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For those that have passed away


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Many of us have been here for many years, and we’re trying compile a section about those we lost.

Please either link to a thread, or post their name here and we’ll add them to this permenant section.


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Zmydust (Jonathan Chadic)

PeakCompletions (Ray Hoffman)

Chimay52 (Mike Thom)


Hope they are all enjoying what this universe has to offer.  Miss those dudes :(


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On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 12:02 AM, E7ITE said:

Robert Himler (not sure of spelling).  I can't remember his username either.

VR alexander?

Robert was GBGallardo around here. 

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Robert was a good friend & a solid guy. Lots of history on here but no doubt a true enthusiast and ambassador for the brand.  VR Alexander was legendary as well. #GoneTooSoon.

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