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Everything posted by koenig928

  1. The good news if you are not homosexual or an IV drug user the chance of getting HIV is about as good as a civilian in the U.S. who has never been to Africa getting Ebola. In other words slim chance to non. If you look at the center for disease control HIV infection rates by group, heterosexual males have the lowest rate. Female to male transmission is actually very low and rare! Bet it would be the same with Ebola and condom use would make it near zero.
  2. Any big dog simply being present should do. Not many will enter a yard with big barking dog(s). Beyond that the constant training needed to maintain even a protection sport dog is too much for the average person. That's a sport dog, not one trained in actual protection. Actual protection dog to be reliable would require daily training by the handler. Dog not really a reliable weapons system. Its more a deterrent like an alarm going off. But better because few want to challenge a big barking dog. The only problem with dogs is lifespan. 10 to 15years for most large dog breeds.
  3. I do know two couple that have a huge age gap and both the men have money. My Dentist hired an 18 year old receptionist back in 96. They started dating, believe he was 50 something. Today they are still married. The second one is a director of a company I'm involved in. He's 89 now and she is 44. They have two twins about 7 or 8 years old. His wife wasn't a gold digger, she has an MD and works in the emergency at a major DC hospital. The dentist well his wife does receive very good credit card!
  4. Some quote doesn't work for me. Yes, returns just above inflation. Just seeing food costs rise. I'm more about preservation over creation at the moment.
  5. That's a little scary. He basically went door to door until he found an easy in. Id rather have a regular thief over someone hopped up on drugs or psycho homeless person .
  6. I like Dobermans. The only problem I have with them is they are on the small size in structure. Even a muscular Doberman looks like it can be broken like a twig. I originally wanted a Doberman (Magnum PI fan), but just find Rottweiler's to be a more powerful looking dog over the Doberman. But both are good when in full on bark mode. Can't upload pictures of my dog(s). Don't think anyone would dare try breaking into my house with him barking.
  7. The quote button doesn't seem to work for me. If I'm expecting a package I'll leave the gate open during business hours. The only meter that needs to be read is the gas. The gas company gives me the date and approx. time in advance. So I know when they all will show up.
  8. Rural living can be interesting. Only difference between us, is Canada's gun control makes owning personnel protections very difficult. I do have a Rottweiler, was two, but one died last year. I've had up to four Rottweiler's in the last 20 years. They should be enough of a deterrent. If I could have guns, entering my home would also get you shot. My house is on acreage and I'm on the end of a dead end street. Town is about 8miles away. I have a manual gate that I keep locked. We get dreamers driving around the country looking at property. Even on a weekday, I'll get 3 to 4 cars an hour turn around in our cul da sac. If I don't lock the gate, people drive up to my house to see what's behind the gate. You can't see my house from the road. Tons of curious people, they ignore the no trespassing signs. I'm the middle house. Three years ago, someone tried breaking into the neighbors house. The neighbors have a carriage house they rent out. The tenants called the cops. The guy got by the cops. We have a no chase policy. The thief car jacked another vehicle about two miles away. He had a gun. Gun control just means those law abiding citizens can't protect themselves and the criminals who don't care about laws still have guns. Anyway, this could have turned into a home invasion very easily. He probably skipped my house because of the locked gate. I believe if we had gun rights, even armed thieves would think twice about breaking into a house with cars in the driveway! story here: http://www.abbynews.com/news/184568801.html They ended up catching the guy a few weeks latter.
  9. I've only been near 100% cash and totally safe for the last year. Stocks overall haven't been good this year. Its going to get worse over the next 4 to 5 months. Basically just sitting on cash and earning a little. Inflation in Canada is a minimum, basic things like food costs are going up. But big things like the mortgage are not.
  10. House is paid off. Zero credit card debt. 90% in cash low risk simple stuff. Canada has something called a guaranteed investment certificate, pays around 3% to 4% annually if the stock market is moving forward. The principal is safe guaranteed by the bank. With my credit union deposits are 100% insured. Zero risk of loosing money. Only downside is no growth potential. Second tool is a term deposit, downside you are locked in for 20months or more. Again the principal is safe. Low interest rates means the best is 2.10% to 3% annually. I do have 10% in stocks. Have 20 years stock market experience. Along with my Father, who was a senior VP at one of Canada's largest brokerage firms, for nearly 40 years. Stock market is second nature to me and makes more sense then real estate.
  11. With Hefner its mostly paid models for photo ops and a mixture of gold diggers. .
  12. Quote doesn't work. I tend to forget TESB, it is better then Jedi. The ewoks, etc. just got too kiddie for my taste. The prequels are the ones I really hate. If Disney did it under their other banners, the studio's they use when they don't want to tarnish Disney's kid friendly image (Touchstone), Id be more optimistic its not going to be a kid friendly toy commercial.
  13. The problem I have with the Star Wars franchise. With the success of the first one, at the box office and toy sales. The main focus became making them appeal more to kids. I don't think the original was a kids movie, had some kid appeal, but wasn't geared towards kids. Believe Disney will make it even more kid friendly and ruin it all together. I was five years old when the original came out and enjoyed it, but didn't fully get it until I was older.
  14. The only decent replica company is Superformance out of South Africa. http://www.superformance.com/default.aspx
  15. All exotics will suffer including the Diablo. Tons available so we have a large supply already. Demand is very credit dependant. The more people need cash to pay their loans the more they will come onto the market. http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/La...=1981&Log=0 http://www.ebay.com/sch/Cars-Trucks-/6001/...nkw=Lamborghini Diablo&_trksid=p2050890.m1603 Its not collectible yet. In terms of being an exotic, its still just a used car. Its not so special that it will escape the coming deflation.
  16. Sure cold calling isn't fun, but its necessary if you want to make money! It takes the least amount of capital to become a listing machine. Even hiring a college student or two, is less capital then buying rentals. With a good pool of listings in you're name, the return is as good or better then rentals or even fixing up and flipping.
  17. The prices are about to drop like rocks. Brought down by the overall market.
  18. So far the Fed is blaming falling inflation on the strong dollar (imports become less expensive) and falling oil prices. The current jobs number and real estate figures. Suggest its more sinister then that. With inflation at 0% (feds goal is 2% inflation), an anemic stock market, fed tightening credit, etc. The threat of a deflation spiral is greater now then it was in 07-08! Investment 101-- the dollar becomes worth more during deflation. Holding cash becomes an investment with bigger yields. But it kills spending because nobody wants to spend their valuable dollars on depreciating assets. The major negative; The burden on debtors is compounded during deflationary periods as they now not only must pay interest on their loans, they must do so with dollars that will become more expensive to come by. This makes for a material increase in one's propensity for defaulting. It also makes borrowers far less likely to seek out loans, even for productive economic purposes. This elevated burden on debtors in addition to dissuading borrowing curtails investment-led activity and constrains growth. Say goodbye to car loans below 2%. The majority of the car market runs on credit! Credit freezes, so does the car market.
  19. A 92 would be the XJ40 sovereign. They used a new inline 6 that wasn't as good as the earlier XJ6 engine. The previous 6 was a extremely popular engine. Except in Canada, the 12 out sold the 6.
  20. Have historical data and current economic numbers, make this a not so wild prediction! Don't have to jump off a bridge. I'm all cash. Cash is the best place to be.
  21. The Ferrari 512BB is a good example. So is the overall market of the late 80's, the economy into the 90's, well it turned into a recession. Prices rapidly dropped. Ferrari's in particular got hit. Not to get political but Obama has failed to bubble up the economy. He's the worst president in this regard to Carter. To be short. The last three times oil and the stock market have converged, the stock market has crashed, a few months to a year latter. It happened in 73 to 74, 86 to 87, and 07 to 08. We now have a very flat stock market. The market hasn't been up more then two days in a row this year. No money coming in, means loans will not get paid. Real estate is no better, little or no equity to tap. Again no money to repay loans. I see a credit freeze and stock market crash before years end. All asset classes will collapse in the coming deflation.
  22. Haven't been a fan of Jaguars since the late 80's, they ruined the XJ design back then. I've owned 80's XJ12 series III Vanden Plas sedans. I'm actually looking for one now as a collectible. Little difficult because in the 80's Jaguar made the V12 custom order in the U.S, and so few ordered them, some sources even say Jaguar stopped selling them in the U.S. In my opinion these are the last Jaguars with a real soul!!!! The new cars are just badge engineered soulless sedans.
  23. Congrats!!! Id go the same route if I didn't need the extra room for the dog. (Rottweiler). Do need sedan room but the dog makes an SUV a must. Hence why I have a Cayenne S.
  24. Maybe not a good idea for a first post. In real estate that famous line from a movie, instead of "always be closing" should be always be listing. The more listings you have the more your name is out. The more listings you have, the more other agents will be using your inventory to sell from. Even if you don't sell it, you get a commission. Side benefit being a listing machine, people who need an agent will use you because they see the name all over the place. So if you want to be serious, cold call people to sell their house, send out mailers, etc. Always work on getting listings. The more listings you have the more successful you will be. Even hire two college students to cold call for listings. Always be listing. Become a listing machine.
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