded to be a GT-category car in the truest sense of the word, meaning its role is offer some luxury, practicality, and day-to-day usefulness along with tremendous power, for covering long travels easily.


The GTO variant was different, obviously that car is intended for a hardcore enthusiast crowd looking for an edge.


But the base 599, along with the 575/550 before that, were never slotted in as direct competition for whatever high-hp wedge Lambo currently has on the market. This isn't the entry-level car battle, where they DO lock horns directly with identical purpose models (430/458 v. Gallardo/LP560).


At this price segment both Ferrari and Lambo's current CEOs have repeatedly said that buyers "own both". Meaning if you can drop $400,000+ on a new Ferrari or Lambo, odds are that at some point in the past few years you've had both marques in your garage at the same time.


Personally I always look forward to the arrival of a new F-car, hopefully in this case it doesn't look like some fcuking lame mix of "FF" and "California" styling cues, which are the two least good-looking Ferraris produced in the last 15 years.

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It's a shame the have taken this odd Japanese style approach to their designs.

I'd be a Ferrari fan if they went back go the days of designing cars with Italian style. It all went downhill at the 360 Modena.

What I would give for them to bring out a modern version of a F40 style car.



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It's a shame the have taken this odd Japanese style approach to their designs.

I'd be a Ferrari fan if they went back go the days of designing Italian cars with Italian style. It all went downhill at the 360 Modena.

What I would give for them to bring out a modern version of a F40 style car.


Agree, first there was that Ken Okuyama guy earlier in the decade, who Pininfarina/Ferrari NEVER should have brought in (yes yes, I know how "award-winning" his resume is, a true "genius" and all that. Hated his work, awful.)


Then he bailed for greener pastures, and they went to this current bizarre styling fetish that seems like they're being led by a team that drives "VEILSIDE" Supras...(California/458/FF, all awful. 458 is the only SOMEWHAT tolerable look, so long as it's black).


The F620 or whatever its called will surely be one of the "458/FF" style cars, as will the F70 unfortunately, but we can still hope for the best.



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Agree, first there was that Ken Okuyama guy earlier in the decade, who Pininfarina/Ferrari NEVER should have brought in (yes yes, I know how "award-winning" his resume is, a true "genius" and all that. Hated his work, awful.)


Then he bailed for greener pastures, and they went to this current bizarre styling fetish that seems like they're being led by a team that drives "VEILSIDE" Supras...(California/458/FF, all awful. 458 is the only SOMEWHAT tolerable look, so long as it's black).


The F620 or whatever its called will surely be one of the "458/FF" style cars, as will the F70 unfortunately, but we can still hope for the best.

Haha I think the Veilside supra comparison is spot on. I mean look at the size difference in these cars... It's incredible how much larger the F40's down syndrome younger brother looks.



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Haha I think the Veilside supra comparison is spot on. I mean look at the size difference in these cars... It's incredible how much larger the F40's down syndrome younger brother looks.


The 599 is a beast, it makes a GT-R actually look "small and tossable". :icon_mrgreen:


Never understood why they felt the need to upsize the whole platform so significantly from the 550/575 dimensions...

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Haha I think the Veilside supra comparison is spot on. I mean look at the size difference in these cars... It's incredible how much larger the F40's down syndrome younger brother looks.



I dont think thats a fair assessment. Look at a countach or diablo next to an aventador or murci. Fact is all cars are getting bigger, which i assume is to house all the safety features and creature comforts people have become so accustomed too.


I thought the Enzo was the first ferrari designed by a non native of italy (asian i believe.) But i could be wrong. Regardess the enzo, is redical and a car that I thnk pictures dont do any justice for.

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I dont think thats a fair assessment. Look at a countach or diablo next to an aventador or murci. Fact is all cars are getting bigger, which i assume is to house all the safety features and creature comforts people have become so accustomed too.


I thought the Enzo was the first ferrari designed by a non native of italy (asian i believe.) But i could be wrong. Regardess the enzo, is redical and a car that I thnk pictures dont do any justice for.


No, it's fair, as the Aventador isn't hardly any bigger than the Murcie, a car 10 years older. It even weighs a bit less. :icon_mrgreen:


Regardless, the main point is the LOOK of the car, not the weight, and hopefully Ferrari gets it together on this end.


Would love to actually lust after a Ferrari again as it's been a loooooooooooooooooooooong time.


The Enzo was nice for the front half of the car, but a sloppy reverse-angle bizarre mess from the driver on back.


Come on Ferrari, lets see "THE PASSION"... lol

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Harry from Evo speaketh


Perhaps I should republish my interview with

Felisa I did last September (issue 163), so we can all get our facts right.


He told me then the weight of the next Enzo is 1200kg, power of the V12 engine was 800bhp and the electric boost function would deliver another 100bhp+.


Thanks to Ferrari showing potential owners the 599 replacement this week, there are now plenty of details out in the open. Official embargo date is the 29th Feb.


6.3litre V12, 740bhp, 1525kg dry, 8.5secs to 200km/h, 340km/h, 1:23 Fiorano lap time, 60mm lower, 49mm shorter and 20mm narrower. Reckon on a price of £275k+

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Harry (and Ferrari) can keep all that weight talk for now. Those cars weigh nothing until they arrive in a customer's hands, in the US, in a DRIVEABLE state, and are put on an actual scale.


But the 8.5 second 0-124mph time is fast as hell...really moving. Only the Veyron and MAYBE one or two boutique hypercars throw down numbers lower than that.


And performance figures Ferrari usually doesn't bullshit about as they do so obviously with weights, car will be a rocket with that sort of time if this is a factory figure and not sourced elsewhere.


Now the looks on the other hand... :icon_mrgreen:

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No, it's fair, as the Aventador isn't hardly any bigger than the Murcie, a car 10 years older. It even weighs a bit less. :icon_mrgreen:


Regardless, the main point is the LOOK of the car, not the weight, and hopefully Ferrari gets it together on this end.


Would love to actually lust after a Ferrari again as it's been a loooooooooooooooooooooong time.


The Enzo was nice for the front half of the car, but a sloppy reverse-angle bizarre mess from the driver on back.


Come on Ferrari, lets see "THE PASSION"... lol


Weight was the wrong word, more speaking of overall size. But i personally disagree on the enzo. In person that is.

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Weight was the wrong word, more speaking of overall size. But i personally disagree on the enzo. In person that is.


And we now know the F620 is smaller than the 599 it replaces, which is exactly what Rob and I were saying clearly needed to happen.


Anyway, it's honestly about the car's looks more than any other single metric when it comes to the Italian brands. How they emotionally move us visually is a high standard that we don't apply with the same judgement to say Porsche, where form follows function usually.

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Really? You hated the look of the 360 CS and the timeless 355? Not taking anything else into account here (Performance, maintenance and so on)

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PS, to the people like slowpoke who somehow think the two cars are related: The 599 was never intended to be a competitor to the flagship Lambo hyper car. That's wasn't its purpose.


When Lambo and Ferrari has one car each in the same bracket, they are competetitors. GT car or Hypercar or boulevardcruiser, call it whatever you want but if you got x amount of cash and looking to buy an italien exotic and you are a part of the general population with lots of cash, you check out the options in both manufactorers, period.


You can like it or love it Mako but that is the way it is :thefinger:

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When Lambo and Ferrari has one car each in the same bracket, they are competetitors. GT car or Hypercar or boulevardcruiser, call it whatever you want but if you got x amount of cash and looking to buy an italien exotic and you are a part of the general population with lots of cash, you check out the options in both manufactorers, period.


You can like it or love it Mako but that is the way it is :thefinger:


You're arguing with the actual facts, not my opinion.


As i mentioned previously: both Ferrari and Lambo's current CEOs have both said repeatedly that at this price point, $500k+, their "typical buyer owns 5+ exotics from multiple manufacturers simutaneously".


Guys buying this F620 brand new more than likely actually have orders in on an F70 as well. Think about that.


It's just a whole different class of consumer versus the entry-level cars, which are competitors directly and referred to as such by both companies.


Truthfully despite how it appears in our fanboy arguments with each other in the brand wars, none of them compete against one another really due to what I just said, even when there are 4 or 5 hypercars on the market at once.


As an example, the 3,000+ total run of Porsche CGTs and MB SLRs combined that sold new in 2003-2006 didn't "steal" sales from Murcielagos and 599s and affect their numbers at all during that timespan. The Italians sold just as well as they did prior to their competition releasing those cars.


It just doesn't work that way for that category, which must be nice for the people who are in it... :crybaby2:

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