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Everything posted by amp3188

  1. lolz I've got one cat, classic cool cat; he's grey and has a folded ear from when he was a stray and fought/lived with raccoons. He chills most of the time and if he knew how to he would smoke weed, play jazz, and wear berets. I got another cat bout a year ago, a calico, she is INSANE. Good insane though, she keeps me entertained and the varmint population low. It seems as if about once a month, even though she is fixed, she goes even more nuts than on a regular day. You think your cat could have been on some sort of "phantom" period like mine apparently does? Or was there a full moon out?
  2. I've currently got a few photos up in a Rally America photo contest. If I win I get a few t-shirts and some other Subaru/DC Shoes gear. If the rest of LP would be willing I'd love the help in getting votes. They aren't the greatest photos, but I did my best from shooting in the stands. Thanks guys. http://rally-america.com/contests/2009-dc-week-1/entries/710 I'll bump this and post links for the upcoming weeks as well when it comes around to voting time for them. Thanks again.
  3. One thing that I would suggest is going in on a hanger with a friend or business associate. That is of course if your aircraft will fit with theirs in the hanger, what the airport permits, if you trust them, ect. My search and rescue organization has had some good luck with this as we shared a hanger with one gentleman until he finally decided to sell his plane and as soon as he did we partnered up with a helicopter instructor at our airport. Now we house our two hueys and his two little Robinsons in the same hanger and it has worked wonderfully. You really need to find someone you trust if you look into doing something like this, but if you can manage it then it will save a lot off your normal aircraft expenses.
  4. Tomorrow I will be heading up to NYC for my 21st Birthday/New Years Eve (I was born on Dec. 31st). I've got a few things planned out like a visit to Ellis Island and dinner at the Palm, but I was wondering if any of you fine gentlemen or ladies had any other suggestions. I've never been to NYC, so I would appreciate it. I think I will be avoiding the general crazed mayhem of the ball drop though, I've heard its hell from everyone that went. Are there any other good alternative scenes to welcome in the New Year in NYC? I appreciate it.
  5. I should have a new V1 delivered to my house tomorrow. My old Bel was starting to crap out on me, and then the mount broke, leaving it hanging off the glass like it had erectile dysfunction. Anyways, Indiana State Police are using laser now, especially around the south side of I465 and on I70. I also spotted a white, old unmarked Camaro out on 37 (Between Indy and Bloomington). I don't think it was state though; possibly a local. So if anyone is in that area, watch out. I thought they had finally done away with the old Camaros around IN, but I guess not.
  6. Maybe this goes to show the safety of some of these fine automobiles, maybe this goes to show the stupidity and lack of skill of the driver, maybe it this just shows the insanity of the old man, or maybe he should just be given a blinged out hummer golf cart before he does any more damage to the super car market.
  7. I would be interested in this type of information as well. When I was a freshman in college I was working with a couple professors and a dean to try and get a counter-terror program started at my university and put a lot of work into it, but the administration kind of let it fizzle out and nothing came of it. The work has always fascinated me, but after failing to get an educational institution to embrace the field I went down a few different paths and got away from it.
  8. When I was four years old my dad thought it would be a good idea to hire a clown for my toddler birthday. Good intentions, but ultimately a bad idea. The clown showed up drunk and my mom ended up having to convince my dad to not kick his ass, red nose and all, on the front porch. I've never really been a fan of clowns since then.
  9. It's been overcast and raining in Indiana for the past week. Ray Charles would have had a better chance of seeing something like that than me.
  10. Honestly, this is the best piece of equipment I have ever owned or used: http://www.getirongym.com/Default.asp?tcode=asp3&bhcp=1 It's stupid and cheap, but it gets used more than anything and is a great quick work out. I try to finish each day with a quick workout or knock one out before I get in the shower. It is especially great since I've gotten so busy here in the past 4 months or so and I don't have a lot of time to make it out to the gym. There are weight restrictions on it though, and I forget what they are, but if your over 300lbs you definatly won't be able to use it. Make sure your door frames are sturdy too, you do not want to put this in a flimsy build doorway.
  11. Welcome, I'm in a similar boat as you, except I've been working on an english/writing degree (and whatever else I might find time for, possibly a motorsports cert.). Seriously though, watch the productivity. I've had to cut back a lot this semester on internet/TV in general, let alone LP. Don't let it get in the way of the studies and hard work.
  12. As far as services go, get the one that works best in your area. I've had experience with AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon in my area of Indy, and AT&T and Sprint can Sprint actually charged me for droping their service even though I was out of contract. I thought about going to small claims court just to prove a point, but lawyer fees and the time for it would cost me more than what I would get back from them if I won. So I will never use them again in this life, or any other life. AT&T droped calls left and right, but Verizon has worked great and in my almost 3 years of service with them I can count on one hand how many calls I've lost and I think that is just because I've got a regular chepo cell phone. My brother just got the Droid yesterday and he has liked it so far. I'm due for an upgrade, but I still may wait. I like using the thing its whole life before I get another one.
  13. Villa Rockledge This is almost ideal in my book. I was suprised to not find it on LP at all, so I thought I would share the find with you gentlemen. I'd say it sure kicks the piss out of any midwest backyard.
  14. 1-3 all night long and send the video into Red Bull as a sponsorship request.
  15. Good thread to view before I head off to bed.
  16. I agree with you on that one. The thing that really bugs me are those "top friend" lists that people use. I think they are the most stupid things that have spawned from social networking. I mean, seriously, how to rate your friends against one another like that through such arbitrary methods and then publish it for the world to see. Even if you are "lucky" enough to be on one of those lists it’s still like a big F U from that person.
  17. So I was perplexed today to log onto facebook and find out that an old friend, one who I actually had just hung out with for the first time in quite a while last week, unfriended me. Now, I didn't think that I had done anything to piss him off and he didn't say anything, but I went to tag him in a photo and suddenly he wasn't a friend. I decided to check up on some other old friends that I had not spoken with in a while and they too had unfriended me. Now, I haven't done anything to piss these people off as far as I could tell and I don't really do much of anything to get anyone pissed at me. Is this an occurrence that other people are running into with old friends? I just found it strange because I would never think to unfriend an old friend of mine for no apparent reason. It's not like I'm "facebook" friends with these people either, I've known all of them for quite some time and when we did talk more it was an everyday thing. I don't mean to sound if I'm being a whiney or anything, but I just found it strange and wanted to know if other people had similar experiences.
  18. I thought it was a good shot, but one thing you might want to do with a future shot is get these cars in an echelon right or left formation and then have them break off like they are breaking formation on a dive bombing run. Do it fast too, not neccesarily violent, but fast and smooth. Or you could possibly try to replicate some sort of on the ground dog fight. After all these are automobiles insipired by aviation. Their lines are awesome as well.
  19. I'm kind of sad to see the McLaren enhanced Grand Prixs on there. Ugly as hell and I'm man enough to admit it, but I was looking at getting one of those when I was 15. I saw the same one I test drove a month or two ago at a movie theater (had a distinguishable crease in the door) so I hope it survived. Not the most impressive thing, but it was tweaked a little more beyond what McLaren had done to it and it was fast for a 15 year old. After I took it to 90 in the test drive Padre decided that I would have probably done something stupid with it and that I wasn't going to get it. I'm pretty sure he would have been right. The owner wanted 4,500 for it at the time though...
  20. There defiantly is a lot of this stuff going on with all of the R&D in personal carriers and transportation. Now, my question is does this make the Jackass guys and their grocery cart the pioneers and founding fathers of this movement?
  21. This was to rich to pass up and I've got to find and order the cook book. If its been posted before I apologize, I couldn't find it in a search.
  22. That's horrible. I dont' know what the environment around the house was looking like, but it's a good thing that it didn't catch anything else on fire and spark a brush fire.
  23. The Stig here forgot to mention our 4 hour lay over in Vegas on the return home. As I've never been to Vegas and he has only been once what kind of damage could we do in those 4 hours? Or is that airport the kind that requires us to stay in the airport all 4 hours because it is hell to get back into it and through security?
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