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Everything posted by speedy4500

  1. I'm glad they'll keep the picture out of public view (for at least some time). The risk of giving the jihadists yet another symbol to latch on and fuel their hate is not worth whatever satisfaction it may bring everyone else. If the photo might encourage just one extremist to commit a violent act, then I say burn the evidence, I don't want any peaceful and innocent human beings to suffer just so some folks can get off seeing his busted face. Personally, I'd rather not see any picture of that motherfukcer, dead or alive, for the rest of my life.
  2. Good points. There absolutely needs to be a serious re-evaluation of our foreign aid policy across the globe. I have to wonder what sort of additional intelligence was retrieved by the special forces during the raid. When the reports say that our boys spent 10-20 minutes after the firefight checking things out, there must have been SOME additional information on Al-Qaeda operations that is now being "analyzed by the CIA." I mean, 10-20 minutes for SpecOps is a looooooooong time, so I'm hopeful that they got a bunch of new intel on AQ.
  3. All bitches be crazy. Just go with the one who is least crazy.
  4. This car really works with the bright ostentatious Lambo colors. I don't like the white, gray, or black nearly as much as the retina-searing blue, green, yellow, or red.
  5. Lately I have been hearing more and more people voice their displeasure with government in general...the stupid laws, regulations, lies, ridiculous procedures, and all-around bullshit. What makes it shocking is that it is coming from people I'd never have thought would say such things... even some lifelong donkeys have told me that they wish governments would just stop the idiocy, make things simpler, and leave them alone. Maybe the tipping point has been reached?
  6. It's called Fashion Gray, originally offered as a color choice on the Porsche 356 between 1950-1953.
  7. There's a big difference between "detecting" radiation and being subjected to radiation that is detrimental to health. Has anyone here ever actually used a Geiger counter? They can be sensitive enough that just waving it around in an empty room WITHOUT any known radioactive sources can cause spikes just from natural background. In my research lab, we wear badges that detect radiation exposure and they can detect an extra 0.01 micro Sv over the course of an entire year.... which is "detecting" radiation, but is absolutely nothing to worry about. And I spend hours a day around radioactive material. So the mere statement of "detecting" radiation is rather useless. In addition to the amount of radiation, you need to know to what type of radiation--alpha, beta, gamma--you are subjected. Then you'd like to know what isotopes are present, since certain isotopes are more consequential in biological systems, others may have a greater capability of irradiating even OTHER material, some have long half-life, others have short half-life, etc. Only with that information can we get an accurate picture of the human consequences. While the developing news seems to indicate the incident is worse than I had immediately thought, those of us outside Japan shouldn't have much reason to worry, and there's very little possibility it will approach the gravity of Chernobyl.
  8. Yes, government contracting is a good business to be in!!!
  9. Don't worry about cardio/aerobic exercise.... it's a myth that you gotta do that stuff to look good. (Not to mention that most people have shitty running technique that will leave their joints fucked up as they get older.) I say "move heavy weights, move them over a large distance, and move them as quickly as possible." You mentioned CrossFit which is very good... I do a strength/CrossFit hybrid, and you'll notice that they might run once every two weeks or so. That's more than enough.
  10. Weighted Pullups (dead hang chest to bar with dumbbell hooked in ankles) 7x 40lb 7x 45lb 5x 55lb 5x 60lb 3x 70lb 3x 75lb 11x 35lb (until failure) 14x bwt (until failure) Then set up 3 bar bell stations: (bench press, ass-to-grass back squat, power clean) 1 heavy rep of each (260, 355, 235) then 10 rep set of each (195, 255, 165) then 1 heavy rep of each (260, 335, 225) then 15 rep set of each (170, 215, 155) then 1 heavy rep of each (255, 325, 225) and finally 20 rep set of each (145, 195, 135)
  11. Excellent information! Thanks!
  12. I'd imagine the media are licking their lips at the chance of a mushroom cloud. Unfortunately for the media, but fortunately for the Japanese and all other nuclear stations, a uranium isotope capable of fast neutron chain reactions isn't used in most power generation reactors. And even if they did, it requires a very precise chain of events for a fast atomic reaction to occur. So any "explosion" at a nuclear facility is not going to be like an atomic bomb. Period. RomanDad covered the total meltdown scenario, and even that is highly unlikely. The Japanese are wisely taking all precautions, but I'm quite confident they have it under control and it won't be a major problem. As far as I'm concerned, this is a non-issue compared to the devastation that has already occurred.
  13. Normal radiation exposure from power generation is less than background, ie from naturally occurring isotopes or the sun. And even at 1000 times the "normal" radiation exposure, I have trouble imaging it would be substantially more than the exposure resulting from a dozen x-rays at a doctor's office.
  14. USGS has detected over 20 separate events of magnitude 6+ over the last 24 hours, and close to 50 events in total. I guess it's that time of month for Mother Nature.
  15. The original McLaren F1 is smaller than the new MP4-12C. By a good 4-5 inches in every dimension. But I would absolutely love to see them bring back the 3-seat configuration for the flagship.
  16. I'll play devil's advocate,..... While you and I don't see a link between gays and military deaths due to our beliefs in Christianity and our understanding of the government, etc.... to the members of WBC, they truly believe that there is a religious link between the two. If the SCOTUS were to rule against the WBC members for this reason, is that not violating freedom of religion for telling them what they can and can't believe? Could then other suits be brought against Buddhists or Muslims or witchcraft people for their religious beliefs because they "don't make sense" to the Christian majority of the USA?
  17. So in North Africa and the Middle East, we have citizens with nothing rising up against violent and oppressive regimes who have stifled their ability to pursue simple freedoms. Meanwhile, thousands of people in Wisconsin and Ohio, in the freest country in the world, protest that they may make $47000 instead of $48000 next year.
  18. For some of the more popular ones: http://tv.yahoo.com/blog/the-buzziest-supe...s-of-2011--2278 or for all of them: http://www.youtube.com/user/adblitz?feature=ticker Pretty disappointing Super Bowl overall. Neither team was particularly focused. Lots of mistakes, offensive timing was off, neither defense could put much pressure on either QB. Would have liked to see the Steelers take the lead at some point to really stir things up a bit. Half-time shows are always terrible, though this year was especially bad. In fact, I have promised to never buy Bridgestone tires as a result of their sponsoring that horror show. For commercials, I enjoyed the Mini "Cram it in the Boot" and the NFL's "Best Fans Ever" and Pepsi's "First Date." But what really stood out to me in the commercials to me was all the terrible movies coming out soon.... more sequels, more 3D, more remakes, and NOTHING new or interesting.
  19. Spending time around these Capitol Hill folks is amazing. They really truly believe that they have a solution that is better than anything that has ever been tried before and that all empirical evidence against their idea doesn't apply to their situation. They live in a bubble where reality doesn't apply. They're addicted to themselves; even in social situations, they are vapid, vindictive, and vain.
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