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Everything posted by uzzirider

  1. Wow that comatose minivan driver sure pissed off the wrong department! Totally unprofessional. "As long as you can't see it, then you feel safer. Your perception of personal safety is to be heeded by the populace at large." Is that an accurate synopsis? I agree that in most metro areas, open carry causes concern in more people than it doesn't.
  2. That is a reasonable revision, albeit for a very small and disciplined part of population! Just like how very few drivers are SAFER when driving faster. I will concede that you may be one of them, and thus you shouldn't be subjected to some stupid governor! Let you decide. That's basically my point. It doesn't matter if YOU think you can safely drive at 200, safely text while you drive, or whatever, because there will always be people that think otherwise, and want to restrict you. You just don't want those other people making that decision for you because usually you'll be disappointed with what they force upon you! Automated cars are def in the pipeline. Can you imagine a Lambo that drives itself?! Barf...
  3. I didn't see any logic in the response, so no need to address. The Lambo governor analogy is perfectly accurate. Similar to a 911 pass-through on your cell blocker, you can have a governor pass-through when your Lambo GPS recognizes your current location as being "sanctioned by the federal government as a race track or other performance driving area". Or some such BS. We already know it's possible to do much of that, just ask an early model GTR owner. Don't get me wrong here. I'm really troubled by the average schmuck texting while driving. Shit, I'm troubled by the average schmuck driving at all. If it isn't texting, then it's eating, makeup, newspaper, children, radio, GPS, or any other driving distraction. I just don't want my elected officials forcing my car to make decisions for me. It's not the Wild West because we already have deterrents against inattentive driving, causing accidents, hurting people, etc. and yet it all still happens. And how far do you take it? Certainly a computer is safer at driving then a human, so why not disallow human drivers? Go ahead and laugh, but get back to me in 50 years. Both the Fed and Cal Berkeley (PATH Program) have already road tested such systems. Of course Drinking and Driving is a personal freedom. Everyone who does so on public roads is exercising that freedom, illegally. It's a horrible, wrong thing to do, and when caught you should be turned over to Wiggs for judge/jury/executioner. Going 200 on public roads is also personal freedom. We all pretend condemn it, then giddily watch Rob's latest video. It goes both ways. Here's a question... Since DUI and texting are equally dangerous (roughly), why don't we require every vehicle to have an interlock?
  4. Personal freedom. The right to do what you please, and own the ramifications. MANY people would advocate a governor in your Lambo, because nothing good can happen when you push past 55MPH. How do you feel about that one? You can't believe in freedom only when it's convenient to yourself. It goes both ways.
  5. Or perhaps exactly the opposite. You're emotionally biased due to personal circumstance, not the best frame of mind to be making regulations for the rest of us. Texting while driving in Kalifornia is already illegal, and yet this accident still occurred. We don't need more laws; we don't need more restrictions (such as a cell-blocker in cars). What we need is enforcement. Make the punishment for a cellphone related accident very, very painful. On the order of DUI (because that's basically what it is, driving under influence). Repeat offenders get a cell-blocker, just like the drunks get an interlock. Some draconian punishments... rather than dumbing down the world to meet the needs of the dumbest.
  6. I think there's a divorce joke in there somewhere but I'm not coming up with it.
  7. What's next, my home address?? The zombies have innerwebs access too, you know. Put me in the "SF Bay Area crumbles" category. That's a likely mega-disaster scenario. Also weather related events like Katrina... where the authorities declare marshal law and confiscate your weapons (when you need them the most). Apparently the Constitution doesn't apply in times of natural disaster. That would be another likely disaster scenario you'd have to "prep" for! Honorable mention goes to virus or plague. Sorta like "Contagion" but less dramatic.
  8. friend of mine has one too and likes it. Cheap, simple, indestructible, and classy looking.
  9. Whatever the case, ammunition will be the new currency and thus I'll be an overnight gajillionaire.
  10. Cougar attack leads to loss of control.
  11. You're lucky you held off. The SL kit is different than the Coupe kit. Whoever buys that kit is going to be way in over their head. WRT bolt on mods... As everyone else has said, wait for the TT kit. Very fun and you don't need pre/post dyno runs to validate the gains because the big smile on your face will be plenty of proof.
  12. That style of contact lens is big in Japan, Taiwan, etc... but last I heard they're banned here because they're classified as a medical device and as such, subject to regulation by the FDA... and they don't have approval.
  13. This band is WAY freaky. Someone posted this vid on the *Damn* thread a several months ago: http://vimeo.com/31730747
  14. Ah, the nature vs. nurture angle. Fair enough. Whatever cause, I think the majority of people are indeed semi-retarded, hence the majority of marriages will end in divorce. For all the reasons you mentioned, and more. You could also substitute "semi-retarded" with "selfish". A two person team doesn't do well when one player is selfish.
  15. Love it! Going to integrate that into the routine over here too. Uh, if we can't agree on that, then we're done here! Hint: go read the comments on that cute little youtube video you posted and get back to us about idiocy being unnatural!
  16. Yeah originally I had a part in my post about armchair internet racers having the benefit of hindsight... but figured it went without saying. Guess not. You win!
  17. I take it you're not a statistician lol You can't make exclusions from the sample based on natural features of human beings or a perception of your own positive qualities! The reason marriage usually doesn't work (ie: >50% divorce rate) has a lot to do with your two reasons.... but if you eliminate all those people from your sample, then (magically) your new numbers show marriage to be an astounding success! Congrats to all the youngish married guys who are doing well.... but get back to us when you're 70! Until you die married, you haven't fulfilled the "till death do us part" thingy.
  18. That's my point. He fought the natural momentum of the car when exiting a left turn, instead of using it to his advantage. He tried to go more even more left, instead of drifting wide (right).
  19. Other than bombing people, is there anything the government does well? I'm certainly not interested in involving them in my love life.
  20. He had .001 seconds to decide whether to go wide or cut left, and he chose wrong.
  21. Looks like 40's on Rockstars w/o the douchy plastic center caps. Agreed, those wheels look very good... so long as you leave off the flatbill-type crap.
  22. A 16" 308 is plenty for 400yds. It's also way more maneuverable than a 20/24" barrel, especially if you plan to suppress.
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