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Dammit you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


****POTENTIAL SPOILER???????****


















So............this is a guess I haven't seen the movie at all..............but...............The "kid" is Leo Dicaprio. The whole movie is actually a dream containing the whole set of OTHER dreams that he feels he can control. But in actuality he never could (just like the premise that you never really control you subconscious you're just along for the ride with whatever your brain gives you. He's gone for a long time cause................................................He's in a coma, and finally wakes up after he's pulled out of it and everything he knew as his reality comes to a crumbling, falling halt.


Am I close?????





Close to overdose, yes. Put down the pipe and go see it mr pontificator.

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Guest Rob Burgundy







I like to think that it topples over. The only thing that bothers me is that his kids don't look any older, but then again we don't know how long he's been gone. Time, especially such a dramatic one, flows differently for children, so it's possible that it seemed longer to them, and that's why they haven't aged much.



Heres something someone mentioned to me today that blew my mind. In the end scene when he sees his kids again are they wearing the SAME clothes as when he has been remembering them over and over? If they are then I think we have a answer to the end of the movie..

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Heres something someone mentioned to me today that blew my mind. In the end scene when he sees his kids again are they wearing the SAME clothes as when he has been remembering them over and over? If they are then I think we have a answer to the end of the movie..



I heard something even more crazy from a friend: that the whole thing was set up do get DiCaprio to get over his wife - He either jsut had a dream on the plane, or the others were hired to help Cobb get over wife and they were putting an inception in him.



Trippy movie, I want to see it again

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Guest Rob Burgundy
I heard something even more crazy from a friend: that the whole thing was set up do get DiCaprio to get over his wife - He either jsut had a dream on the plane, or the others were hired to help Cobb get over wife and they were putting an inception in him.



Trippy movie, I want to see it again

And it made me think about the way the young business man looked at leo when they all got off the plane after the thought had been planted was....I wonder if the girl and his partner were all just projections of his mind and they were just random people he saw before he fell asleep and allowed them to play a role in his dreams.

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B to B+.


You are being generous, C to Cplus, for the reasons you mentioned.... also, watching three simultaneous dream sequence action flicks w/o any t&a, come on now, that ain't right.


Disclaimer: prior entering the multiplex I consumed a couple of shots of tequila, thus making me susceptible for a level one dream sequence, my "kick" back up to level zero involved ducking out for a smoke! My gf, who is somewhat younger than I, thought it was brilliant.

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Yeah, the clothes threw me off as well. Plus, they are in the exact same position. I now believe that things point towards another dream or maybe even limbo.

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*Might contain spoilers*


Ehhh, it was good, but seriously pretty predictable. It didn't take long to figure out the whole story, the final piece being if you listen to something that is said during the movie, it all falls into place. But it uses the idea that the user forgets because it hasn't been on screen for a while...


The movie itself runs on a basic function that is said to be untrue. The fact is that if you DIE in your sleep (Not watch yourself die, but actually die in your dream), you will die in real life. The whole point is that your brain does not recognize the difference so if you die in a dream, your brain registers that you are dead.


If you know you are sleeping, then you won't die in your dream, because the brain knows it's a dream so it will yank you anyway.


Similarily, pain should not exist, that is why they say to pinch yourself out to come out of the dream because you should not feel any pain. Other than these two, the movie is pretty decent. They aren't big deals, just two things I noted to make the film work. The rest of the concepts (at least creating your dream world and whatnot) are relatively true. I'm actually working it out to see if I can build a dream world from an abyss since it seems like a cool idea, shared dreams probably can't happen, haha!


The story was good in the end with a predictable ending....I agree with Mako; B-ish.

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possible spoiler*










I thought the movie was great, but was getting very annoyed at the fact that everything at the end was INCREDIBLY time sensitive, but nobody did a fcuking thing about it. They took their time doing EVERYTHING like they had all the time in the world......It was driving me crazy. Its like the gingerly strolled through the dream city and admired all the architecture when they were in a hurry to find his wife....wtf!? Overall though a great movie. May have been slightly over hyped already and I went in expecting too much but I still thought it was fantastic.

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possible spoiler*










I thought the movie was great, but was getting very annoyed at the fact that everything at the end was INCREDIBLY time sensitive, but nobody did a fcuking thing about it. They took their time doing EVERYTHING like they had all the time in the world......It was driving me crazy. Its like the gingerly strolled through the dream city and admired all the architecture when they were in a hurry to find his wife....wtf!? Overall though a great movie. May have been slightly over hyped already and I went in expecting too much but I still thought it was fantastic.





Well you remember that time compounded, the only beef I have was with the elevator guy, that whole thing could not take just 2 minutes!!

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Well you remember that time compounded, the only beef I have was with the elevator guy, that whole thing could not take just 2 minutes!!


I understand that fact...but even in the movie they were saying how little time they had (they had like 10minutes at one point inside the snow dream) and yet he leisurly strolled into the vault! After 20 minute shootout!

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I understand that fact...but even in the movie they were saying how little time they had (they had like 10minutes at one point inside the snow dream) and yet he leisurly strolled into the vault! After 20 minute shootout!




Granted. What made me annoyed is how everyone is suddenly super human and a one man army. Everyone is a weapon's expert and destroys anyone no matter how many or how professionally trained.

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Granted. What made me annoyed is how everyone is suddenly super human and a one man army. Everyone is a weapon's expert and destroys anyone no matter how many or how professionally trained.


What about the fact that the defenses couldnt shoot the broad side of a barn! Hes running down a narrow alley about 10 ft from him and they still missed!



No but really, still a very entertaining movie. I didnt realize this is the same guy who did the dark knight.

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After having it watched again I can say







That the children did not wear the same clothes, it was a different time of the day, the kitchen table looked different. So I think it's all real.





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Good movie for the most part. Typically Nolan, which in my mind is defined by shallow characters you don't get to emotionally attach to as you do in really brilliant films, surrounded by beautifully shot locations with great overall pacing.


Definitely not a Top 5 or Top 20 even on any "All Time" list, sorry guys. It's technically proficient and has all the right pieces but isn't anywhere near developed enough at a human feeling level to compare to the greats...


Some quick thoughts:


-DiCaprio was DiCaprio, meaning we've seen nearly this same performance from him in Shutter Island and a few others he's done lately...Starting to get a bit Tom Cruise or Will Smith here (though obviously with a deeper range) where every character he plays is similar.


-Music was sharp, but overbearing. I felt like Nolan was constantly telling me when something important was happening and to PAY ATTENTION! when it wasn't needed by intelligent viewers in key scenes.


-Final composite scene in which Nolan wraps up three major timelines simutaneously was extremely well done technically with very creative editing, but was too long in time. Could have used an edit or two to maintain audience anxiety, which faded as the sequence stretched on.


-"Juno" character playing amateur psychologist as a young college architect for DiCaprio's character was laughable in concept, though Ellen Page does give a strong performance viewers will enjoy.


-Ending was contrived and cliche, as soon as DiCaprio's character took the plot device out of his pocket for the final scene I knew exactly how the end shot to black would finish. Wish they'd gone another more creative direction here.


-At the end of the movie you don't really yearn to follow any of these people to a sequel, you aren't concerned with their futures much at all...but you will dwell on the incredible ambiance of the Watanabe-character's Japanese meeting room, the amazing bending-Paris dream sequence, the bleak "limbo" construct, and the assault on the snow fortress. You'll also be thinking about your own subconcious a lot, wondering what your own locked room of fears would contain...


I'd call this the best of year for sure, but that's not saying much as this year has been really substandard and awful to date.


B to B+.


Wow, summed up my feelings exactly. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but the lack of character connection was exactly why I felt "meh" about it.


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Saw it yesterday, I thought it was amazing. Very entertaining!



After having it watched again I can say







That the children did not wear the same clothes, it was a different time of the day, the kitchen table looked different. So I think it's all real.



I agree, they were wearing different clothes. And if you watch the credits there are two different actors used for the kids, labeled as at age 3 and then at age 5. So it seems as though Dom was away for about 2 years and he was no longer in limbo.

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Guest Rob Burgundy

Going to see it for a second time with a friend. Does anyone have any things I should look for or double check on that they werent sure about? I definetly am going to make a note of the kids clothing.

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Was great! I think that the childs had exactly same clothes at the ending.

I'm 100% positive they are different clothes.


I agree, they were wearing different clothes. And if you watch the credits there are two different actors used for the kids, labeled as at age 3 and then at age 5. So it seems as though Dom was away for about 2 years and he was no longer in limbo.
Never thought about checking the credits. I guess that ends that discussion once and for all. Good job!


This was my third time and I still noticed new and different things.


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Agree with Mako. Good movie but not great movie.


One question (possible spoiler): though I am not an elevator engineer, in absence of gravity, why would the elevator free fall when the cables were bombed?

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