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Everything posted by rmtn

  1. rmtn

    Rain is Coming

    I was actually thinking earlier why here was no topic on this storm that was going to be worst in years. Best of luck for all there. That motorway pic looks bad.
  2. rmtn


    I just look at your signature and all those cars. That makes me say DAMN everytime! Absolutely crazy collection!
  3. What is cheapest HD stream? Local Pay Per Views cost here 60€ and I am not going to pay that much considering that it is 3AM here and my gf will be sleeping and I will watch that alone. It if was 10 guys studio with drinking it would be easier to stomach that cost.
  4. Sorry Eric, I came as a bit harsh too. I have shitty week behind. Did not mean to offend either and did not get offended from your post at all. We are totally good! I think it is obvious that boxer is going to win boxing match. Of course never know but that is starting position and prediction. Respectfully as well and btw my name is Erik too
  5. No, did you read what I wrote at all? I literally wrote "I am not a super fan of MMA nor Boxing." I am not a fan of MMA, I look up few matches a year both sports, I saw Mayweathers last match but none earlier. I have seen some McGregor fights I think but not sure as I have zero passion to idolize these dorks.
  6. I looked at McGregor training and his technic is not technic. Absolutely poor hits, ass and legs dont connect in anyway to what hands are doing. I am not a super fan of MMA nor Boxing. I have only seen maybe few of his maches... But apparently McGregor wins opponents with strong kicks and then can maybe land some punches to finish that off... I have not seen any matches of Mayweather but looking at training video it is maiiiiiiiils away from McGregor, there is no contest from purely talent level. But I read Mayweather is passive rather than agressive, I hope tomorrow wont be him ducking away from McGregor's poor punches whole time. BTW. Weight-in now live:
  7. Same here, and I live completely another side of the ball. Why people still give him work and why he is not jailed yet??
  8. I dont care to fight over a spectator sport. Think what you like. Vettel is usually slightly stronger, but in last race and several others this season kimi was fastest on the track and team did not allow overtaking vettel with injured car.
  9. He is hired to support seb for suspected 2018 F1 title. His role is to be a bung between seb and rest. So how do you still want top spot from Kimi because he is not allowed have it. Trust me I hate fact more than you but I his race engineer has raped Kimi and his fans and countrymans so many times that while it hurts I know the same will happen again. Kimi is nearly ran because Ferrari wont allow otherway, no straight competition between team mates and roles are very clear. I would also rather see something else than be frustrated to situation whole next year on top of this year but propably Kimi gets a healthy paycheck that keeps him still in grid in a red car. And also I think Kimi is willing to endure this to get future spots in LeMans-type racing where he would like to drive a red car and be n:o 1 in podium.
  10. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    We have not had a single time even 25°c here this summer. Usually we have about 15 days of 25°c or more, but not this summer, not a single one hot day. And it has been constantly raining, just a shitty summer. And about brits always moaning the weather, you had already better weather at the beginning of march than what we have had whole year. Shit, I visited London-Bath-Bristol in beginning of January and I was instantly on spring mode, it was so sunny and lovely warm weather.
  11. Smaller ship should always give way, maybe these military sailors are too cocky?
  12. People will apply flag filter into their facebook profile pics, ministers will try to look like they care for one day and after that we will keep funding these fuckers from our mutual social fund, even when we know that they are fighting in Syria for ISIS. It's so sad it makes me mad. IMHO, demolish mosques, arrest and jail their "priests" and anyone who mentions jihad or other terrorist shit -> deport immediately and ban entering this country, or whole europe if I can choose.
  13. I hope you have everything ok?
  14. My sister used to live in Barcelona... World is small.
  15. At least 2 dead, 8 badly wounded. Attacked on market square yelling Allahu Akbar while stabbing random people, including elders and mother carrying baby. Because we have shitty politicians everybody have only waited when it's gonna happen here too, and now it did. Wipe these islamists from the surface of the earth. I have nothing to add.
  16. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    On news now: NK bought Ukrainian made rocket engines from black market. But they also postpone missile tests for now and are open for discussion.
  17. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    F&ck. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/840825...ng-un-live-Guam
  18. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    What is the latest turn?
  19. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    Yep and that is only one of about 25 known camps which are listed on the side of that wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Report_of_the...public_of_Korea "The Commission concluded that the North Korean government was perpetrating "unspeakable atrocities" against its own people on a vast scale [39] and committing “widespread, systematic and gross”[10] violations that amounted to crimes against humanity. The Chair of the Commission called these atrocities “strikingly similar” to crimes committed by Nazi Germany in World War II.[11][33][40][41] Crimes included execution, enslavement, starvation, rape and forced abortion." "Talking about these crimes, the Chair of the COI (UN) stated: "Unlike earlier totalitarian states and oppressive conduct, the world cannot now lament, 'if only we had known...' Now, the world does know. And the question is whether the world will respond effectively and take the necessary action.""
  20. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    My favorite quote of all time. I think we also need to carry burden of acting to stop the crimes against humanity are happening. Just like Auschwitz, it took way too long to act and stop the slaughtering. We need to remember that not only people there are enslaved and victims of famine there also are hundreds of thousands people on concentration camps and already millions are dead because of them. For example: Camp 22 is the size of 225 square kilometers (87 sq mi) in area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoeryong_concentration_camp Sadly united nations is a cripled unit because of chinese and russian "veto" and does nothing nowadays.
  21. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    Something I watched or read today way earlier was former North Korea militaryleader telling that embargos are sanctioned to listed companies and listed persons. And as soon as those step in effect they change names of the companies and change names of persons there. So then again those embargos lose all of their power almost immediately. It is so easy it sounds stupid.
  22. rmtn

    Kim Jong Un

    I know my opinion is not needed, nor worth anything but if everyone could stop bullying wheels that would be cool. If you dont want to read then go to his profile and click "ignore user" from menu. Be mature about it please. Personally I dont find anything to offend about and if post is TLDR then happy to scroll over it. On topic: Technology and internet will eventually set North Korea free. But at what cost and how slow. Is intervention needed anyway to make it happen faster or just to limit nuclear risk when we still can?
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