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Everything posted by escobar

  1. Currently travelling through California. Absolutely love San Diego as a place to live. Weather, people, restaurants, ocean front, different burrows with unique charm, beautiful. LA has it's own charm but it's not for everyone and I don't like the spotlight aspect. Personal choice, but it is undeniably beautiful as well. Haven't made it up to San Fran yet!
  2. I don't think Trump ever expected to win when he first set out for this. I personally believe that once he felt like he could do it, the future $$$ by way of easing regulations/changing policy etc. kept him in the game; especially when he has the republican controlled house/senate to push it through. Besides, who the fcuk else from their party could pull it off? Certainly not Lyin Ted, mini-me Marco or boy-toy Jeb. His changes will of course benefit a lot of people in the bargain as he can't bend the rules for just him/inside circle. This will also likely leave the majority of his "supporters" exactly where they are today, or behind in real terms at the end of his tenure. I very much doubt he will be back for a second term, more so because he probably won't want to.. especially based on the house elections in '18 and if it shifts to Democratic majority. Of course, what he says publicly and what he actually does is quite different. It's not too hard to read between the lines. The part that amazes me is the ones who are not wealthy (*cough* lambo owner hanger-arounds and the like *cough*) fight vigorously for the man thinking he has their best interest at heart. fcuking LOL Once the economy get's frothing again and a "unforeseen" crash happens, the Dem's will point the finger straight at the Republicans, who will probably distance themselves far away from DT. My take on the next 4.
  3. LOL @ the Kanye comparison. Yeah, OK. One of my favourites:
  4. Mexican's better start practicing. http://www.imgur.com/7t2yts4.gifv
  5. lol @ the rioters. Interesting speech. He definitely thumbed his finger it to the establishment on the podium - both Republic and Democrat. Let's see how much success he has in getting things moving.
  6. One more. http://imgur.com/msui2ve?r My sides.
  7. This boxing is atrocious. How in the world she didn't drop ET (trainer) is beyond me. Clip while it's still up https://oddshot.tv/shot/Uzqca3xmca1FrLoqGZNbZHKB Dana White must be shitting bricks. RR got $3M to show up. Conor McGregor is going to ask for a hell of a lot more now that the "superstars" are running dry. I'd imagine Dana's face to look like this:
  8. I see Lambo is taking the iPhone 6 -> iPhone 6s approach. Either way, it looks good. Put them side by side with the old/new and it looks more refined/newer.
  9. I bought in after a bit of research which begun with your July 2015 post. .. Thanks!!!
  10. Sounds odd for this to happen. Are you using an iPhone or Android?
  11. +1 I've heard people who have met the Donald say he's a totally different personality when the camera's are off - quite mild mannered actually. He said everything he needed to say to get into office. He's going to run it the way he wants to.. I doubt he gives a flying fcuk about anyone else but the Trump & Co. Tax breaks and trickle down.
  12. Islam is a conservative religion; I would imagine all the social justice propaganda taking place on school campuses in the last few years wouldn't jive too well. I can't see this going away. Just a thought.
  13. Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak? Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there aren't enough funds? When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?
  14. Add to that, the use of "leaks" and "hacks" as a guerrilla means of political warfare is flabbergasting.
  15. I don't think anyone can honestly deny there is a fix going in for Hillary. That said, the GOP should have put forth a better candidate than Trump. But given their lineup, he was the only one who could even come close... Ted Cruz? LOL give me a break.
  16. The CNN promo video for Tuesday night's election is better than the latest UFC promo videos.
  17. I don't think anyone disagrees that Hillary is as crooked as they come. Maybe not the worst, but with the spotlight shining brightly on her it certainly seems that way. I just don't think Trump's temperament/ego is up to the task of diplomacy. That's my opinion. I just wish there was another alternative to Trump/Clinton/What's Aleppo-Johnson/Spaced out Stein. Somebody. ANYBODY. The long term damage to the US seems to have been done. Outside of the US media bubble, serious questions are being raised about the divide that Trump/Clinton have created in America. I think that will cause long-term effects in the USA's ability to maintain it's global police/powerhouse status. 50 years ago we had two, maybe three superpowers. Today we have a shaky West (a bludgeoned UK, divided US, EU) vs. The rising east (Russia/China and up-and-coming Iran). It will be pretty interesting to see how this plays out over the next 5-10 years.
  18. $99K for the badge, rest for the car.
  19. LOL, you can't be serious thinking this wasn't a well crafted propaganda video by Putin. Also, if I saw the captain of the ship managing and inspecting the cleaning staff, I'd be running for the life boats.
  20. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/kev...m=.facde565ad66 Draw your own conclusions.
  21. LOL this thread reminds me of the Malaysia Airlines MH117 crash thread. Reddit/4Chan
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